175 lines
5.5 KiB

from fabric.api import *
from fabric.decorators import runs_once
import time
env.runtime = 'production'
env.hosts = ['', '', '']
env.user = 'docs'
env.code_dir = '/home/docs/checkouts/'
env.virtualenv = '/home/docs/'
env.rundir = '/home/docs/run'
@hosts(['', ''])
def remove_project(project):
run('rm -rf %s/user_builds/%s' % (env.code_dir, project))
def nginx_logs():
env.user = "root"
run("tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log")
def i18n():
with lcd('readthedocs'):
local('rm -rf rtd_tests/tests/builds/')
local('tx pull')
local('./ makemessages --all')
local('tx push -s')
local('./ compilemessages')
def push():
"Push new code, but don't restart/reload."
local('git push origin master')
with cd(env.code_dir):
run('git fetch')
run('git reset --hard origin/master')
def update_requirements():
"Update requirements in the virtualenv."
run("%s/bin/pip install -i -r %s/deploy_requirements.txt" % (env.virtualenv, env.code_dir))
def migrate(project=None):
if project:
run(' migrate %s' % project)
run(' migrate')
@hosts(['', ''])
def static():
"Restart (or just start) the server"
run(' collectstatic --noinput')
@hosts(['', ''])
def restart():
"Restart (or just start) the server"
env.user = "docs"
run("supervisorctl restart web")
#so it has time to reload
@hosts(['', ''])
def reload():
"Restart (or just start) the server"
env.user = "docs"
pid = run("ps aux |grep gunicorn |grep master |awk '{ print $2 }'")
run('kill -HUP %s' % pid)
#so it has time to reload
@hosts(['', ''])
def reload():
"Reload (or just start) the server"
run("supervisorctl update")
def celery():
"Restart (or just start) the server"
run("supervisorctl restart celery")
def pull():
"Pull new code"
with cd(env.code_dir):
run('git pull origin master')
def spider():
local(' -d1')
def _aws_wrapper(f, *args, **kwargs):
"get AWS credentials if not defined"
#these are normally defined in ~/.fabricrc
@hosts('run_once') #so fab doesn't go crazy
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
from boto.cloudfront.exception import CloudFrontServerError
from boto.cloudfront import CloudFrontConnection
c = CloudFrontConnection(env.aws_access_key_id,
if not hasattr(env, 'aws_access_key_id'):
prompt('AWS Access Key ID: ', key='aws_access_key_id')
if not hasattr(env, 'aws_secret_access_key'):
prompt('AWS Secret Access Key: ', key='aws_secret_access_key')
return f(c, *args, **kwargs)
except CloudFrontServerError as e:
print "Error: \n", e.error_message
return wrapped
def to_cdn(c, slug):
"Create a new Distribution object on CloudFront"
from boto.cloudfront import CloudFrontConnection
from boto.cloudfront.origin import CustomOrigin
c = CloudFrontConnection(env.aws_access_key_id,
d = c.create_distribution(
origin=CustomOrigin(slug + '',
comment='Slug: ' + slug,
cnames=[slug + '']
print "Created: " + d.domain_name + " for " + slug
def list_cdn(c):
"List Distributions on CloudFront"
distributions = c.get_all_distributions()
for d in distributions:
print "%3s %4s %40s %30s" % ('Ena' if d.enabled else 'Dis',
d.status[:4], d.origin.dns_name,
def disable_cdn(c, *args):
"Sets a Distribution entry to disabled. Required before deletion."
distributions = c.get_all_distributions()
for distro in distributions:
dist_slug = distro.origin.dns_name.split('.')[0]
if dist_slug in args:
print "Disabling:", dist_slug
#this is broken as of boto 2.0b4.
#fix is to comment out lines 347-352 in cloudfront/
def delete_cdn(c):
"Deletes all Distributions in the 'Disabled' state."
distributions = c.get_all_distributions()
for distro in distributions:
if not distro.enabled and distro.status=="Deployed":
print "Deleting", distro.origin.dns_name
def full_deploy():
#Call this again at the top-level so the hosts decorator
#effects the hosts it runs against for each command.
run('fab push update_requirements migrate restart celery')
def uptime():
def update_index():
run(' update_index')