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DMCA Takedown Policy
These are the guidelines that Read the Docs follows when handling DMCA takedown
requests and takedown counter requests. If you are a copyright holder wishing to
submit a takedown request, or an author that has been notified of a takedown
request, please familiarize yourself with `our process`__.
You will be asked to confirm that you have reviewed information if you submit a
request or counter request.
__ `Takedown Process`_
We aim to keep this entire process as transparent as possible. Our process is
modeled after `GitHub's DMCA takedown process`__, which we
appreciate for its focus on transparency and fairness. All requests and counter
requests will be posted to this page below, in the `Request Archive`_. These
requests will be redacted to remove all identifying information, except for Read
the Docs user and project names.
Takedown Process
Here are the steps the Read the Docs will follow in the takedown request process:
Copyright holder submits a request
This request, if valid, will be posted publicly on this page, `down below`__.
The author affected by the takedown request will be
notified with a link to the takedown request.
For more information on submitting a takedown request, see: `Submitting a
__ `Request Archive`_
Author is contacted
The author of the content in question will be asked to make changes to the
content specified in the takedown request. The author will have 24 hours to
make these changes. The copyright holder will be notified if and when this
process begins
Author acknowledges changes have been made
The author must notify Read the Docs that changes have been made within 24
hours of receiving a takedown request. If the author does not respond to this
request, the default action will be to disable the Read the Docs project and
remove any hosted versions
Copyright holder review
If the author has made changes, the copyright holder will be notified of
these changes. If the changes are sufficient, no further action is required,
though copyright holders are welcome to submit a formal retraction. If the
changes are not sufficient, the author's changes can be rejected. If the
takedown request requires alteration, a new request must be submitted. If
Read the Docs does not receive a review response from the copyright holder
within 2 weeks, the default action at this step is to assume the takedown
request has been retracted.
Content may be disabled
If the author does not respond to a request for changes, or if the copyright
holder has rejected the author's changes during the review process, the
documentation project in question will be disabled.
Author submits a counter request
If the author believes their content was disabled as a result of a mistake,
a counter request may be submitted. It would be advised that authors seek
legal council before continuing. If the submitted counter request is
sufficiently detailed, this counter will also be added to `this page`__.
The copyright holder will be notified, with a link to
this counter request.
For more information on submitting a counter request, see: `Submitting a
__ `Request Archive`_
Copyright holder may file legal action
At this point, if the copyright holder wishes to keep the offending content
disabled, the copyright holder must file for legal action ordering the
author refrain from infringing activities on Read the Docs. The copyright
holder will have 2 weeks to supply Read the Docs with a copy of a valid legal
complaint against the author. The default action here, if the copyright
holder does not respond to this request, is to re-enable the author's
Submitting a Request
Your request must:
Acknowledge this process
You must first acknowledge you are familiar with our DMCA takedown request
process. If you do not acknowledge that you are familiar with our process,
you will be instructed to review this information.
Identify the infringing content
You should list URLs to each piece of infringing content. If you allege that
the entire project is infringing on copyrights you hold, please specify the
entire project as infringing.
Identify infringement resolution
You will need to specify what a user must do in order to avoid having the
rest of their content disabled. Be as specific as possible with this.
Specify if this means adding attribution, identify specific files or content
that should be removed, or if you allege the entire project is infringing,
your should be specific as to why it is infringing.
Include your contact information
Include your name, email, physical address, and phone number.
Include your signature
This can be a physical or electronic signature.
Please complete this :download:`takedown request template <../_static/dmca/takedown-template.txt>` and send it to:
Submitting a Counter
Your counter request must:
Acknowledge this process
You must first acknowledge you are familiar with our DMCA takedown request
process. If you do not acknowledge that you are familiar with our process,
you will be instructed to review this information.
Identify the infringing content that was removed
Specify URLs in the original takedown request that you wish to challenge.
Include your contact information
Include your name, email, physical address, and phone number.
Include your signature
This can be a physical or electronic signature.
Requests can be submitted to:
Request Archive
Currently, Read the Docs has not received any takedown requests.
* :download:`Some Company, Inc <archive/2017-01-22.txt>`