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This document covers the details regarding internationalization and
localization that are applied in Read the Docs. The guidelines described are
mostly based on `Kitsune's localization documentation
As with most of the Django applications out there, Read the Docs' i18n/l10n
framework is based on `GNU gettext <>`_.
Crowd-sourced localization is optionally available at `Transifex
For more information about the general ideas,
look at this document:
Making Strings Localizable
Making strings in templates localizable is exceptionally easy. Making strings
in Python localizable is a little more complicated. The short answer, though,
is to just wrap the string in ``_()``.
A string is often a combination of a fixed string and something changing, for
example, ``Welcome, James`` is a combination of the fixed part ``Welcome,``,
and the changing part ``James``. The naive solution is to localize the first
part and then follow it with the name::
_('Welcome, ') + username
This is **wrong!**
In some locales, the word order may be different. Use Python string formatting
to interpolate the changing part into the string::
_('Welcome, {name}').format(name=username)
Python gives you a lot of ways to interpolate strings. The best way is to use
Py3k formatting and kwargs. That's the clearest for localizers.
Localization Comments
Sometimes, it can help localizers to describe where a string comes from,
particularly if it can be difficult to find in the interface, or is not very
self-descriptive (e.g. very short strings). If you immediately precede the
string with a comment that starts with ``Translators:``, the comment will be
added to the PO file, and visible to localizers.
# Translators: This is a name of a Sphinx theme.
(THEME_DEFAULT, _('Default')),
# Translators: This is a name of a Sphinx theme.
(THEME_SPHINX, _('Sphinx Docs')),
# Translators: This is a name of a Sphinx theme.
(THEME_TRADITIONAL, _('Traditional')),
# Translators: This is a name of a Sphinx theme.
(THEME_NATURE, _('Nature')),
# Translators: This is a name of a Sphinx theme.
(THEME_HAIKU, _('Haiku')),
Adding Context with msgctxt
Strings may be the same in English, but different in other languages. English,
for example, has no grammatical gender, and sometimes the noun and verb forms
of a word are identical.
To make it possible to localize these correctly, we can add "context" (known in
gettext as *msgctxt*) to differentiate two otherwise identical strings. Django
provides a :func:`~django.utils.translation.pgettext()` function for this.
For example, the string *Search* may be a noun or a verb in English. In a
heading, it may be considered a noun, but on a button, it may be a verb. It's
appropriate to add a context (like *button*) to one of them.
Generally, we should only add context if we are sure the strings aren't used in
the same way, or if localizers ask us to.
from django.utils.translation import pgettext
month = pgettext("text for the search button on the form", "Search")
*You have 1 new messages* grates on discerning ears. Fortunately, gettext gives
us a way to fix that in English *and* other locales, the
:func:`~django.utils.translation.ngettext()` function::
ngettext('singular sentence', 'plural sentence', count)
A more realistic example might be::
ngettext('Found {count} result.',
'Found {count} results',
This method takes three arguments because English only needs three, i.e., zero
is considered "plural" for English. Other languages may have `different plural
rules <>`_, and require
different phrases for, say 0, 1, 2-3, 4-10, >10. That's absolutely fine, and
gettext makes it possible.
Strings in Templates
When putting new text into a template, all you need to do is wrap it in a
``{% trans %}`` template tag::
<h1>{% trans "Heading" %}</h1>
Context can be added, too::
<h1>{% trans "Heading" context "section name" %}</h1>
Comments for translators need to precede the internationalized text and must
start with the ``Translators:`` keyword.::
{# Translators: This heading is displayed in the user's profile page #}
<h1>{% trans "Heading" %}</h1>
To interpolate, you need to use the alternative and more verbose ``{%
blocktrans %}`` template tag — it's actually a block::
{% blocktrans %}Welcome, {{ name }}!{% endblocktrans %}
Note that the ``{{ name }}`` variable needs to exist in the template context.
In some situations, it's desirable to evaluate template expressions such as
filters or accessing object attributes. You can't do that within the ``{%
blocktrans %}`` block, so you need to bind the expression to a local variable
{% blocktrans trimmed with revision.created_date|timesince as timesince %}
{{ revision }} {{ timesince }} ago
{% endblocktrans %}
{% blocktrans with as name %}Delete {{ name }}?{% endblocktrans %}
``{% blocktrans %}`` also provides pluralization. For that you need to bind a
counter with the name ``count`` and provide a plural translation after the ``{%
plural %}`` tag::
{% blocktrans trimmed with amount=article.price count years=i.length %}
That will cost $ {{ amount }} per year.
{% plural %}
That will cost $ {{ amount }} per {{ years }} years.
{% endblocktrans %}
.. note::
The previous multi-lines examples also use the ``trimmed`` option.
This removes newline characters and replaces any whitespace at the beginning and end of a line,
helping translators when translating these strings.
Strings in Python
.. Note::
Whenever you are adding a string in Python, ask yourself if it
really needs to be there, or if it should be in the template. Keep
logic and presentation separate!
Strings in Python are more complex for two reasons:
#. We need to make sure we're always using Unicode strings and the
Unicode-friendly versions of the functions.
#. If you use the :func:`~django.utils.translation.ugettext` function in the
wrong place, the string may end up in the wrong locale!
Here's how you might localize a string in a view::
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
def my_view(request):
if request.user.is_superuser:
msg = _(u'Oh hi, staff!')
msg = _(u'You are not staff!')
Interpolation is done through normal Python string formatting::
msg = _(u'Oh, hi, {user}').format(user=request.user.username)
Context information can be supplied by using the
:func:`~django.utils.translation.pgettext` function::
msg = pgettext('the context', 'Search')
Translator comments are normal one-line Python comments::
# Translators: A message to users.
msg = _(u'Oh, hi there!')
If you need to use plurals, import the
:func:`~django.utils.translation.ungettext` function::
from django.utils.translation import ungettext
n = len(results)
msg = ungettext('Found {0} result', 'Found {0} results', n).format(n)
Lazily Translated Strings
You can use :func:`~django.utils.translation.ugettext` or
:func:`~django.utils.translation.ungettext` only in views or functions called
from views. If the function will be evaluated when the module is loaded, then
the string may end up in English or the locale of the last request!
Examples include strings in module-level code, arguments to functions in class
definitions, strings in functions called from outside the context of a view. To
internationalize these strings, you need to use the ``_lazy`` versions of the
above methods, :func:`~django.utils.translation.ugettext_lazy` and
:func:`~django.utils.translation.ungettext_lazy`. The result doesn't get
translated until it is evaluated as a string, for example by being output or
passed to ``unicode()``::
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
class UserProfileForm(forms.ModelForm):
first_name = CharField(label=_('First name'), required=False)
last_name = CharField(label=_('Last name'), required=False)
In case you want to provide context to a lazily-evaluated gettext string, you
will need to use :func:`~django.utils.translation.pgettext_lazy`.
Administrative Tasks
Updating Localization Files
To update the translation source files (eg if you changed or added translatable
strings in the templates or Python code) you should run ``python
makemessages -l <language>`` in the project's root directory (substitute
``<language>`` with a valid language code).
The updated files can now be localized in a `PO editor
<>`_ or
crowd-sourced online translation tool.
Compiling to MO
Gettext doesn't parse any text files, it reads a binary format for faster
performance. To compile the latest PO files in the repository, Django provides
the ``compilemessages`` management command. For example, to compile all the
available localizations, just run::
$ python compilemessages -a
You will need to do this every time you want to push updated translations to
the live site.
Also, note that it's not a good idea to track MO files in version control,
since they would need to be updated at the same pace PO files are updated, so
it's silly and not worth it. They are ignored by ``.gitignore``, but please
make sure you don't forcibly add them to the repository.
Transifex Integration
To push updated translation source files to Transifex, run ``tx
push -s`` (for English) or ``tx push -t <language>`` (for non-English).
To pull changes from Transifex, run ``tx pull -a``. Note that Transifex does
not compile the translation files, so you have to do this after the pull (see
the `Compiling to MO`_ section).
For more information about the ``tx`` command, read the `Transifex client's
help pages <>`_.
.. note::
For the Read the Docs community site, we use a `fabric script`_ to follow this process:
.. _fabric script:
#. Update files and push sources (English) to Transifex:
.. code-block:: console
$ fab i18n_push_source
#. Pull changes (new translations) from Transifex:
.. code-block:: console
$ fab i18n_pull