var gulp = require('gulp'), gulp_util = require('gulp-util'), watch = require('gulp-watch'), rename = require('gulp-rename'), run = require('gulp-run'), less = require('gulp-less'), bower_resolve = require('bower-resolve'), browserify = require('browserify'), debowerify = require('debowerify'), uglify = require('gulp-uglify'), vinyl_source = require('vinyl-source-stream'), vinyl_buffer = require('vinyl-buffer'), es = require('event-stream'), path = require('path'), eslint = require('gulp-eslint'), pkg_config = require('./package.json'); // Applications with primary static sources. We define these here to avoid // picking up dependencies of the primary entry points and putting any // limitations on directory structure for entry points. var sources = { builds: {'js/detail.js': {}}, core: { 'js/readthedocs-doc-embed.js': {expose: false}, 'js/autocomplete.js': {}, 'js/site.js': {}, 'css/badge_only.css': {src: 'bower_components/sphinx-rtd-theme/sphinx_rtd_theme/static/css/badge_only.css'}, 'css/theme.css': {src: 'bower_components/sphinx-rtd-theme/sphinx_rtd_theme/static/css/theme.css'}, 'font/Lato-Bold.ttf': {src: 'bower_components/lato-googlefont/Lato-Bold.ttf'}, 'font/Lato-Regular.ttf': {src: 'bower_components/lato-googlefont/Lato-Regular.ttf'}, 'font/Lato-Italic.ttf': {src: 'bower_components/lato-googlefont/Lato-Italic.ttf'}, 'font/Inconsolata-Bold.ttf': {src: 'bower_components/inconsolata-googlefont/Inconsolata-Bold.ttf'}, 'font/Inconsolata-Regular.ttf': {src: 'bower_components/inconsolata-googlefont/Inconsolata-Regular.ttf'}, 'font/RobotoSlab-Bold.ttf': {src: 'bower_components/robotoslab-googlefont/RobotoSlab-Bold.ttf'}, 'font/RobotoSlab-Regular.ttf': {src: 'bower_components/robotoslab-googlefont/RobotoSlab-Regular.ttf'}, 'font/FontAwesome.otf': {src: 'bower_components/font-awesome/FontAwesome.otf'}, 'font/fontawesome-webfont.eot': {src: 'bower_components/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot'}, 'font/fontawesome-webfont.svg': {src: 'bower_components/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg'}, 'font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf': {src: 'bower_components/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf'}, 'font/fontawesome-webfont.woff': {src: 'bower_components/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff'}, 'font/fontawesome-webfont.woff2': {src: 'bower_components/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2'}, 'font/FontAwesome.otf': {src: 'bower_components/font-awesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf'} }, projects: { 'js/tools.js': {}, 'js/import.js': {}, 'css/import.less': {}, 'css/admin.less': {}, }, gold: {'js/gold.js': {}}, donate: {'js/donate.js': {}} }; // Standalone application to create vendor bundles for. These can be imported // with require in the browser or with Node during testing. var standalone = { 'jquery': {standalone: 'jquery'}, 'knockout': {}, 'jquery-migrate': {standalone: 'jquery-migrate'}, 'jquery-ui': {standalone: 'jquery-ui'}, 'underscore': {standalone: '_'} }; // Build application call, wraps building entry point files for a single // application. This is called by build and dev tasks. function build_app_sources (application, minify) { // Normalize file glob lists var bundles = Object.keys(sources[application]).map(function (entry_path) { var bundle_path = path.join(, application, 'static-src', '**', entry_path), bundle_config = sources[application][entry_path] || {}, bundle; if (/\.js$/.test(bundle_path)) { // Javascript sources bundle = gulp .src(bundle_path) .pipe( (file, cb) { if (typeof(bundle_config.expose) == 'undefined') { var parts = [ application, path.basename(file.path, '.js') ]; bundle_config.expose = parts.join('/'); } else if (bundle_config.expose === false) { bundle_config.expose = undefined; } return browserify_stream( file, bundle_config, cb ); })) .pipe(rename(application + path.sep + entry_path)); if (minify) { bundle = bundle .pipe(vinyl_buffer()) .pipe(uglify()) .on('error', function (ev) { gulp_util.beep(); gulp_util.log('Uglify error:', ev.message); }); } } else if (/\.less$/.test(bundle_path)) { // LESS sources bundle = gulp.src(bundle_path) .pipe(less({})) .on('error', function (ev) { gulp_util.beep(); gulp_util.log('LESS error:', ev.message); }); } else { // Copy only sources, from bower_components/etc var bundle = gulp; if (bundle_config.src) { bundle = bundle .src(bundle_config.src) .pipe(rename(application + path.sep + entry_path)); } else { bundle = bundle .src(bundle_path); } } return bundle; }); return es.merge(bundles) .pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(, application, 'static'))); } // Browserify build function browserify_stream (file, config, cb_output) { bower_resolve.offline = true; bower_resolve.init(function () { var bundle_stream = browserify({ paths: ['./'] }); Object.keys(standalone).map(function (module) { bundle_stream = bundle_stream.external(module); }); if (typeof(config.expose) == 'undefined') { bundle_stream.add(file.path); } else { bundle_stream = bundle_stream.require( file.path, {expose: config.expose} ); } bundle_stream .transform('debowerify', {ignoreModules: Object.keys(standalone)}) .bundle() .on('error', function (ev) { gulp_util.beep(); gulp_util.log('Browserify error:', ev.message); }) .pipe(vinyl_source(path.basename(file.path))) .pipe( (data, cb_inner) { cb_output(null, data); })); }); } // Build standalone vendor modules function build_vendor_sources(data, cb_output) { bower_resolve.offline = true; bower_resolve.init(function () { var standalone_modules = Object.keys(standalone).map(function (module) { var vendor_options = standalone[module] || {}, vendor_bundles = []; // Bundle vendor libs for import via require() vendor_bundles.push( browserify() .require(bower_resolve(module), {expose: module}) .bundle() .pipe(vinyl_source(module + '.js')) .pipe(vinyl_buffer()) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest( path.join(, 'static', 'vendor') )) ); // Bundle standalone for legacy use. These should only be used on // old documentation that does not yet use the new bundles if (typeof(vendor_options.standalone) != 'undefined') { vendor_bundles.push( browserify({standalone: vendor_options.standalone}) .require(bower_resolve(module)) .bundle() .pipe(vinyl_source(module + '-standalone.js')) .pipe(vinyl_buffer()) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest( path.join(, 'static', 'vendor') )) ); } return es.merge(vendor_bundles); }); es .merge(standalone_modules) .pipe(es.wait(function (err, body) { cb_output(null, data); })); }); } /* Tasks */ gulp.task('build', function (done) { gulp_util.log('Building source files'); es .merge(Object.keys(sources).map(function (n) { return build_app_sources(n, true); })) .pipe(es.wait(function (err, body) { gulp_util.log('Collecting static files'); run('./ collectstatic --noinput') .exec('', function (err) { done(err); }); })); }); gulp.task('vendor', function (done) { build_vendor_sources(null, done); }); gulp.task('dev', function (done) { gulp_util.log('Continually building source files'); es .merge(Object.keys(sources).map(function (application) { var files = [ path.join(, application, 'static-src', '**', '*.js'), path.join(, application, 'static-src', '**', '*.less') ]; return watch(files, {verbose: true, name: 'dev'}, function () { build_app_sources(application, false) .pipe(es.wait(function (err, body) { gulp_util.log('Collecting static files'); run('./ collectstatic --noinput').exec(''); })); }); })) .pipe(es.wait(function (err, body) { done(null); })); }); gulp.task('lint', function (done) { var paths = Object.keys(sources).map(function(application) { return path.join(, application, 'static-src', '**', '*.js'); }); return gulp .src(paths) .pipe(eslint()) .pipe(eslint.format()) .pipe(eslint.failAfterError()); }); gulp.task('default', ['build']);