Single Version Documentation ---------------------------- Single Version Documentation lets you serve your docs at a root domain. By default, all documentation served by Read the Docs has a root of ``///``. But, if you enable the "Single Version" option for a project, its documentation will instead be served at ``/``. .. warning:: This means you can't have translations or multiple versions for your documentation. You can see a live example of this at Enabling ~~~~~~~~ You can toggle the "Single Version" option on or off for your project in the Project Admin page. Check your :guilabel:`dashboard` for a list of your projects. Effects ~~~~~~~ Links generated on Read the Docs will now point to the proper URL. For example, if pip was set as a "Single Version" project, then links to its documentation would point to ```` rather than the default ````. Documentation at ``///`` will still be served for backwards compatibility reasons. However, our usage of :doc:`canonical` should stop these from being indexed by Google. .. _dashboard: