From e9c06957e6f0f972fc602781a52c92db7b8a513d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anthony Johnson Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 12:26:44 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Bundle js for now --- .gitignore | 1 - .../static/core/js/readthedocs-doc-embed.js | 616 ++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 616 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 readthedocs/core/static/core/js/readthedocs-doc-embed.js diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 028334f7c..955897f81 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ media/static node_modules readthedocs/rtd_tests/builds readthedocs/rtd_tests/tests/builds -readthedocs/*/static/ user_builds user_uploads prod_artifacts diff --git a/readthedocs/core/static/core/js/readthedocs-doc-embed.js b/readthedocs/core/static/core/js/readthedocs-doc-embed.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..674f29e6f --- /dev/null +++ b/readthedocs/core/static/core/js/readthedocs-doc-embed.js @@ -0,0 +1,616 @@ +(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof 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t)t[c].flushTriggers();this.oldScroll={x:e.horizontal.newScroll,y:e.vertical.newScroll}},e.prototype.innerHeight=function(){return this.element==this.element.window?o.viewportHeight():this.adapter.innerHeight()},e.prototype.remove=function(t){delete this.waypoints[t.axis][t.key],this.checkEmpty()},e.prototype.innerWidth=function(){return this.element==this.element.window?o.viewportWidth():this.adapter.innerWidth()},e.prototype.destroy=function(){var t=[];for(var e in this.waypoints)for(var i in this.waypoints[e])t.push(this.waypoints[e][i]);for(var n=0,o=t.length;o>n;n++)t[n].destroy()},e.prototype.refresh=function(){var 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So we have to + // do some duck typing. + if (this.config['theme'] != 'sphinx_rtd_theme') { + if ($('div.rst-other-versions').length == 1) { + this.config['theme'] = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'; + } + } +} + +Build.prototype.is_rtd_theme = function () { + return (this.config['theme'] == 'sphinx_rtd_theme'); +}; + +},{}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ +var sponsorship = require('./sponsorship'), + doc = require('./doc'), + util = require('./util'); + +$(document).ready(function () { + + var build = new doc.Build(READTHEDOCS_DATA); + + get_data = { + project: READTHEDOCS_DATA['project'], + version: READTHEDOCS_DATA['version'], + page: READTHEDOCS_DATA['page'], + theme: READTHEDOCS_DATA['theme'], + format: "jsonp", + }; + + + // Crappy heuristic, but people change the theme name on us. + // So we have to do some duck typing. + if ("docroot" in READTHEDOCS_DATA) { + get_data['docroot'] = READTHEDOCS_DATA['docroot']; + } + + if ("source_suffix" in READTHEDOCS_DATA) { + get_data['source_suffix'] = READTHEDOCS_DATA['source_suffix']; + } + + var API_HOST = READTHEDOCS_DATA['api_host']; + if (API_HOST === undefined) { + API_HOST = ''; + } + + if (window.location.pathname.indexOf('/projects/') === 0) { + get_data['subproject'] = true; + } + + // Theme popout code + $.ajax({ + url: API_HOST + "/api/v2/footer_html/", + crossDomain: true, + xhrFields: { + withCredentials: true, + }, + dataType: "jsonp", + data: get_data, + success: function (data) { + // If the theme looks like ours, update the existing badge + // otherwise throw a a full one into the page. + if (build.is_rtd_theme()) { + $("div.rst-other-versions").html(data['html']); + } else { + $("body").append(data['html']); + } + + if (!data['version_active']) { + $('.rst-current-version').addClass('rst-out-of-date'); + } else if (!data['version_supported']) { + //$('.rst-current-version').addClass('rst-active-old-version') + } + + // using jQuery + function getCookie(name) { + var cookieValue = null; + if (document.cookie && document.cookie !== '') { + var cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); + for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { + var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]); + // Does this cookie string begin with the name we want? + if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) { + cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1)); + break; + } + } + } + return cookieValue; + } + + function csrfSafeMethod(method) { + // these HTTP methods do not require CSRF protection + return (/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/.test(method)); + } + $.ajaxSetup({ + beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) { + if (!csrfSafeMethod(settings.type)) { + xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", $('a.bookmark[token]').attr('token')); + } + } + }); + + // Bookmark Handling + data = { + project: READTHEDOCS_DATA['project'], + version: READTHEDOCS_DATA['version'], + page: READTHEDOCS_DATA['page'], + url: document.location.origin + document.location.pathname + }; + + // ask the server if a bookmark exists for this page so we can show the proper icon + $.ajax({ + type: 'POST', + url: API_HOST + "/bookmarks/exists/", + crossDomain: true, + xhrFields: { + withCredentials: true, + }, + data: JSON.stringify(data), + success: function (data) { + $(".bookmark-active").show(); + }, + error: function(data) { + $(".bookmark-inactive").show(); + }, + dataType: 'json' + }); + + $(".bookmark-icon").on('click', function (event) { + var bookmarked = $('.bookmark-active').is(':visible'); + $('div.bookmark-active').toggle(); + $('div.bookmark-inactive').toggle(); + + if (bookmarked) { + $.ajax({ + type: "POST", + crossDomain: true, + xhrFields: { + withCredentials: true, + }, + url: API_HOST + "/bookmarks/remove/", + data: JSON.stringify(data), + }); + //$(".bookmark-added-msg").hide(); + } else { + $.ajax({ + type: "POST", + crossDomain: true, + xhrFields: { + withCredentials: true, + }, + url: API_HOST + "/bookmarks/add/", + data: JSON.stringify(data), + }); + //$(".bookmark-added-msg").html("

Bookmark added

"); + //$(".bookmark-added-msg").show(); + } + }); + }, + error: function () { + console.log('Error loading Read the Docs footer'); + } + }); + + + /// Read the Docs Sphinx theme code + if (!("builder" in READTHEDOCS_DATA) || "builder" in READTHEDOCS_DATA && READTHEDOCS_DATA["builder"] != "mkdocs") { + // Shift nav in mobile when clicking the menu. + $(document).on('click', "[data-toggle='wy-nav-top']", function() { + $("[data-toggle='wy-nav-shift']").toggleClass("shift"); + $("[data-toggle='rst-versions']").toggleClass("shift"); + }); + // Close menu when you click a link. + $(document).on('click', ".wy-menu-vertical .current ul li a", function() { + $("[data-toggle='wy-nav-shift']").removeClass("shift"); + $("[data-toggle='rst-versions']").toggleClass("shift"); + }); + $(document).on('click', "[data-toggle='rst-current-version']", function() { + $("[data-toggle='rst-versions']").toggleClass("shift-up"); + }); + // Make tables responsive + $("table.docutils:not(.field-list)").wrap("
"); + + // Promos + // TODO don't hardcode this promo and remove the util function to hide the + // ad + var show_promo = util.get_param('promo'), + promo = null; + if (build.is_rtd_theme() && show_promo) { + var promo = new sponsorship.Promo( + 'Enjoy reading the docs? Join developers and tech writers at Write the Docs NA 2015!', + '' + ); + } + + window.SphinxRtdTheme = (function (jquery) { + var stickyNav = (function () { + var navBar, + win, + stickyNavCssClass = 'stickynav', + applyStickNav = function () { + if (navBar.height() <= win.height()) { + navBar.addClass(stickyNavCssClass); + if (promo) { + promo.display(false); + } + } else { + navBar.removeClass(stickyNavCssClass); + if (promo) { + promo.display(true); + } + } + }, + enable = function () { + init(); + applyStickNav(); + win.on('resize', applyStickNav); + }, + init = function () { + navBar = jquery('nav.wy-nav-side:first'); + win = jquery(window); + }; + jquery(init); + return { + enable : enable + }; + }()); + return { + StickyNav : stickyNav + }; + }($)); + } + + + // Add Grok the Docs Client + $.ajax({ + url: "", + crossDomain: true, + dataType: "script", + }); + + + /// Out of date message + + var versionURL = [API_HOST + "/api/v1/version/", READTHEDOCS_DATA['project'], + "/highest/", READTHEDOCS_DATA['version'], "/?callback=?"].join(""); + + $.getJSON(versionURL, onData); + + function onData (data) { + if (data.is_highest) { + return; + } + + var currentURL = window.location.pathname.replace(READTHEDOCS_DATA['version'], data.slug), + warning = $('


\ + You are not using the most up to date version \ + of the library. is the newest version.

\ +
'); + + warning + .find('a') + .attr('href', currentURL) + .text(data.version); + + body = $("div.body"); + if (!body.length) { + body = $("div.document"); + } + body.prepend(warning); + } + + + // Hijack search on mkdocs + if ("builder" in READTHEDOCS_DATA && READTHEDOCS_DATA["builder"] == "mkdocs") { + $('').attr({ + type: 'hidden', + name: 'project', + value: READTHEDOCS_DATA["project"] + }).appendTo('#rtd-search-form'); + $('').attr({ + type: 'hidden', + name: 'version', + value: READTHEDOCS_DATA["version"] + }).appendTo('#rtd-search-form'); + $('').attr({ + type: 'hidden', + name: 'type', + value: 'file' + }).appendTo('#rtd-search-form'); + + $("#rtd-search-form").prop("action", API_HOST + "/elasticsearch/"); + } + + + /// Search + /// Here be dragons, this is beta quality code. Beware. + + if (build.is_rtd_theme()) { + searchLanding(); + } + + $(document).on({ + mouseenter: function(ev) { + var tooltip = $(; +; + }, + mouseleave: function(ev) { + var tooltip = $(; + tooltip.hide(); + } + }, '.result-count'); + + $(document).on('submit', '#rtd-search-form', function (ev) { + //ev.preventDefault(); + clearSearch(); + var query = $("#rtd-search-form input[name='q']").val(); + getSearch(query, true); + }); + + $(document).on('click', '.search-result', function (ev) { + ev.preventDefault(); + //console.log( + html = $(; + displayContent(html); + }); + + function searchLanding() { + // Highlight based on highlight GET arg + var params = $.getQueryParameters(); + var query = (params.q) ? params.q[0].split(/\s+/) : []; + var clear = true; + /* Don't "search" on highlight phrases + if (!query.length) { + // Only clear on q + clear = false + var query = (params.highlight) ? params.highlight[0].split(/\s+/) : []; + } + */ + if (query.length) { + query = query.join(" "); + console.log("Searching based on GET arg for: " + query); + $("#rtd-search-form input[name='q']").val(query); + getSearch(query, clear); + } + } + + function getSearch(query, clear) { + var get_data = { + project: READTHEDOCS_DATA['project'], + version: READTHEDOCS_DATA['version'], + format: "jsonp", + q: query + }; + + // Search results + $.ajax({ + url: API_HOST + "/api/v2/search/section/", + crossDomain: true, + xhrFields: { + withCredentials: true, + }, + dataType: "jsonp", + data: get_data, + success: function (data) { + clearSearch(clear); + hits = data.results.hits.hits; + if (!hits.length) { + resetState(); + } else { + displaySearch(hits, query); + } + }, + error: function () { + console.log('Error searching'); + } + }); + } + + function displayContent(html) { + var content = $('.rst-content'); + content.html(html); + } + + function displaySearch(hits, query) { + FIRSTRUN = {}; + current = $(".toctree-l1.current > a"); + for (var index in hits) { + var hit = hits[index]; + var path = hit.fields.path; + var pageId = hit.fields.page_id; + var title = hit.fields.title; + var content = hit.fields.content; + var highlight = hit.highlight.content; + var score = hit._score; + + var li = $(".toctree-l1 > a[href^='" + path + "']"); + + /* + // This doesn't work :) + if (!li.length && $([0]).text() == title) { + li = current + console.log("Current page: " + title) + } else { + console.log("Not: " + title) + } + */ + + var ul =; + + console.log(path); + + // Display content for first result + if (index === 0) { + // Don't display content for now, so we show sphinx results + //displayContent(content) + } + + // Clear out subheading with result content + if (!FIRSTRUN[path]) { +; + li.attr("href", li.attr('href') + "?highlight=" + query); + li.parent().addClass("current"); + li.append(""); + ul.empty(); + FIRSTRUN[path] = true; + } + + // Dedupe + if (!FIRSTRUN[path+title]) { + ul.append('
  • ' + '' + title + '' + '' + '
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