643 lines
20 KiB
643 lines
20 KiB
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . "/public/vhost/g/gutenberg/dev/private/lib/php");
include_once ("pgcat.phh");
$cli = php_sapi_name () == "cli";
if (!$cli) {
exit ();
include_once ("sqlform.phh");
echo ("after sqlform ...\n"); flush ();
$db = $config->db ();
echo ("after db () ...\n"); flush ();
$db->logger = new logger ();
echo ("Initializing ...\n"); flush ();
$db->Exec ("select pk, lang from langs");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$languages[$db->Get ("lang", SQLCHAR)] = $db->Get ("pk", SQLCHAR);
} while ($db->NextRow ());
$db->exec ("select pk, filetype from filetypes");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$filetypes[$db->Get ("pk", SQLCHAR)] = $db->Get ("filetype", SQLCHAR);
} while ($db->NextRow ());
$db->exec ("select pk, compression from compressions");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$compressions[$db->Get ("pk", SQLCHAR)] = $db->Get ("compression", SQLCHAR);
} while ($db->NextRow ());
$db->exec ("select pk from encodings");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$encodings[$db->Get ("pk", SQLCHAR)] = 1;
} while ($db->NextRow ());
$db->exec ("select pk, role from roles");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$roles[$db->Get ("role", SQLCHAR)] = $db->get ("pk", SQLCHAR);
} while ($db->NextRow ());
$importfilename = $argv[1];
if (empty ($importfilename))
$importfilename = $config->catalogupdatelog;
echo ("Processing $importfilename ...\n"); flush ();
$old_etext_number = -1;
function guess_filetype ($filename) {
// guesses filetype, encoding from filename only
// needs following hashes:
// usually loaded from the same tables in the database
// $filetypes: 'txt' => 'Plain text'
// $encodings: 'us-ascii'
global $filetypes, $encodings;
$extension_aliases = array (
'htm' => 'html',
'tif' => 'tiff',
'jpeg' => 'jpg',
'midi' => 'mid'
$ft = $enc = null;
$base = $ext = "";
$base_after_hyphen = "";
if (preg_match ("/^(.*)\.(.*)$/", $filename, $matches)) {
$base = strtolower ($matches[1]);
$ext = strtolower ($matches[2]);
$post10k = preg_match ("/^\d{5}(-|$)/", $base);
if (preg_match ("/-(.*)$/", $base, $matches))
$base_after_hyphen = $matches[1];
// guess filetype from file extension
if (isset ($extension_aliases[$ext])) {
$ext = $extension_aliases[$ext];
if (isset ($filetypes[$ext])) {
$ft = $ext;
if (preg_match ("/[-_]index\.html?$/i", $filename)) {
$ft = "index";
if (preg_match ("/readme\.txt$/i", $filename)) {
$ft = "readme";
if (preg_match ("/license\.txt$/i", $filename)) {
$ft = "license";
if (preg_match ("/page-images/i", $filename)) {
$ft = "pageimages";
// guess encoding from file name
if ($ext == "txt") {
if ($post10k) {
switch ($base_after_hyphen) {
case "" : $enc = "us-ascii"; break;
case "8" : $enc = "iso-8859-1"; break;
case "0" : $enc = "utf-8"; break;
case "5" : $enc = "big5"; break;
} else {
$enc = "us-ascii";
if (preg_match ("/^8\w.+\d\da?$/", $base))
$enc = "iso-8859-1";
if (preg_match ("/^8\w.+\d\du$/", $base))
$enc = "utf-8";
return array ($ft, $enc);
function fix_encoding ($encoding) {
global $encodings;
$encoding_aliases = array (
'ascii' => 'us-ascii',
'usascii' => 'us-ascii',
'iso88591' => 'iso-8859-1',
'latin1' => 'iso-8859-1',
'iso88592' => 'iso-8859-2',
'latin2' => 'iso-8859-2',
'iso88593' => 'iso-8859-3',
'latin3' => 'iso-8859-3',
'iso88594' => 'iso-8859-4',
'latin4' => 'iso-8859-4',
'iso88595' => 'iso-8859-5',
'cyrillic' => 'iso-8859-5',
'iso88596' => 'iso-8859-6',
'arabic' => 'iso-8859-6',
'iso88597' => 'iso-8859-7',
'greek' => 'iso-8859-7',
'iso88598' => 'iso-8859-8',
'hebrew' => 'iso-8859-8',
'iso88599' => 'iso-8859-9',
'latin5' => 'iso-8859-9',
'iso885910' => 'iso-8859-10',
'latin6' => 'iso-8859-10',
'iso885913' => 'iso-8859-13',
'iso885914' => 'iso-8859-14',
'latin8' => 'iso-8859-14',
'iso885915' => 'iso-8859-15',
'latin9' => 'iso-8859-15',
'iso885916' => 'iso-8859-16',
'latin10' => 'iso-8859-16',
'utf7' => 'utf-7',
'utf8' => 'utf-8',
'win1250' => 'windows-1250',
'win1251' => 'windows-1251',
'win1252' => 'windows-1252',
'win1253' => 'windows-1253',
'koi8r' => 'koi8-r'
$pat[] = "/[- _=<]/"; $rep[] = "";
$pat[] = "/^unicode/"; $rep[] = "";
$pat[] = "/^windowscodepage/"; $rep[] = "win";
$pat[] = "/^windows/"; $rep[] = "win";
$pat[] = "/^codepage/"; $rep[] = "win";
$pat[] = "/^cp/"; $rep[] = "win";
$pat[] = "/^isolatin/"; $rep[] = "latin";
$encoding = strtolower ($encoding);
$encoding = preg_replace ($pat, $rep, $encoding);
if (isset ($encodings[$encoding])) {
return $encoding;
if (isset ($encoding_aliases[$encoding])) {
return $encoding_aliases[$encoding];
if (strpos ($encoding, "iso88591")) {
$encoding = "iso-8859-1";
} elseif (strpos ($encoding, "utf8")) {
$encoding = "utf-8";
} else {
$encoding = null;
// print ("#$nr: unknown encoding $enc\n");
return $encoding;
function encode_language ($l) {
global $languages;
$l = ucfirst ($l);
if (isset ($languages[$l])) {
return $languages[$l];
return null;
function decode_author ($whole) {
global $roles;
$parts = preg_split ("/ *, */", $whole);
$names = array ();
$name = "";
$born = null;
$died = null;
$role = "aut";
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if (empty ($part))
if (preg_match ("/^(\d+\??)-(\d*\??)$/", $part, $matches)) {
$born = "$matches[1]";
$died = "$matches[2]";
if (preg_match ("/^-(\d+)$/", $part, $matches)) {
$died = "$matches[1]";
if (isset ($roles[$part])) {
$role = $roles[$part];
array_push ($names, $part);
return array (join (", ", $names), $born, $died, $role);
function insert_author ($author, $born, $died) {
global $db;
if (empty ($author))
return null;
$sql_author = $db->f ($author, SQLCHAR);
$sql_born = $db->f ($born, SQLINT);
$sql_died = $db->f ($died, SQLINT);
$sql_author_like = $db->f ("$author%", SQLCHAR);
$pk = 0;
$db->exec ("select pk from authors where author ilike $sql_author_like order by pk");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
$pk = $db->Get ("pk", SQLINT);
} else {
// try aliases
$db->exec ("select fk_authors from aliases where alias ilike $sql_author_like order by fk_authors");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
$pk = $db->Get ("fk_authors", SQLINT);
if ($pk == 0) {
$db->exec ("insert into authors (author, born_floor, died_floor, born_ceil, died_ceil) " .
"values ($sql_author, $sql_born, $sql_died, $sql_born, $sql_died)");
$db->exec ("select pk from authors where author = $sql_author");
$pk = $db->Get ("pk", SQLINT);
echo ("Added author '$author' to database. !!!!\n");
return $pk;
function insert_title ($etext_number, $title, $marc = 245) {
global $db, $titles;
if (empty ($title))
$nonfilings = array ('The ', 'A ', 'An ',
'Der ', 'Die ', 'Das ', 'Eine ', 'Ein ',
'La ', 'Le ', 'Les ', 'L\'',
'El ');
$nonfiling = 0;
foreach ($nonfilings as $key => $value) {
if (preg_match ("/^$value/", $title)) {
$nonfiling = strlen ($value);
$title = preg_replace ("/--/", "\xE2\x80\x94", $title);
$title = preg_replace ("/ *_ */", "\n", $title);
$sql_title = $db->f ($title, SQLCHAR);
$sql_etext_number = $db->f ($etext_number, SQLINT);
$sql_marc = $db->f ($marc, SQLINT);
$sql_nonfiling = $db->f ($nonfiling, SQLINT);
$db->exec ("select pk from attributes where fk_books = $sql_etext_number and text = $sql_title");
if (!$db->FirstRow ()) {
$db->exec ("insert into attributes (fk_books, text, nonfiling, fk_attriblist) " .
"values ($sql_etext_number, $sql_title, $sql_nonfiling, $sql_marc)");
echo ("Added title '$title' to book $etext_number\n");
function capture ($tok, $e) {
$matches = array ();
if (preg_match ("/^$tok: (.*)$/im", $e, $matches))
return $matches[1];
return null;
function process_section ($e) {
global $db, $filetypes, $compressions, $encodings, $roles, $old_etext_number;
$etext_number = $pk_author = null;
$cnt_authors = $updatemode = 0;
$got_title = 0;
// try to read etext_number from inputfile
$etext_number = capture ("Etext-Nr", $e);
if (empty ($etext_number)) {
// no etext_number ?
// try to compute etext_number from directory
$directory = capture ("directory", $e);
if (preg_match ("/^(?:\d\/)+(\d{2,5})/", $directory, $matches)) {
$etext_number = intval ($matches[1]);
// double-check this
$dir = etext2dir ($etext_number);
if (strncmp ("$directory/", $dir, strlen ($dir)))
$etext_number = null;
} elseif (preg_match ("/^([1-9])$/", $directory, $matches)) {
$etext_number = intval ($matches[1]);
if ($etext_number != $old_etext_number) {
echo ("----------\n\n");
$old_etext_number = $etext_number;
// insert file into files table
if ($filename = capture ("filename", $e)) {
$matches = array ();
$directory = capture ("directory", $e);
$mtime = capture ("mtime", $e);
$size = capture ("size", $e);
$edition = capture ("edition", $e);
$filetype = capture ("filetype", $e);
$obsoleted = capture ("obsoleted", $e);
$encoding = fix_encoding (capture ("encoding", $e));
$zipmember = capture ("Zipmemberfilename", $e);
$md5hash = @pack ("H*", capture ("md5.hex", $e));
$sha1hash = @pack ("H*", capture ("sha1.hex", $e));
$kzhash = @pack ("H*", capture ("kzhash.hex", $e));
$ed2khash = @pack ("H*", capture ("ed2khash.hex", $e));
$tigertreehash = @pack ("H*", capture ("tigertree.hex", $e));
$md5hash = capture ("md5.hex", $e);
$sha1hash = capture ("sha1.hex", $e);
$kzhash = capture ("kzhash.hex", $e);
$ed2khash = capture ("ed2khash.hex", $e);
$tigertreehash = capture ("tigertree.hex", $e);
// filetype and encoding
list ($fk_filetypes, $fk_encodings) =
guess_filetype (empty ($zipmember) ? $filename : $zipmember);
// the encoding is better taken from the file, if present
if (isset ($encodings[$encoding])) {
$fk_encodings = $encoding;
// the filetype is better taken from the file, if present (not used for now)
// if (!empty ($filetype) && isset ($filetypes[$filetype])) {
// $fk_filetypes = $filetype;
// }
// compression
$fk_compressions = 'none';
if (preg_match ("/^(.*)\.(.*)$/", $filename, $matches)) {
if (isset ($compressions[strtolower ($matches[2])])) {
$fk_compressions = strtolower ($matches[2]);
// obsoleted
if (preg_match ("/\/old(\/|$)/", $directory)) {
$obsoleted = 1;
$diskstatus = 0;
// hide image files
if (strpos ($directory, "/$etext_number-")) {
if (in_array ($fk_filetypes, array ("jpg", "png", "gif", "svg", "css", "xsl")))
$diskstatus = 1;
if (preg_match ("/\/images(\/|$)/", $directory))
$diskstatus = 1;
if (preg_match ("/-h\/files(\/|$)/", $directory))
$diskstatus = 1;
$sql_diskstatus = $db->f ($diskstatus, SQLINT);
$sql_fk_filetypes = $db->f ($fk_filetypes, SQLCHAR);
$sql_fk_compressions = $db->f ($fk_compressions, SQLCHAR);
$sql_fk_encodings = $db->f ($fk_encodings, SQLCHAR);
$sql_mtime = $db->f ($mtime, SQLDATE);
$sql_size = $db->f ($size, SQLINT);
$sql_edition = $db->f ($edition, SQLINT);
$sql_obsoleted = $db->f ($obsoleted, SQLINT);
$sql_etext_number = $db->f ($etext_number, SQLINT);
$sql_filename = $db->f ("$directory/$filename", SQLCHAR);
$sql_md5hash = $db->f ($md5hash, SQLBYTE);
$sql_sha1hash = $db->f ($sha1hash, SQLBYTE);
$sql_kzhash = $db->f ($kzhash, SQLBYTE);
$sql_ed2khash = $db->f ($ed2khash, SQLBYTE);
$sql_tigertreehash = $db->f ($tigertreehash, SQLBYTE);
$fields =
(empty ($etext_number) ? "" : "fk_books = $sql_etext_number, ") .
(empty ($fk_filetypes) ? "" : "fk_filetypes = $sql_fk_filetypes, ") .
(empty ($fk_encodings) ? "" : "fk_encodings = $sql_fk_encodings, ") .
(empty ($fk_compressions) ? "" : "fk_compressions = $sql_fk_compressions, ") .
(empty ($md5hash) ? "" : "md5hash = $sql_md5hash, ") .
(empty ($sha1hash) ? "" : "sha1hash = $sql_sha1hash, ") .
(empty ($kzhash) ? "" : "kzhash = $sql_kzhash, ") .
(empty ($ed2khash) ? "" : "ed2khash = $sql_ed2khash, ") .
(empty ($tigertreehash) ? "" : "tigertreehash = $sql_tigertreehash, ") .
(empty ($edition) ? "" : "edition = $sql_edition, ") .
(empty ($obsoleted) ? "" : "obsoleted = $sql_obsoleted, ") .
(empty ($size) ? "" : "filesize = $sql_size, ") .
(empty ($mtime) ? "" : "filemtime = $sql_mtime, ") .
"diskstatus = $sql_diskstatus";
// $fields = rtrim ($fields, ", ");
$db->BeginTrans ();
$db->exec ("select pk from files where filename = $sql_filename");
$newfile = !$db->FirstRow ();
if ($newfile) {
$db->exec ("insert into files (filename, diskstatus) values ($sql_filename, 0);");
$db->exec ("update files set $fields where filename = $sql_filename");
$db->Commit ();
echo (($newfile ? "Added" : "Updated") . " file $directory/$filename " .
"($sql_etext_number $sql_fk_filetypes $sql_fk_compressions $sql_fk_encodings $sql_diskstatus $sql_obsoleted)\n");
// maybe insert book into books table
if (!empty ($etext_number)) {
$db->BeginTrans ();
$sql_etext_number = $db->f ($etext_number, SQLINT);
$db->exec ("select * from books where pk = $sql_etext_number");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
$updatemode = $db->get ("updatemode", SQLINT); // 0 = auto, 1 = manual
} else {
$db->exec ("insert into books (pk) values ($sql_etext_number)");
echo ("Inserted book $etext_number into database\n");
if ($updatemode == 0) {
if ($fk_encodings != "utf-8") {
iconv_set_encoding ("internal_encoding", "UTF-8");
$converted = iconv (strtoupper ($fk_encodings), "UTF-8", $e);
if ($converted !== FALSE) {
$e = $converted;
$lines = preg_split ("/\n/", $e);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if (empty ($line)) continue;
if (!preg_match ("/^(.*?):\s+(.*)$/", $line, $matches))
list ($dummy, $key, $value) = $matches; // preg_split ("/:\s+/", $line); //FIXME
if (empty ($value)) continue;
if (isset ($roles[$key])) {
list ($author, $born, $died, $role) = decode_author ($value);
$pk_author = insert_author ($author, $born, $died);
if ($key != "Author") {
$role = $roles[$key];
if ($pk_author) {
$sql_fk_authors = $db->f ($pk_author, SQLINT);
$sql_fk_roles = $db->f ($role, SQLCHAR);
$db->exec ("select * from mn_books_authors " .
"where fk_books = $sql_etext_number and fk_authors = $sql_fk_authors " .
"and fk_roles = $sql_fk_roles");
if (!$db->FirstRow ()) {
$db->exec ("insert into mn_books_authors (fk_books, fk_authors, fk_roles) " .
"values ($sql_etext_number, $sql_fk_authors, $sql_fk_roles)");
echo ("Added author '$author' role $role to book $etext_number\n");
if ($key == "Title") {
insert_title ($etext_number, $value, 245);
$got_title = 1;
if ($key == "Alternate Title") {
insert_title ($etext_number, $value, 246);
if ($key == "Contents") {
insert_title ($etext_number, $value, 505);
if ($key == "Language") {
$lang = encode_language ($value);
if (!empty ($lang)) {
$sql_lang = $db->f ($lang, SQLCHAR);
$db->exec ("select * from mn_books_langs " .
"where fk_books = $sql_etext_number and fk_langs = $sql_lang");
if (!$db->FirstRow ()) {
$db->exec ("insert into mn_books_langs (fk_books, fk_langs) " .
"values ($sql_etext_number, $sql_lang)");
if ($key == "Locc") {
$sql_locc = $db->f (strtoupper ($value), SQLCHAR);
$db->exec ("select * from mn_books_loccs " .
"where fk_books = $sql_etext_number and fk_loccs = $sql_locc");
if (!$db->FirstRow ()) {
$db->exec ("insert into mn_books_loccs (fk_books, fk_loccs) " .
"values ($sql_etext_number, $sql_locc)");
if ($key == "Subject") {
$sql_subject = $db->f ($value, SQLCHAR);
$db->exec ("select pk from subjects where subject = $sql_subject");
if (!$db->FirstRow ()) {
$db->exec ("insert into subjects (subject) values ($sql_subject)");
$db->exec ("select pk from subjects where subject = $sql_subject");
$pk_subjects = $db->Get ("pk", SQLINT);
$sql_fk_subjects = $db->f ($pk_subjects, SQLINT);
$db->exec ("select * from mn_books_subjects " .
"where fk_books = $sql_etext_number and fk_subjects = $sql_fk_subjects");
if (!$db->FirstRow ()) {
$db->exec ("insert into mn_books_subjects (fk_books, fk_subjects) " .
"values ($sql_etext_number, $sql_fk_subjects)");
if ($key == "Note") {
$sql_note = $db->f ($value, SQLCHAR);
$db->exec ("select * from attributes " .
"where fk_books = $sql_etext_number and text = $sql_note");
if (!$db->FirstRow ()) {
$db->exec ("insert into attributes (fk_books, fk_attriblist, text) values ($sql_etext_number, 500, $sql_note)");
if ($key == "Copyright") {
$sql_copyrighted = $db->f ($value, SQLINT);
$db->exec ("update books set copyrighted = $sql_copyrighted where pk = $sql_etext_number");
if ($key == "Category") {
$sql_category = $db->f ($value, SQLCHAR);
$db->exec ("select pk from categories where category = $sql_category");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
$fk_categories = $db->get ("pk", SQLINT);
$sql_fk_categories = $db->f ($fk_categories, SQLINT);
$db->exec ("select * from mn_books_categories " .
"where fk_books = $sql_etext_number and fk_categories = $sql_fk_categories");
if (!$db->FirstRow ()) {
$db->exec ("insert into mn_books_categories (fk_books, fk_categories) " .
"values ($sql_etext_number, $fk_categories)");
if ($key == "Release-Date") {
if (strpos ($value, ',') === false) {
$vale = "1 $value";
$release_date = strtotime ("$value");
$sql_release_date = $db->f ($release_date, SQLDATE);
$db->exec ("update books set release_date = $sql_release_date where pk = $sql_etext_number");
// hack! makefiles.pl sorts filenames so that 8-bit ones come first
// this way we prefer titles etc. from 8-bit files over html and 7-bit files
if ($got_title) {
$db->exec ("update books set updatemode = 1 where pk = $sql_etext_number");
$db->Commit ();
register_shutdown_function ('rollback_transaction');
set_time_limit (0);
$buffer = "";
if ($hd = fopen ($importfilename, "r")) {
while (!feof ($hd)) {
$line = fgets ($hd);
if (preg_match ("/^---*[\r\n]*$/", $line)) {
process_section ($buffer);
$buffer = "";
echo ("\n"); flush ();
} else {
$buffer .= $line;
process_section ($buffer);
fclose ($hd);