
619 lines
19 KiB

// todo:
// subject pages
$cli = php_sapi_name () == "cli";
if (!$cli) exit ();
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . "/public/vhost/g/gutenberg/dev/private/lib/php");
include_once ("pgcat.phh");
$lang_thres = 50;
setlocale (LC_ALL, 'en_US.utf8');
$config->page_encoding = "UTF-8";
function _navbar ($what, $dir) {
global $config;
$nav = " <p>$what:\n";
foreach ($config->browse_pages as $caption => $regexp) {
$href = strtolower ($caption);
$nav .= " <a href=\"/$dir/$href\">$caption</a>&nbsp;\n";
$nav .= " </p>\n";
return $nav;
function _navbarrecent ($what, $dir) {
global $spans;
$nav .= " <p>$what:\n";
foreach ($spans as $href => $caption) {
$nav .= " <a href=\"/$dir/last$href\">$caption</a>&nbsp;\n";
$nav .= " </p>\n";
return $nav;
function _navbarlangs ($what, $where, $dir) {
global $db;
$nav = " <p>$what:\n";
$db->Exec ("select pk, lang, cnt from langs join (select fk_langs, count (fk_langs) as cnt from mn_books_langs group by fk_langs having count (fk_langs) $where) as sums on pk = fk_langs order by lang;");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$pk = strtolower ($db->Get ("pk", SQLCHAR));
$lang = $db->Get ("lang", SQLCHAR);
$cnt = $db->Get ("cnt", SQLINT);
$nav .= " <a href=\"/$dir/$pk\" title=\"$lang ($cnt)\">$lang</a>&nbsp;\n";
} while ($db->NextRow ());
$nav .= " </p>\n";
return $nav;
function _navbarloccs ($what, $dir) {
global $db;
$nav = " <p>$what:\n";
$db->Exec ("select pk, locc, cnt from loccs join (select fk_loccs, count (fk_loccs) as cnt from mn_books_loccs group by fk_loccs) as sums on pk = fk_loccs order by fk_loccs;");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$pk = strtolower ($db->Get ("pk", SQLCHAR));
$pku = strtoupper ($pk);
$locc = $db->Get ("locc", SQLCHAR);
$cnt = $db->Get ("cnt", SQLINT);
$nav .= " <a href=\"/$dir/$pk\" title=\"$locc ($cnt)\">$pku</a>&nbsp;\n";
} while ($db->NextRow ());
$nav .= " </p>\n";
return $nav;
function _navbarcategories ($what, $dir) {
global $db;
$nav = " <p>$what:\n";
$db->Exec ("select pk, category, cnt from categories join (select fk_categories, count (fk_categories) as cnt from mn_books_categories group by fk_categories) as sums on pk = fk_categories order by category;");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$pk = $db->Get ("pk", SQLINT);
$category = $db->Get ("category", SQLCHAR);
$cnt = $db->Get ("cnt", SQLINT);
$nav .= " <a href=\"/$dir/$pk\" title=\"$category ($cnt)\">$category</a>&nbsp;\n";
} while ($db->NextRow ());
$nav .= " </p>\n";
return $nav;
function navbar () {
global $dir_authors, $dir_titles, $dir_langs, $dir_loccs, $dir_categories, $dir_recent, $lang_thres;
$nav = "<div class=\"pgdbnavbar\">\n";
$nav .= _navbar ("Authors", $dir_authors);
$nav .= _navbar ("Titles", $dir_titles);
$nav .= _navbarlangs ("Languages with more than $lang_thres books", "> $lang_thres", $dir_langs);
$nav .= _navbarlangs ("Languages with up to $lang_thres books", "<= $lang_thres", $dir_langs);
// $nav .= _navbarloccs ("LoC Class", $dir_loccs);
$nav .= _navbarcategories ("Special Categories", $dir_categories);
$nav .= _navbarrecent ("Recent", $dir_recent);
$nav .= "</div>\n\n";
return $nav;
function pagefooterfile ($file) {
global $page;
$page->footer ();
$output = ob_get_contents ();
ob_clean ();
$hd = fopen ($file, "w");
if ($hd) {
fwrite ($hd, $output);
fclose ($hd);
$hd = gzopen ("$file.gzip", "w9");
if ($hd) {
gzwrite ($hd, $output);
gzclose ($hd);
function LoadTitles () {
global $db, $authors;
foreach ($authors as $fk_authors => $dummy) {
$authors[$fk_authors]['titles'] = array ();
// echo ("$fk_authors\n");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$o = array ();
$fk_authors = $db->get ("fk_authors", SQLINT);
if (empty ($fk_authors))
$fk_authors = 0;
// echo ("fk_authors: $fk_authors\n");
$o['title'] = str_replace ("\n", "<br$config->endtag>",
strip_marc_subfields (htmlspecialchars ($db->get ("title", SQLCHAR))));
$o['lang'] = $db->get ("lang", SQLCHAR);
$o['etext'] = $db->get ("fk_books", SQLINT);
$o['is_audio'] = $db->get ("is_audio", SQLBOOL);
$o['role'] = $db->get ("role", SQLCHAR);
array_push ($authors[$fk_authors]['titles'], $o);
} while ($db->NextRow ());
function pklist ($aa) {
// make a list of all authors with titles
$pklist = array ();
foreach ($aa as $fk_authors => $o) {
if (count ($o['titles'])) {
$pklist[] = $fk_authors;
return $pklist;
function FormatAliases ($pklist, $mode = 0, $regex = "") {
global $db, $lines, $authors;
if (count ($pklist) == 0)
$list = join (",", $pklist);
$db->exec ("select fk_authors, alias from aliases " .
"where aliases.alias_heading = 1 and fk_authors in ($list)");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$fk_authors = $db->get ("fk_authors", SQLINT);
$alias = $db->get ("alias", SQLCHAR);
$author = $authors[$fk_authors]['author'];
if ($mode == 1) {
if (!preg_match ("/$regex/i", $alias))
// the by-author pages need a different url
$href = find_browse_page ($author) . "#a$fk_authors";
} else {
$href = "#a$fk_authors";
$html_alias = htmlspecialchars ($alias);
$html_author = htmlspecialchars ($author);
$lines[$alias] = "<h2>$html_alias</h2>\n<p>See: <a href=\"$href\">$html_author</a></p>\n\n";
// echo ("$alias\n");
} while ($db->NextRow ());
function FormatAuthors ($mode = 0) {
global $db, $lines, $dir_etext, $authors;
foreach ($authors as $fk_authors => $o) {
if (count ($o['titles'])) {
$html_author = htmlspecialchars ($o['author']);
if ($mode == 1 || $fk_authors == 0) {
$line = "<h2><a name=\"a$fk_authors\">$html_author</a> <a href=\"#a$fk_authors\" title=\"Link to this author\">¶</a></h2>\n";
} else {
$href = "/browse/authors/" . find_browse_page ($o['author']) . "#a$fk_authors";
$line = "<h2><a name=\"a$fk_authors\"></a><a href=\"$href\">$html_author</a></h2>\n";
$line .= "<ul>\n";
if ($mode == 1) {
// by-author page
if (isset ($o['aliases'])) {
foreach ($o['aliases'] as $alias) {
$line .= " <li class=\"pgdbalias\">$alias</li>\n";
if (isset ($o['urls'])) {
foreach ($o['urls'] as $description => $url) {
$line .= " <li class=\"pgdbxlink\"><a href=\"$url\">$description</a></li>\n";
// output list of titles
foreach ($o['titles'] as $t) {
$role = (empty ($t['role']) || $t['role'] == "Creator") ? "" : " (as {$t['role']})";
$cls = $t['is_audio'] ? " class=\"pgdbaudio\"" : " class=\"pgdbetext\"";
$line .= " <li$cls><a href=\"/$dir_etext/{$t['etext']}\">{$t['title']}</a> ({$t['lang']})$role</li>\n";
$line .= "</ul>\n\n";
$lines[$o['author']] = $line;
// echo ("{$o['author']}\n");
$dir = "browse";
$dir_authors = "$dir/authors";
$dir_titles = "$dir/titles";
$dir_langs = "$dir/languages";
$dir_loccs = "$dir/loccs";
$dir_subjects = "$dir/subjects";
$dir_categories = "$dir/categories";
$dir_recent = "$dir/recent";
$dir_feeds = "cache/epub/feeds";
$dir_etext = "ebooks";
$base_url = "http://$config->domain";
@mkdir ("$config->documentroot/$dir", 0755);
@mkdir ("$config->documentroot/$dir_authors", 0755);
@mkdir ("$config->documentroot/$dir_titles", 0755);
@mkdir ("$config->documentroot/$dir_langs", 0755);
@mkdir ("$config->documentroot/$dir_loccs", 0755);
@mkdir ("$config->documentroot/$dir_subjects", 0755);
@mkdir ("$config->documentroot/$dir_categories", 0755);
@mkdir ("$config->documentroot/$dir_recent", 0755);
@mkdir ("$config->documentroot/$dir_feeds", 0755);
$spans[1] = 'last 24 hours';
$spans[7] = 'last 7 days';
$spans[30] = 'last 30 days';
$db = $config->db ();
$db2 = $config->db ();
$authors = array ();
// load authors
$authors[0]['author'] = "No Author Listed";
$db->exec ("select * from authors");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$fk_authors = $db->get ("pk", SQLINT);
$authors[$fk_authors]['author'] = FormatAuthorDate ($db);
} while ($db->NextRow ());
$db->exec ("select * from aliases where alias_heading = 1 order by alias");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$fk_authors = $db->get ("fk_authors", SQLINT);
$alias = htmlspecialchars ($db->get ("alias", SQLCHAR));
$authors[$fk_authors]['aliases'][] = $alias;
} while ($db->NextRow ());
$db->exec ("select * from author_urls order by description");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$fk_authors = $db->get ("fk_authors", SQLINT);
$description = htmlspecialchars ($db->get ("description", SQLCHAR));
$url = htmlspecialchars ($db->get ("url", SQLCHAR));
$authors[$fk_authors]['urls'][$description] = $url;
} while ($db->NextRow ());
// echo ("$config->documentroot/$dir/navbar.html\n");
if ($hd = fopen ("$config->documentroot/$dir/navbar.html", "w")) {
fputs ($hd, navbar ());
fclose ($hd);
$db->exec ("create temporary table tmp_books as select * from v_books");
// by-author
// Postgres 7.3.3 at ibiblio doesn't dig multicolumn functional indexes
$db->exec ("create index tmp_ix_books_authors on tmp_books (lower (author))");
foreach ($config->browse_pages as $caption => $regexp) {
// titles for each author
$db->exec ("select * from tmp_books where author ~* '^$regexp' " .
"order by author, filing, lang");
LoadTitles ();
$lines = array ();
FormatAuthors (1);
$pklist = array ();
$db->exec ("select fk_authors from aliases where alias ~* '^$regexp'");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$pklist[] = $db->get ("fk_authors", SQLINT);
} while ($db->NextRow ());
FormatAliases ($pklist, 1, "^$regexp");
uksort ($lines, 'strcoll');
$fn = strtolower ($caption);
pageheader ("Browse By Author: $caption");
echo (navbar ());
echo ("<div class=\"pgdbbyauthor\">\n\n");
foreach ($lines as $line) {
echo ($line);
echo ("</div>\n\n");
pagefooterfile ("$config->documentroot/$dir_authors/$fn.html.utf8");
// by-lang
$db->exec ("create index tmp_ix_books_langs on tmp_books (lang)");
$db->exec ("select pk, lang from langs where pk in (select fk_langs from mn_books_langs)");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$langs[$db->get ("lang", SQLCHAR)] = $db->get ("pk", SQLCHAR);
} while ($db->NextRow ());
foreach ($langs as $lang => $id) {
$caption = $lang;
$fn = $id;
if ($id == 'en') {
pageheader ("Browse By Language: $caption");
echo (navbar ());
echo ("<p>There are too many english books to list them in one page. " .
"Please use the Browse-By-Author pages instead.</p>\n\n");
pagefooterfile ("$config->documentroot/$dir_langs/$fn.html.utf8");
$db->exec ("select * from tmp_books where fk_books in
(select fk_books from mn_books_langs where fk_langs = '$id'
and tmp_books.fk_books = mn_books_langs.fk_books)
order by lang, author, filing");
LoadTitles ();
$lines = array ();
FormatAuthors ();
FormatAliases (pklist ($authors));
uksort ($lines, 'strcoll');
pageheader ("Browse By Language: $caption");
echo (navbar ());
echo ("<div class=\"pgdbbylanguage\">\n\n");
foreach ($lines as $line) {
echo ($line);
echo ("</div>\n\n");
pagefooterfile ("$config->documentroot/$dir_langs/$fn.html.utf8");
// by-locc
$db->exec ("select pk, locc from loccs where pk in (select fk_loccs from mn_books_loccs)");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$loccs[$db->get ("locc", SQLCHAR)] = $db->get ("pk", SQLCHAR);
} while ($db->NextRow ());
foreach ($loccs as $locc => $fk_loccs) {
$caption = $locc;
$fn = strtolower ($fk_loccs);
// titles for each author
// $db->exec ("select * from tmp_books where fk_loccs = '$fk_loccs' " .
// "order by fk_loccs, author, filing");
$db->exec ("select * from tmp_books where fk_books in
(select fk_books from mn_books_loccs where fk_loccs = '$fk_loccs'
and tmp_books.fk_books = mn_books_loccs.fk_books)
order by author, filing");
LoadTitles ();
$lines = array ();
FormatAuthors ();
FormatAliases (pklist ($authors));
uksort ($lines, 'strcoll');
pageheader ("Browse By Library of Congress Class: $caption");
echo (navbar ());
echo ("<div class=\"pgdbbylocc\">\n\n");
foreach ($lines as $line) {
echo ($line);
echo ("</div>\n\n");
pagefooterfile ("$config->documentroot/$dir_loccs/$fn.html.utf8");
// by-category
$db->exec ("select pk, category from categories");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$categories[$db->get ("category", SQLCHAR)] = $db->get ("pk", SQLINT);
} while ($db->NextRow ());
foreach ($categories as $category => $id) {
$caption = $category;
$fn = $id;
if ($id == 0) {
pageheader ("Browse By Category: $caption");
echo (navbar ());
echo ("<p>There are too many books in this category too list them in one page. " .
"Please use the Browse-By-Author pages instead.</p>\n\n");
pagefooterfile ("$config->documentroot/$dir_langs/$fn.html.utf8");
$db->exec ("select * from tmp_books where fk_books in
(select fk_books from mn_books_categories where fk_categories = $id
and tmp_books.fk_books = mn_books_categories.fk_books)
order by author, filing");
LoadTitles ();
$lines = array ();
FormatAuthors ();
FormatAliases (pklist ($authors));
uksort ($lines, 'strcoll');
pageheader ("Browse By Category: $caption");
echo (navbar ());
echo ("<div class=\"pgdbbycategory\">\n\n");
foreach ($lines as $line) {
echo ($line);
echo ("</div>\n\n");
pagefooterfile ("$config->documentroot/$dir_categories/$fn.html.utf8");
// by-title
$db->exec ("create index tmp_ix_books_titles on tmp_books (lower (filing))");
foreach ($config->browse_pages as $caption => $regexp) {
$fn = strtolower ($caption);
pageheader ("Browse By Title: $caption");
echo (navbar ());
echo ("<div class=\"pgdbbytitle\">\n\n");
// titles
$db->exec ("select * from tmp_books where lower (filing) ~ '^$regexp' order by lower (filing), author, lang");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$etext = $db->get ("fk_books", SQLINT);
$fk_authors = $db->get ("fk_authors", SQLINT);
$title = str_replace ("\n", "<br$config->endtag>", $db->get ("title", SQLCHAR));
$author = $db->get ("author", SQLCHAR);
$lang = $db->get ("lang", SQLCHAR);
$is_audio = $db->get ("is_audio", SQLBOOL);
// echo ("$title\n");
$icon = $is_audio ? " <img class=\"pgdbflag\" src=\"/pics/stock_volume-16.png\" alt=\"Audio Book\" title=\"Audio Book\"$config->endtag>" : "";
echo ("<h2><a href=\"/$dir_etext/$etext\">$title</a> ($lang)$icon</h2>\n");
$href = "/$dir_authors/" . find_browse_page ($author) . "#a$fk_authors";
echo ("<p>by <a href=\"$href\">$author</a></p>\n\n");
} while ($db->NextRow ());
echo ("</div>\n\n");
pagefooterfile ("$config->documentroot/$dir_titles/$fn.html.utf8");
// recent books
$db->exec ("create index tmp_ix_books_fk_books on tmp_books (fk_books)");
$rssbuffer = "";
$books_output = array ();
// clear titles
foreach ($authors as $fk_authors => $dummy) {
$authors[$fk_authors]['titles'] = array ();
foreach ($spans as $span => $caption) {
$recents = array ();
$cutoff = date ("Y-m-d", time () - $span * 86400);
$db->exec ("select distinct fk_books from files " .
"where fk_books is not null and diskstatus = 0 and filename !~ '^cache' and filemtime >= '$cutoff 00:00:00'");
if ($db->FirstRow ()) {
do {
$recents[] = $db->get ("fk_books", SQLINT);
} while ($db->NextRow ());
$lines = array ();
if (count ($recents)) {
$recent = join (", ", $recents);
// titles for each author
$db->exec ("select * from tmp_books where fk_books in ($recent) order by author, filing, lang");
LoadTitles ();
FormatAuthors ();
FormatAliases (pklist ($authors));
uksort ($lines, 'strcoll');
$config->htmlheaderlinks[] = "<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"RSS-Feed of Project Gutenberg Recently Posted or Updated EBooks\" href=\"$dir_feeds/today.rss\">";
pageheader ("Books Posted or Updated Since: $cutoff");
echo (navbar ());
echo ("<div class=\"pgdbrecent\">\n\n");
if (!count ($recents)) {
echo ("<p>No books posted.</p>\n\n");
foreach ($lines as $line) {
echo ($line);
if ($span == 1) {
// build rss
foreach ($authors as $author => $o) {
if (count ($o['titles'])) {
// output list of titles
foreach ($o['titles'] as $t) {
// avoid duplicates in rss
if (!isset ($books_output[$t['etext']])) {
$books_output[$t['etext']] = 1;
$friendlytitle = htmlspecialchars (friendlytitle ($t['etext'], 100));
$rssbuffer .= " <item>\n";
$rssbuffer .= " <title>$friendlytitle</title>\n";
$rssbuffer .= " <link>$base_url/$dir_etext/{$t['etext']}</link>\n";
$rssbuffer .= " <description>Language: {$t['lang']}</description>\n";
$rssbuffer .= " </item>\n\n";
echo ("</div>\n\n");
pagefooterfile ("$config->documentroot/$dir_recent/last$span.html.utf8");
$config->htmlheaderlinks = array ();
// write rss feed
if ($hd = fopen ($file = "$config->documentroot/$dir_feeds/today.rss", "w")) {
$pubdate = date ("r");
fputs ($hd, <<<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<rss version="0.91">
<title>Project Gutenberg Recently Posted or Updated EBooks</title>
EBooks posted or updated today on Project Gutenberg.
This feed is regenerated every night.
<webMaster> (Marcello Perathoner)</webMaster>
fputs ($hd, $rssbuffer);
fputs ($hd, " </channel>\n</rss>\n");
fclose ($hd);