
72 lines
2.4 KiB

set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . "/public/vhost/g/gutenberg/dev/private/lib/php");
include_once ("pgcat.phh");
authenticate ();
getstr ("mode");
$caption = ucfirst ($mode) . " File Entry";
pageheader ($caption);
include_once ("sqlform.phh");
$db = $config->db ();
$db->logger = new logger ();
$f = new SQLForm ();
getint ("fk_files");
getint ("fk_books");
if (ismode ("delete")) {
$f->SubCaption ("You are about to delete this file.");
$f->SubCaption ("Press the '$caption' button to continue or " .
"hit the back button on your browser to dismiss.");
} else {
if (ismode ("add")) {
$f->SQLInject ("fk_books", "fk_books", SQLINT);
$f->Text ("filename", "filename", "Filename", SQLCHAR, 80, 240, true);
$f->Text ("fk_books", "fk_books", "Etext-Nr.", SQLINT, 20, 80, false);
$f->Text ("edition", "edition", "Edition", SQLINT, 20, 80, false);
$f->Text ("filemtime", "filemtime", "File&nbsp;Modification&nbsp;Time", SQLDATE, 20, 20, false);
$f->CheckBox ("obsoleted", "obsoleted", "Obsoleted", SQLINT);
$f->SQLSelect ("fk_filetypes", "fk_filetypes", "File Type", SQLCHAR, 40, 80, true,
"select pk as value, filetype as caption from filetypes order by filetype");
$f->SQLSelect ("fk_compressions", "fk_compressions", "Compression", SQLCHAR, 40, 80, true,
"select pk as value, compression as caption from compressions order by compression");
$f->SQLSelect ("fk_encodings", "fk_encodings", "Encoding", SQLCHAR, 40, 80, false,
"select null as value, 'unknown' as caption union " .
"select pk as value, pk as caption from encodings order by caption");
$f->Text ("filesize", "filesize", "File Size", SQLINT, 20, 80, false);
$f->TextArea ("note", "note", "Note", SQLCHAR, 4, 80, false);
$f->LoadData ("select * from files where pk = $fk_files");
$f->Hidden ("fk_files");
$f->Hidden ("fk_books");
$f->Hidden ("filemask");
if (isupdatemode ("edit")) {
if ($f->Check ()) {
$sql = $f->mkUpdate ($db->GetFormatter ());
if ($db->Exec ("update files set " . $sql . "where pk = $fk_files")) {
msg ("File modified !");
} else {
error_msg ("Could not modify file !");
if (isupdate ()) {
getint ("fk_books");
getstr ("filemask");
echo ("<p><a href=\"files?fk_books=$fk_books&amp;filemask=$filemask\">Back to Book Files</a></p>\n\n");
} else {
$f->Output ($caption, $caption);
pagefooter ();