Afrikaans (4)
Aleut (1)
Arabic (1)
Arapaho (2)
Bodo (2)
Breton (1)
Bulgarian (6)
Caló (1)
Catalan (33)
Cebuano (3)
Chinese (441)
Czech (11)
Danish (69)
Dutch (805)
English (49590)
Esperanto (119)
Estonian (1)
Farsi (1)
Finnish (2110)
French (3036)
Frisian (3)
Friulian (7)
Gaelic, Scottish (2)
Galician (2)
Gamilaraay (1)
German (1824)
Greek (220)
Greek, Ancient (3)
Hebrew (7)
Hungarian (183)
Icelandic (7)
Iloko (3)
Interlingua (1)
Inuktitut (1)
Irish (3)
Italian (805)
Japanese (22)
Kashubian (1)
Khasi (1)
Korean (1)
Latin (126)
Lithuanian (1)
Maori (2)
Mayan Languages (3)
Middle English (6)
Nahuatl (3)
Napoletano-Calabrese (1)
Navajo (3)
North American Indian (3)
Norwegian (20)
Occitan (1)
Ojibwa (1)
Old English (4)
Polish (31)
Portuguese (554)
Romanian (2)
Russian (9)
Sanskrit (1)
Serbian (4)
Slovenian (1)
Spanish (654)
Swedish (202)
Tagabawa (1)
Tagalog (60)
Telugu (6)
Welsh (13)
Yiddish (1)
Audio Book, human-read (576)
Audio Book, computer-generated (370)
Music, recorded (137)
Music, Sheet (33)
Pictures, still (3)
Other recordings (31)
Pictures, moving (8)
Data (87)
Compilations (3)
AC General Works: Collections, Series, Collected works, Pamphlets (56)
AE General Works: Encyclopedias (140)
AG General Works: Dictionaries and other general reference books (246)
AM General Works: Museums, Collectors and collecting (2)
AP General Works: Periodicals (2354)
AS General Works: Academies and International Associations, Congresses (5)
AY General Works: Yearbooks, Almanacs, Directories (4)
AZ General Works: History of scholarship and learning, The humanities (7)
B Philosophy, Psychology, Religion (470)
BC Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Logic (25)
BD Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Speculative Philosophy, General Philosophical works (39)
BF Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Psychology, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis (413)
BH Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Aesthetics (17)
BJ Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Ethics, Social usages, Etiquette, Religion (249)
BL Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Religion: General, Miscellaneous and Atheism (391)
BM Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Judaism (38)
BP Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Islam, Bahaism, Theosophy, Other and new beliefs (129)
BQ Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Buddhism (24)
BR Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Christianity (207)
BS Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Christianity: The Bible, Old and New Testament (625)
BT Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Christianity: Doctrinal theology, God, Christology (191)
BV Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Christianity: Practical theology, Worship (581)
BX Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Christianity: Churches, Church movements (659)
CB History: History of civilization (39)
CC History: Archaeology (8)
CE History: Technical Chronology, Calendar (4)
CJ History: Numismatics (8)
CN History: Inscriptions, Epigraphy (2)
CR History: Heraldry (38)
CS History: Genealogy (19)
CT History: Biography (262)
D History: General and Eastern Hemisphere (478)
D501 History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: World War I (1914-1918) (735)
D731 History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: World War II (1939-1945) (28)
DA History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Great Britain, Ireland, Central Europe (1484)
DB History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia (54)
DC History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: France, Andorra, Monaco (863)
DD History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Germany (167)
DE History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: The Mediterranean Region, The Greco-Roman World (16)
DF History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Greece (100)
DG History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Italy, Vatican City, Malta (444)
DH History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg (159)
DJ History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Netherlands (47)
DJK History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Eastern Europe (2)
DK History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Russia, Former Soviet Republics, Poland (166)
DL History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Northern Europe, Scandinavia (80)
DP History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Spain, Portugal (196)
DQ History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Switzerland (28)
DR History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Balkan Peninsula, Turkey (86)
DS History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Asia (852)
DT History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Africa (331)
DU History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: History of Oceania (South Seas) (194)
DX History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: History of Romanies (14)
E011 History: America: America (441)
E151 History: America: United States (379)
E186 History: America: Colonial History (1607-1775) (30)
E201 History: America: Revolution (1775-1783) (117)
E300 History: America: Revolution to the Civil War (1783-1861) (389)
E456 History: America: Civil War period (1861-1865) (483)
E660 History: America: Late nineteenth century (1865-1900) (93)
E740 History: America: Twentieth century (41)
E838 History: America: Later twentieth century (1961-) (2)
E895 History: America: Twenty-first century (6)
F001 United States local history: New England (106)
F1001 North America local history: Canada (266)
F106 United States local history: Atlantic coast. Middle Atlantic States (138)
F1201 North America local history: Mexico (59)
F1401 Latin America local history: General (35)
F1461 Latin America local history: Guatemala (4)
F1481 Latin America local history: El Salvador (1)
F1501 Latin America local history: Honduras (2)
F1521 Latin America local history: Nicaragua (1)
F1541 Latin America local history: Costa Rica (1)
F1561 Latin America local history: Panama (8)
F1601 History of the Americas: West Indies (7)
F1751 History of the Americas: West Indies. Cuba (27)
F1861 History of the Americas: West Indies. Jamaica (2)
F1900 West Indies local history: Hispaniola (Haiti and Dominican Republic) (9)
F1951 West Indies local history: Puerto Rico (8)
F2001 History of the Americas: Lesser Antilles (6)
F206 United States local history: The South. South Atlantic States (118)
F2131 History of the Americas: West Indies. British West Indies (2)
F2155 History of the Americas: Caribbean area. Caribbean sea (15)
F2201 Latin America local history: South America. General (43)
F2251 Latin America local history: Colombia (3)
F2301 Latin America local history: Venezuela (7)
F2351 Latin America local history: Guiana (12)
F2501 Latin America local history: Brazil (31)
F2661 Latin America local history: Paraguay (11)
F2701 Latin America local history: Uruguay (4)
F2801 Latin America local history: Argentina (53)
F296 United States local history: Gulf States. West Florida (29)
F3051 Latin America local history: Chile (7)
F3301 Latin America local history: Bolivia (6)
F3401 Latin America local history: Peru (21)
F350.5 United States local history: Mississippi River and Valley. Middle West (45)
F3701 Latin America local history: Ecuador (1)
F396 United States local history: Old Southwest. Lower Mississippi Valley (34)
F476 United States local history: Old Northwest. Northwest Territory (15)
F516 United States local history: Ohio River and Valley. (37)
F590.3 United States local history: The West. Trans-Mississippi Region. Great Plains (144)
F721 United States local history: Rocky Mountains. Yellowstone National Park (60)
F786 United States local history: New Southwest. Colorado River, Canyon, and Valley (69)
F850.5 United States local history: Pacific States (168)
F975 United States local history: Central American, West Indian, and other countries protected by and having close political affiliations with the United States (6)
G Geography, Anthropology, Recreation (437)
GA Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Mathematical geography, Cartography (7)
GB Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Physical geography (21)
GC Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Oceanography (10)
GF Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Human ecology, Anthropogeography (5)
GN Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Anthropology (107)
GR Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Folklore (262)
GT Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Manners and customs (89)
GV Geography, Anthropology, Recreation: Recreation, Leisure (244)
H Social sciences (9)
HA Social sciences: Statistics (3)
HB Social sciences: Economic theory, Demography (80)
HC Social sciences: Economic history and conditions, Special topics (39)
HD Social sciences: Economic history and conditions, Production (155)
HE Social sciences: Transportation and communications (143)
HF Social sciences: Commerce (78)
HG Social sciences: Finance (57)
HJ Social sciences: Public finance (9)
HM Social sciences: Sociology (45)
HN Social sciences: Social history and conditions, Social problems (56)
HQ Social sciences: The family, Marriage, Sex and Gender (359)
HS Social sciences: Societies: secret, benevolent, etc. (28)
HT Social sciences: Communities, Classes, Races (44)
HV Social sciences: Social pathology, Social and Public Welfare (339)
HX Social sciences: Socialism, Communism, Anarchism (134)
J Political science (71)
JA Political science: Political science (6)
JC Political science: Political theory (72)
JF Political science: Political institutions and public administration (13)
JK Political science: Political inst. and pub. Admin.: United States (103)
JL Political science: Political inst. and pub. Admin.: America (2)
JN Political science: Political inst. and pub. Admin.: Europe (33)
JQ Political science: Political inst. and pub. Admin.: Asia, Africa and Oceania (6)
JS Political science: Local government, Municipal government (3)
JV Political science: Colonies and colonization, International migration (21)
JX Political science: International law (38)
JZ Political science: International relations (1)
K Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence (31)
KBM Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: Jewish law (1)
KBR Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: History of canon law (1)
KD Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: United Kingdom and Ireland (65)
KDZ Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: America, North America (1)
KE Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: Canada (1)
KF Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: United States (76)
KH Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: South America (1)
KJ Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: Europe (17)
KL Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica (2)
KN Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia (2)
KNX Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: Japan (2)
KP Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia (1)
KZ Law in general, Comparative and uniform law, Jurisprudence: Law of nations (20)
L Education (6)
LA Education: History of education (46)
LB Education: Theory and practice of education (135)
LC Education: Special aspects of education (48)
LD Education: Individual institutions: United States (16)
LE Education: Individual institutions: America (except US) (1)
LF Education: Individual institutions: Europe (32)
LH Education: College and school magazines and papers (1)
LT Education: Textbooks (10)
M Music (212)
ML Music: Literature of music (319)
MT Music: Musical instruction and study, Composition (67)
N Fine Arts (183)
NA Fine Arts: Architecture (196)
NB Fine Arts: Sculpture (26)
NC Fine Arts: Drawing, Design, Illustration (160)
ND Fine Arts: Painting (246)
NE Fine Arts: Print media (37)
NK Fine Arts: Decorative and Applied Arts, Decoration and Ornament (134)
NX Fine Arts: Arts in general (4)
P Language and Literatures (21)
PA Language and Literatures: Classical Languages and Literature (576)
PB Language and Literatures: General works (56)
PC Language and Literatures: Romance languages: Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese (107)
PD Language and Literatures: Germanic and Scandinavian languages (11)
PE Language and Literatures: English (225)
PF Language and Literatures: West Germanic (40)
PG Language and Literatures: Slavic (including Russian), Languages and Literature (479)
PH Language and Literatures: Finno-Ugrian and Basque languages and literatures (997)
PJ Language and Literatures: Oriental languages and literatures (122)
PK Language and Literatures: Indo-Iranian literatures (88)
PL Language and Literatures: Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania (416)
PM Language and Literatures: Indigenous American and Artificial Languages (97)
PN Language and Literatures: Literature: General, Criticism, Collections (848)
PQ Language and Literatures: Romance literatures: French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (4200)
PR Language and Literatures: English literature (9157)
PS Language and Literatures: American and Canadian literature (9118)
PT Language and Literatures: Germanic, Scandinavian, and Icelandic literatures (2587)
PZ Language and Literatures: Juvenile belles lettres (6530)
Q Science (173)
QA Science: Mathematics (184)
QB Science: Astronomy (128)
QC Science: Physics (148)
QD Science: Chemistry (69)
QE Science: Geology (123)
QH Science: Natural history (613)
QH301 Science: Biology (3)
QK Science: Botany (163)
QL Science: Zoology (555)
QM Science: Human anatomy (11)
QP Science: Physiology (137)
QR Science: Microbiology (13)
R Medicine (79)
RA Medicine: Public aspects of medicine (87)
RB Medicine: Pathology (7)
RC Medicine: Internal medicine (153)
RD Medicine: Surgery (27)
RE Medicine: Ophthalmology (4)
RF Medicine: Otorhinolaryngology (3)
RG Medicine: Gynecology and obstetrics (23)
RJ Medicine: Pediatrics (13)
RK Medicine: Dentistry (5)
RL Medicine: Dermatology (2)
RM Medicine: Therapeutics, Pharmacology (63)
RS Medicine: Pharmacy and materia medica (13)
RT Medicine: Nursing (9)
RV Medicine: Botanic, Thomsonian, and eclectic medicine (1)
RX Medicine: Homeopathy (9)
RZ Medicine: Other systems of medicine (7)
S Agriculture (96)
SB Agriculture: Plant culture (207)
SD Agriculture: Forestry (17)
SF Agriculture: Animal culture (177)
SH Agriculture: Aquaculture, Fisheries, Angling (49)
SK Agriculture: Hunting sports (105)
T Technology (188)
TA Technology: Engineering and Civil engineering (52)
TC Technology: Ocean engineering (34)
TD Technology: Environmental technology, Sanitary engineering (14)
TE Technology: Highway engineering, Roads and pavements (3)
TF Technology: Railroad engineering and operation (27)
TG Technology: Bridge engineering (4)
TH Technology: Building construction (28)
TJ Technology: Mechanical engineering and machinery (57)
TK Technology: Electrical, Electronics and Nuclear engineering (100)
TL Technology: Motor vehicles, Aeronautics, Astronautics (79)
TN Technology: Mining engineering, Metallurgy (35)
TP Technology: Chemical technology (66)
TR Technology: Photography (32)
TS Technology: Manufactures (103)
TT Technology: Handicrafts, Arts and crafts (100)
TX Technology: Home economics (316)
U Military science (81)
UA Military science: Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation (67)
UB Military science: Military administration (8)
UC Military science: Maintenance and transportation (8)
UD Military science: Infantry (10)
UE Military science: Cavalry, Armor (8)
UF Military science: Artillery (8)
UG Military science: Military engineering (23)
UH Military science: Other services (12)
V Naval science (24)
VA Naval science: Navies: Organization, distribution, naval situation (10)
VB Naval science: Naval administration (1)
VE Naval science: Marines (1)
VF Naval science: Naval ordnance (3)
VG Naval science: Minor services of navies (1)
VK Naval science: Navigation, Merchant marine (24)
VM Naval science: Naval architecture, Shipbuilding, Marine engineering (20)
Z Bibliography, Library science (496)
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