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Pour réaliser les exercices sur INGInious.org, créez-vous un compte gratuitement et lier ensuite votre compte self-learning à votre compte INGInious. " ] }, { "url": "https://python-guide-fr.readthedocs.io/fr/latest/", "title": "Le guide de l’auto-stoppeur pour Python!", "author": "Kenneth Reitz" }, { "url": "http://www.lincoste.com/ebooks/pdf/informatique/python.pdf", "title": "Python", "author": "Guido Van Rossum", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://perso.limsi.fr/pointal/python:courspython3", "title": "Une introduction à Python 3", "author": "Bob Cordeau et Laurent Pointal" } ], "subsections": [ { "section": "Django", "entries": [ { "url": "https://tutorial.djangogirls.org/fr/", "title": "Tutoriel de Django Girls", "notes": [ "1.11", "HTML" ] } ] } ] }, { "section": "R", "entries": [ { "url": "https://larmarange.github.io/analyse-R/", "title": "Introduction à l'analyse d'enquête avec R et RStudio", "author": "Jospeh Lamarange et al.", "notes": [ "PDF version also available" ] }, { "url": "http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Goulet_introduction_programmation_R.pdf", "title": "Introduction à la programmation en R", "author": "Vincent Goulet", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Ruby", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.ruby-lang.org/fr/documentation/quickstart/", "title": "Ruby en vingt minutes" }, { "url": "https://www.ruby-lang.org/fr/documentation/ruby-from-other-languages/", "title": "Venir à Ruby après un autre language" } ], "subsections": [ { "section": "Ruby on Rails", "entries": [ { "url": "http://french.railstutorial.org/chapters/beginning", "title": "Tutoriel Ruby on Rails : Apprendre Rails par l'exemple", "author": "Michael Hartl" } ] } ] }, { "section": "Rust", "entries": [ { "url": "https://jimskapt.github.io/rust-book-fr/", "title": "Traduction du Rust book en français" }, { "url": "https://blog.guillaume-gomez.fr/Rust/", "title": "Tutoriel rust" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Sage", "entries": [ { "url": "https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00540485/file/sagebook-web-20130530.pdf", "title": "Calcul mathématique avec Sage", "author": "A. 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Bassi", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ] }, { "section": "Sistemi", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.disi.unige.it/person/DelzannoG/BIOMED/Programmazione-C/dispense_avanzate_C.pdf", "title": "Programmazione di Sistema in Linguaggio C - Esempi ed esercizi", "author": "V. Gervasi, S. Pelagatti, S. Ruggieri, F. Scozzari, A. Sperduti", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ] }, { "section": "Storia dell'informatica", "entries": [ { "url": "http://apav.it/informatica_file1.pdf", "title": "Breve storia dell'informatica", "author": "F. Eugeni", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://nid.dimi.uniud.it/computing_history/computing_history.html", "title": "Corso di storia dell'informatica", "author": "C. Bonfanti e P. 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Fog" }, { "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20120525102637/http://maven.smith.edu/~thiebaut/ArtOfAssembly/artofasm.html", "title": "The Art of Assembly Language (2003)", "author": "Randall Hyde", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://grain-lang.org/docs/", "title": "The Grain Docs" }, { "url": "https://github.com/3dgen/cppwasm-book/tree/master/en", "title": "WebAssembly friendly programming with C/C++", "author": "Ending, Chai Shushan, Yushih", "notes": [], "manualReviewRequired": true }, { "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20170712195930/http://vendu.twodots.nl/files/wizardcode4.pdf", "title": "Wizard Code, A View on Low-Level Programming", "author": "Tuomo Tuomo Venäläinen", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.egr.unlv.edu/~ed/x86.html", "title": "x86-64 Assembly Language Programming with Ubuntu", "author": "Ed Jorgensen", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X86_Assembly", "title": "x86 Assembly", "author": "Wikibooks" }, { "url": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X86_Disassembly", "title": "x86 Disassembly", "author": "Wikibooks" }, { "url": "http://www.jagregory.com/abrash-zen-of-asm/", "title": "Zen of Assembly Language: Volume I, Knowledge (1990)", "author": "Michael Abrash" } ], "subsections": [ { "section": "Non-X86", "entries": [ { "url": "http://skilldrick.github.io/easy6502/", "title": "Easy 6502", "author": "Nick Morgan" }, { "url": "https://usborne.com/browse-books/features/computer-and-coding-books/", "title": "Machine Code for Beginners [Z80 and 6502 CPUs]", "author": "Lisa Watts and Mike Wharton", "notes": [ "PDF" ], "accessNotes": "Scroll to bottom and click on book cover" }, { "url": "https://archive.org/details/ataribooks-machine-language-for-beginners", "title": "Machine Language for Beginners", "author": "Richard Mansfield [6502 CPU]" }, { "url": "http://chortle.ccsu.edu/AssemblyTutorial/index.html", "title": "Programmed Introduction to MIPS Assembly Language" }, { "url": "http://www.atariarchives.org/2bml/", "title": "The Second Book of Machine Language" } ] } ] }, { "section": "AutoHotkey", "entries": [ { "url": "http://ahkscript.github.io/ahkbook/index.html", "title": "AHKbook - the book for AutoHotkey" }, { "url": "https://autohotkey.com/docs/AutoHotkey.htm", "title": "AutoHotkey Official Documentation", "notes": [], "manualReviewRequired": true } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "AutoIt", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/", "title": "AutoIt Docs", "author": "Jonathan Bennett", "notes": [ "HTML" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Autotools", "entries": [ { "url": "https://autotools.io/index.html", "title": "Autotools Mythbuster" }, { "url": "http://sourceware.org/autobook/", "title": "GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Awk", "entries": [ { "url": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/An_Awk_Primer", "title": "An Awk Primer", "author": "Wikibooks" }, { "url": "https://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Awk.html", "title": "Awk", "author": "Bruce Barnett" }, { "url": "https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual", "title": "Gawk: Effective AWK Programming", "author": "Arnold D. 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Shotts, Jr.", "notes": [ "HTML" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Basic", "entries": [ { "url": "http://10print.org", "title": "10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10", "author": "Nick Montfort, Patsy Baudoin, John Bell, Ian Bogost, Jeremy Douglass, Mark C. Marino, Michael Mateas, Casey Reas, Mark Sample, Noah Vawter" }, { "url": "http://distro.ibiblio.org/vectorlinux/Uelsk8s/GAMBAS/gambas-beginner-guide.pdf", "title": "A beginner's guide to Gambas", "author": "John W. Rittinghouse", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.jes.com/pb/", "title": "Pick/Basic: A Programmer's Guide", "author": "Jonathan E. 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Venkatesh, L. Angrave, et al." }, { "url": "http://www.slideshare.net/olvemaudal/deep-c", "title": "Deep C" }, { "url": "http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/101/EssentialC.pdf", "title": "Essential C", "author": "Nick Parlante", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://boredzo.org/pointers/", "title": "Everything you need to know about pointers in C - Peter Hosey" }, { "url": "https://research.utwente.nl/files/5128727/book.pdf", "title": "Functional C (1997)", "author": "Pieter H. Hartel, Henk Muller", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/737188", "title": "Hashing", "author": "Prakash Hegade" }, { "url": "https://codeahoy.com/learn/cprogramming/toc/", "title": "Introduction to Programming and Data Structures in C", "author": "CodeAhoy", "notes": [ "HTML" ] }, { "url": "https://magpi.raspberrypi.com/books/essentials-c-v1", "title": "Learn to Code With C - The MagPi Essentials", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://download-mirror.savannah.gnu.org/releases/c-prog-book/learning_gnu_c.pdf", "title": "Learning GNU C", "author": "Ciaran O’Riordan", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20211006163041/http://pdvpmtasgaon.edu.in/uploads/dptcomputer/Let%20us%20c%20-%20yashwantkanetkar.pdf", "title": "Let us C", "author": "Yashavant Kanetkar", "notes": [ "PDF" ], "accessNotes": ":card_file_box: archived" }, { "url": "https://ben.klemens.org/pdfs/gsl_stats.pdf", "title": "Modeling with Data", "author": "Ben Klemens", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://modernc.gforge.inria.fr", "title": "Modern C", "author": "Jens Gustedt", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.planetpdf.com/codecuts/pdfs/ooc.pdf", "title": "Object-Oriented Programming With ANSI-C", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://ee.hawaii.edu/~tep/EE160/Book/PDF/", "title": "Programming in C", "author": "Bharat Kinariwala & Tep Dobry" }, { "url": "https://www.freetechbooks.com/programming-in-c-t1337.html", "title": "Programming in C", "author": "Kishori Mundargi" }, { "url": "https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/644937", "title": "Structures and C", "author": "Prakash Hegade" }, { "url": "https://www.phys.uconn.edu/~rozman/Courses/P2200_13F/downloads/TheBasicsofCProgramming-draft-20131030.pdf", "title": "The Basics of C Programming", "author": "Marshall Brain", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://publications.gbdirect.co.uk/c_book/", "title": "The C book", "author": "Mike Banahan, Declan Brady and Mark Doran", "notes": [ "PDF, HTML" ] }, { "url": "https://flaviocopes.com/page/c-handbook/", "title": "The C Programming Language Handbook", "author": "Flavio Copes", "notes": [ "PDF, EPUB, Kindle" ], "accessNotes": "email address requested" }, { "url": "http://www.finseth.com/craft/", "title": "The Craft of Text Editing or A Cookbook for an Emacs", "author": "Craig A. 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Wiegley" }, { "url": "http://gitimmersion.com", "title": "Git Immersion" }, { "url": "http://cbx33.github.io/gitt/index.html", "title": "Git In The Trenches" }, { "url": "https://github.com/pluralsight/git-internals-pdf/raw/master/drafts/peepcode-git.pdf", "title": "Git internals", "author": "Scott Chacon", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~blynn/gitmagic/", "title": "Git Magic" }, { "url": "http://goalkicker.com/GitBook", "title": "Git Notes for Professionals", "author": "Compiled from StackOverflow Documentation", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/git-pocket-guide/9781449327507", "title": "Git Pocket Guide", "author": "Richard E. 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Raymond", "notes": [ "PDF, EPUB" ] }, { "url": "https://quii.gitbook.io/learn-go-with-tests/", "title": "Learn Go with Tests" }, { "url": "https://miek.nl/go/", "title": "Learning Go" }, { "url": "http://go-book.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "title": "Let's learn Go!" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/gocrypto/read", "title": "Practical Cryptography With Go", "author": "Kyle Isom" }, { "url": "https://www.practical-go-lessons.com", "title": "Practical Go Lessons", "author": "Maximilien Andile" }, { "url": "http://tour.golang.org", "title": "The Go Tutorial" }, { "url": "https://github.com/karlseguin/the-little-go-book", "title": "The Little Go Book", "author": "Karl Seguin", "notes": [], "manualReviewRequired": true }, { "url": "https://github.com/thewhitetulip/web-dev-golang-anti-textbook/", "title": "Web apps in Go, the anti textbook" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "GraphQL", "entries": [ { "url": "https://github.com/GraphQLCollege/fullstack-graphql", "title": "Fullstack GraphQL" }, { "url": "https://riptutorial.com/Download/graphql.pdf", "title": "Learning graphqL", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Groovy", "entries": [], "subsections": [ { "section": "Gradle", "entries": [ { "url": "http://spring.io/guides/gs/gradle/", "title": "Building Java Projects with Gradle" }, { "url": "https://www.syncfusion.com/ebooks/gradle_succinctly", "title": "Gradle Succinctly", "author": "José Roberto Olivas Mendoza" }, { "url": "https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/userguide.html", "title": "Gradle User Guide", "author": "Hans Dockter, Adam Murdoch", "notes": [], "manualReviewRequired": true } ] }, { "section": "Grails", "entries": [ { "url": "http://www.infoq.com/minibooks/grails-getting-started", "title": "Getting Started with Grails" }, { "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20210519053040/http://grails.asia/grails-tutorial-for-beginners/", "title": "Grails Tutorial for Beginners", "author": "grails.asia", "accessNotes": ":card_file_box: archived" }, { "url": "http://grails.github.io/grails-doc/latest/", "title": "The Grails Framework - Reference Documentation", "author": "Graeme Rocher, Peter Ledbrook, Marc Palmer, Jeff Brown, Luke Daley, Burt Beckwith, Lari Hotari", "notes": [], "manualReviewRequired": true } ] }, { "section": "Spock Framework", "entries": [ { "url": "https://spockframework.github.io/spock/docs/current/index.html", "title": "Spock Framework Reference Documentation", "author": "Peter Niederwieser" } ] } ] }, { "section": "Hack", "entries": [ { "url": "https://docs.hhvm.com/hack/", "title": "Hack Documentation" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Hadoop", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.packtpub.com/free-ebooks/big-data-analytics-hadoop-3", "title": "Big Data Analytics with Hadoop 3", "author": "Sridhar Alla", "notes": [ "Packt account *required*" ] }, { "url": "https://docs.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/latest/PDF/cloudera-impala.pdf", "title": "Cloudera Impala", "author": "John Russel", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://lintool.github.io/MapReduceAlgorithms/MapReduce-book-final.pdf", "title": "Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce", "notes": [ "Jimmy Lin and Chris Dyer", "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.syncfusion.com/ebooks/hadoop-for-windows-succinctly", "title": "Hadoop for Windows Succinctly", "author": "Dave Vickers" }, { "url": "http://hadoopilluminated.com/index.html", "title": "Hadoop Illuminated", "author": "Mark Kerzner & Sujee Maniyam" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Haskell", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/", "title": "A Gentle Introduction to Haskell Version 98", "author": "Paul Hudak, John Peterson, Joseph Fasel" }, { "url": "http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~wcook/anatomy/", "title": "Anatomy of Programming Languages", "author": "William R. 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Paulson and Markus Wenzel", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "J", "entries": [ { "url": "http://www.jsoftware.com/books/pdf/arithmetic.pdf", "title": "Arithmetic by Kenneth E Iverson", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.jsoftware.com/books/pdf/brief.pdf", "title": "Brief Reference by Chris Burke and Clifford Reiter", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.jsoftware.com/books/pdf/calculus.pdf", "title": "Calculus by Kenneth E Iverson", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.jsoftware.com/papers/camn.htm", "title": "Computers and Mathematical Notation by Kenneth E Iverson" }, { "url": "http://www.jsoftware.com/books/pdf/cmc.pdf", "title": "Concrete Math Companion by Kenneth E Iverson", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.jsoftware.com/books/pdf/easyj.pdf", "title": "Easy J by Linda Alvord, Norman Thomson", "notes": [ "PDF" ], "manualReviewRequired": true }, { "url": "http://www.jsoftware.com/books/pdf/expmath.pdf", "title": "Exploring Math by Kenneth E Iverson", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.jsoftware.com/help/jforc/contents.htm", "title": "J for C Programmers by Henry Rich" }, { "url": "http://www.jsoftware.com/help/primer/contents.htm", "title": "J Primer" }, { "url": "http://www.jsoftware.com/help/learning/contents.htm", "title": "Learning J by Roger Stokes- online" }, { "url": "http://www.jsoftware.com/books/pdf/mftl.zip", "title": "Math for the Layman by Kenneth E Iverson", "notes": [ "zipped html+images" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Java", "entries": [ { "url": "http://www.mat.uniroma2.it/~picard/SMC/didattica/materiali_did/Java/Java_3D/Java_3D_Programming.pdf", "title": "3D Programming in Java", "author": "Daniel Selman", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://ptgmedia.pearsoncmg.com/images/0131478303/downloads/Iverson_book.pdf", "title": "Apache Jakarta Commons: Reusable Java Components", "author": "Will Iverson", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://artint.info/2e/html/ArtInt2e.html", "title": "Artificial Intelligence - Foundations of Computational Agents, Second Edition", "author": "David L. 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Bailey", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html", "title": "Google's Java Style Guide" }, { "url": "https://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java/cs/", "title": "Introduction to Computer Science \"booksite\"", "author": "by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne", "notes": [ "HTML" ] }, { "url": "http://www.programmedlessons.org/Java9/index.html", "title": "Introduction to Computer science using Java", "author": "Bradley Kjell" }, { "url": "http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java/home/", "title": "Introduction to Programming in Java", "author": "Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne" }, { "url": "http://math.hws.edu/javanotes", "title": "Introduction to Programming Using Java", "author": "David J. Eck", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF, ePUB + exercises" ] }, { "url": "https://math.hws.edu/eck/cs124/javanotes5", "title": "Introduction to Programming Using Java (5th Edition - final version, 2010 Jun)", "author": "David J. Eck", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF, ePUB + exercises" ] }, { "url": "https://ptgmedia.pearsoncmg.com/images/013143697X/downloads/013143697X_book.pdf", "title": "Java Application Development on Linux (2005)", "author": "Carl Albing and Michael Schwarz", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://archive.org/details/JavaJavaJavaObject-orientedProblemSolving/page/n0", "title": "Java, Java, Java Object-Oriented Problem Solving", "author": "R. 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Downey", "notes": [ "PDF, HTML" ] }, { "url": "https://greenteapress.com/wp/think-java-2e/", "title": "Think Java: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, 2nd Edition", "author": "Allen B. Downey and Chris Mayfield", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF" ], "otherLinks": [ { "title": "Interactive version by Trinket", "url": "https://books.trinket.io/thinkjava2/" } ] }, { "url": "https://www.vogella.com/tutorials/RxJava/article.html", "title": "Using RxJava 2 Tutorial", "author": "Lars Vogel, Simon Scholz", "notes": [ "HTML" ] }, { "url": "https://runestone.academy/runestone/books/published/java4python/index.html", "title": "Welcome to Java for Python Programmers", "author": "Brad Miller" }, { "url": "http://javaworkshop.sourceforge.net", "title": "Welcome to the Java Workshop (2006)", "author": "Trevor Miller" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/whatsnewinjava8/read", "title": "What’s New in Java 8", "author": "Adam L. Davis" }, { "url": "http://www.pawlan.com/monica/books/AdvBk.pdf", "title": "Writing Advanced Applications for the Java 2 Platform", "author": "Calvin Austin and Monica Pawlan", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ], "subsections": [ { "section": "Codename One", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.codenameone.com/files/developer-guide.pdf", "title": "Codename One Developer Guide", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://uber.cn1.co", "title": "Create an Uber Clone in 7 Days (first 2 chapters)", "author": "Shai Almog", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ] }, { "section": "Java Reporting", "entries": [ { "url": "https://leanpub.com/itext_pdfabc", "title": "The ABC of PDF with iText: PDF Syntax essentials", "author": "Bruno Lowagie", "accessNotes": "Leanpub account or valid email requested" }, { "url": "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/JasperReports-Ultimate-Guide-3.pdf", "title": "The JasperReports Ultimate Guide, Third Edition", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ] }, { "section": "Spring", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.packtpub.com/free-ebooks/building-applications-spring-5-and-vuejs-2", "title": "Building Applications with Spring 5 and Vue.js 2", "author": "James J. Ye", "notes": [ "Packt account *required*" ] }, { "url": "https://www.packtpub.com/free-ebooks/software-architecture-spring-50", "title": "Software Architecture with Spring 5.0", "author": "René Enríquez, Alberto Salazar", "notes": [ "Packt account *required*" ] }, { "url": "https://www.javacodegeeks.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Spring-Framework-Cookbook.pdf", "title": "Spring Framework Cookbook: Hot Recipes for Spring Framework", "author": "JCGs", "notes": [ "Java Code Geeks", "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://goalkicker.com/SpringFrameworkBook", "title": "Spring Framework Notes for Professionals", "author": "Compiled from StackOverflow documentation", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/", "title": "Spring Framework Reference Documentation", "author": "Rod Johnson et al." } ] }, { "section": "Spring Boot", "entries": [ { "url": "https://v.vaadin.com/hubfs/Pdfs/Building%20Modern%20Web%20Apps%20with%20Spring%20Boot%20and%20Vaadin.pdf", "title": "Building modern Web Apps with Spring Boot and Vaadin", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/", "title": "Spring Boot Reference Guide", "author": "Phillip Webb et al.", "notes": [], "manualReviewRequired": true } ] }, { "section": "Spring Data", "entries": [ { "url": "https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/current/reference/html", "title": "Spring Data Reference", "author": "Oliver Gierke, Thomas Darimont, Christoph Strobl, Mark Paluch, Jay Bryant" } ] }, { "section": "Spring Security", "entries": [ { "url": "http://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/", "title": "Spring Security Reference", "author": "Ben Alex, Luke Taylor, Rob Winch" } ] }, { "section": "Wicket", "entries": [ { "url": "http://wicket.apache.org/learn/#guide", "title": "Official Free Online Guide for Apache 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N Parasram, Alex Samm, Damian Boodoo, Gerard Johansen, Lee Allen, Tedi Heriyanto, Shakeel Ali", "notes": [ "Packt account *required*" ] }, { "url": "http://docs.kali.org", "title": "Kali Linux: Professional Penetration-Testing Distribution" }, { "url": "http://www.oreilly.com/openbook/debian/book/index.html", "title": "Learning Debian GNU/Linux" }, { "url": "http://thegeekstuff.s3.amazonaws.com/files/linux-101-hacks.zip", "title": "Linux 101 Hacks", "author": "Ramesh Natarajan", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://lartc.org", "title": "Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO" }, { "url": "http://librta.org/book.html", "title": "Linux Appliance Design: A Hands-On Guide to Building Linux Appliances", "author": "Bob Smith, John Hardin, Graham Phillips, Bill Pierce", "notes": [ "PDF, EPUB, MOBI" ] }, { "url": "https://goalkicker.com/LinuxBook/", "title": "Linux commands Notes for Professionals", "author": "Compiled from StackOverflow documentation", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://lwn.net/Kernel/LDD3/", "title": "Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition", "author": "Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, and Greg Kroah-Hartman" }, { "url": "http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/stable/", "title": "Linux from Scratch" }, { "url": "http://linux-training.be/linuxfun.pdf", "title": "Linux Fundamentals", "author": "Paul Cobbaut", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://0xax.gitbooks.io/linux-insides/content/index.html", "title": "Linux Inside" }, { "url": "http://www.kroah.com/lkn/", "title": "Linux Kernel in a Nutshell" }, { "url": "http://lnag.sourceforge.net", "title": "Linux Newbie Administrator Guide" }, { "url": "https://www.syncfusion.com/resources/techportal/ebooks/linux", "title": "Linux Succinctly, Syncfusion", "notes": [ "PDF, Kindle", "email address *requested*, not required" ] }, { "url": "http://www.dwheeler.com/secure-programs/", "title": "Secure Programming HOWTO - Creating Secure Software", "author": "D. A. Wheeler", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://dullroar.com/book/TenStepsToLinuxSurvival.html", "title": "Ten Steps to Linux Survival: Bash for Windows People", "author": "Jim Lehmer" }, { "url": "https://debian-handbook.info", "title": "The Debian Administrator's Handbook" }, { "url": "http://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php", "title": "The Linux Command Line", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://flaviocopes.com/page/linux-commands-handbook/", "title": "The Linux Commands Handbook", "author": "Flavio Copes", "notes": [ "PDF, EPUB, Kindle" ], "accessNotes": "email address requested" }, { "url": "http://ptgmedia.pearsoncmg.com/imprint_downloads/informit/perens/0130091154.pdf", "title": "The Linux Development Platform", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://sysprog21.github.io/lkmpg/", "title": "The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide" }, { "url": "http://www.tldp.org/LDP/sag/html/index.html", "title": "The Linux System Administrator's Guide" }, { "url": "http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html", "title": "Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference" }, { "url": "https://help.ubuntu.com/20.04/serverguide/serverguide.pdf", "title": "Ubuntu Server Guide", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.kernel.org/doc/gorman/", "title": "Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager", "author": "Mel Gorman", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.bitsinthewind.com/about-dac/publications/unix-systems-programming", "title": "UNIX Systems Programming for SVR4", "author": "David A. Curry" }, { "url": "http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/", "title": "Upstart Intro, Cookbook and Best Practises" }, { "url": "http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/cpumemory.pdf", "title": "What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Lisp", "entries": [ { "url": "https://franz.com/support/documentation/cl-ansi-standard-draft-w-sidebar.pdf", "title": "ANSI Common Lisp Standard (draft version 15.17R, X3J13/94-101R)", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://franz.com/resources/educational_resources/cooper.book.pdf", "title": "Basic Lisp Techniques", "author": "David J. Cooper, Jr.", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.lisperati.com/casting.html", "title": "Casting Spels in Lisp" }, { "url": "http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/LispBook/", "title": "Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation", "author": "David S. Touretzky", "notes": [ "PDF, PS" ] }, { "url": "http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~shapiro/Commonlisp/", "title": "Common Lisp: An Interactive Approach", "author": "Stuart C. Shapiro" }, { "url": "http://clqr.boundp.org", "title": "Common Lisp Quick Reference" }, { "url": "http://www.cs.cmu.edu/Groups/AI/html/cltl/mirrors.html", "title": "Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition" }, { "url": "https://google.github.io/styleguide/lispguide.xml", "title": "Google's Common Lisp Style Guide" }, { "url": "http://www.civilized.com/files/lispbook.pdf", "title": "Interpreting LISP", "author": "Gary D. Knott", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://github.com/LispTO/llthw", "title": "Learn Lisp The Hard Way", "author": "Colin J.E. Lupton" }, { "url": "http://letoverlambda.com/index.cl/", "title": "Let Over Lambda - 50 Years of Lisp", "author": "D. Hoyte" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/lispweb", "title": "Lisp for the Web", "author": "Adam Tornhill", "notes": [ "PDF, EPUB, MOBI" ], "accessNotes": "Leanpub account or valid email requested" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/lisphackers/read", "title": "Lisp Hackers: Interviews with 100x More Productive Programmers", "author": "Vsevolod Dyomkin" }, { "url": "https://github.com/google/lisp-koans", "title": "Lisp Koans" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/lispwebtales", "title": "Lisp Web Tales", "author": "Pavel Penev", "accessNotes": "Leanpub account or valid email requested" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/lovinglisp", "title": "Loving Common Lisp, or the Savvy Programmer's Secret Weapon", "author": "Mark Watson", "notes": [ "PDF, EPUB, MOBI" ], "accessNotes": "Leanpub account or valid email requested" }, { "url": "http://www.paulgraham.com/onlisp.html", "title": "On Lisp", "author": "P. 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Wagner" }, { "url": "http://reference.wolfram.com/legacy/v5_2/", "title": "Stephen Wolfram's The Mathematica Book" }, { "url": "http://chortle.ccsu.edu/VectorLessons/index.html", "title": "Vector Math for 3d Computer Graphics" }, { "url": "https://www.wolfram.com/wolfram-u/catalog/product-training/mathematica/", "title": "Wolfram Mathematica Product Training: Wolfram U" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "MATLAB", "entries": [ { "url": "http://www.science.smith.edu/~jcardell/Courses/EGR326/Intro-to-MATLAB.pdf", "title": "An Interactive Introduction to MATLAB", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.maths.dundee.ac.uk/software/MatlabNotes.pdf", "title": "An Introduction to MATLAB", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.intechopen.com/books/applications-of-matlab-in-science-and-engineering", "title": "Applications of MATLAB in Science and Engineering" }, { "url": "http://www.mathworks.com/moler/exm/index.html?requestedDomain=www.mathworks.com&nocookie=true", "title": "Experiments with MATLAB" }, { "url": "https://cnx.org/exports/3a643c1f-c1ba-4c2a-8065-317a1f2b1add@18.1.pdf/freshman-engineering-problem-solving-with-matlab-18.1.pdf", "title": "Freshman Engineering Problem Solving with MATLAB", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.mathworks.com/tutorials", "title": "Interactive Tutorials for MATLAB, Simulink, Signal Processing, Controls, and Computational Mathematics" }, { "url": "https://www.mccormick.northwestern.edu/documents/students/undergraduate/introduction-to-matlab.pdf", "title": "Introduction to MATLAB for Engineering Students", "author": "David Houcque", "notes": [ "PDF", "1.2, 2005" ] }, { "url": "http://www.intechopen.com/books/matlab-a-fundamental-tool-for-scientific-computing-and-engineering-applications-volume-1", "title": "MATLAB - A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications - Volume 1" }, { "url": "http://www.intechopen.com/books/matlab-a-ubiquitous-tool-for-the-practical-engineer", "title": "MATLAB - A Ubiquitous Tool for the Practical Engineer" }, { "url": "http://www.intechopen.com/books/matlab-for-engineers-applications-in-control-electrical-engineering-it-and-robotics", "title": "MATLAB for Engineers: Applications in Control, Electrical Engineering, IT and Robotics" }, { "url": "https://goalkicker.com/MATLABBook", "title": "MATLAB Notes for professionals", "author": "Compiled from StackOverflow documentation", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/MATLAB_Programming", "title": "MATLAB Programming", "author": "Wikibooks" }, { "url": "https://www.syncfusion.com/resources/techportal/ebooks/matlab", "title": "MATLAB Succinctly, Syncfusion", "notes": [ "PDF, Kindle", "email address *requested*, not required" ] }, { "url": "http://www.mathworks.com/moler/index_ncm.html?requestedDomain=www.mathworks.com&nocookie=true", "title": "Numerical Computing with MATLAB" }, { "url": "http://greenteapress.com/matlab/index.html", "title": "Physical Modeling in MATLAB", "author": "Alan B. 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Seguin", "notes": [ "PDF, Epub" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Oberon", "entries": [ { "url": "https://inf.ethz.ch/personal/wirth/AD.pdf", "title": "Algorithms and Data-Structures", "author": "Niklaus Wirth", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://ssw.jku.at/Research/Books/Oberon2.pdf", "title": "Object-Oriented Programming in Oberon-2", "author": "Hanspeter Mössenböck", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/wirth/ProgInOberonWR.pdf", "title": "Programming in Oberon", "author": "Niklaus Wirth", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Objective-C", "entries": [ { "url": "https://github.com/google/styleguide/blob/gh-pages/objcguide.md", "title": "Google's Objective-C Style Guide" }, { "url": "https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/OOP_ObjC/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40005149", "title": "Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C" }, { "url": "https://goalkicker.com/ObjectiveCBook/", "title": "Objective-C Notes for Professionals", "author": "Compiled from StackOverflow Documentation", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.syncfusion.com/resources/techportal/ebooks/objective-c", "title": "Objective-C Succinctly, Syncfusion", "notes": [ "PDF, Kindle", "email address *requested*, not required" ] }, { "url": "https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ProgrammingWithObjectiveC/Introduction/Introduction.html", "title": "Programming With Objective-C" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "OCaml", "entries": [ { "url": "http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/oreilly-book/", "title": "Developing Applications With Objective Caml" }, { "url": "https://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs3110/2019sp/textbook/", "title": "Functional Programming in OCaml", "author": "Michael R. 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Downey and Nicholas Monje" }, { "url": "http://ocaml.github.io/ocamlunix/", "title": "Unix System Programming in OCaml", "author": "Xavier Leroy, Didier Rémy", "notes": [], "manualReviewRequired": true }, { "url": "http://pauillac.inria.fr/~remy/cours/appsem/", "title": "Using, Understanding, and Unraveling The OCaml Language: From Practice to Theory and vice versa", "author": "Didier Rémy" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Octave", "entries": [ { "url": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Octave_Programming_Tutorial", "title": "Octave Programming", "author": "Wikibooks" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Odin", "entries": [ { "url": "https://odin-lang.org/docs/overview/", "title": "Overview | Odin Programming Language" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "OpenMP", "entries": [ { "url": "http://bisqwit.iki.fi/story/howto/openmp/", "title": "A Guide To OpenMP" }, { "url": "http://www.openmp.org/mp-documents/OpenMP4.0.0.pdf", "title": "OpenMP Application Programming Interface Standard Version 4.0", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.openmp.org/wp-content/uploads/OpenMP-API-Specification-5.0.pdf", "title": "OpenMP Application Programming Interface Standard Version 5.0", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "OpenResty", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.gitbook.com/book/openresty/programming-openresty/details", "title": "Programming OpenResty" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "OpenSCAD", "entries": [ { "url": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_User_Manual", "title": "OpenSCAD User Manual", "author": "Wikibooks" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "TrueOS", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.trueos.org/handbook/trueos.html", "title": "TrueOS® Users Handbook" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Perl", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.perl.org/books/beginning-perl/", "title": "Beginning Perl" }, { "url": "https://datamungingwithperl.com", "title": "Data Munging with Perl", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://masonbook.houseabsolute.com/book/", "title": "Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason", "author": "D. 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Bień" }, { "url": "https://sites.google.com/site/prologsite/prolog-problems", "title": "Prolog Problems", "author": "Werner Hett" }, { "url": "https://www.cpp.edu/~jrfisher/www/prolog_tutorial/contents.html", "title": "Prolog Tutorial", "author": "J. R. Fisher" }, { "url": "https://book.simply-logical.space", "title": "Simply Logical: Intelligent Reasoning by Example", "author": "Peter Flach" }, { "url": "https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/art-prolog-second-edition", "title": "The Art of Prolog, Second Edition", "author": "Leon S. Sterling, Ehud Y. 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Johansson", "notes": [ "2.7" ] }, { "url": "https://inventwithpython.com/pygame/chapters/", "title": "Making Games with Python & Pygame", "author": "Al Sweigart", "notes": [ "3.2" ] }, { "url": "https://akuli.github.io/math-tutorial/", "title": "Math for programmers (using python)" }, { "url": "https://greenteapress.com/wp/modsimpy/", "title": "Modeling and Simulation in Python", "author": "Allen B. Downey", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://arxiv.org/pdf/1410.0281.pdf", "title": "Modeling Creativity: Case Studies in Python", "author": "Tom D. 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Miller and David L. Ranum", "notes": [ "3.x" ] }, { "url": "http://programarcadegames.com", "title": "Program Arcade Games With Python And Pygame", "notes": [ "3.3" ] }, { "url": "http://programmingcomputervision.com/downloads/ProgrammingComputerVision_CCdraft.pdf", "title": "Programming Computer Vision with Python", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20180921063136/http://buildingskills.itmaybeahack.com/book/programming-2.6/latex/ProgrammingforNon-Programmers.pdf", "title": "Programming for Non-Programmers, Release 2.6.2", "author": "Steven F. Lott", "notes": [ "PDF", "2.6" ] }, { "url": "https://pysdr.org", "title": "PySDR: A Guide to SDR and DSP using Python", "author": "Dr. Marc Lichtman", "notes": [ "3.x" ] }, { "url": "https://python101.pythonlibrary.org", "title": "Python 101", "author": "Michael Driscoll", "notes": [ "HTML, TEXT" ] }, { "url": "https://docs.python.org/2/download.html", "title": "Python 2 Official Documentation", "notes": [ "PDF, HTML, TEXT", "2.x" ] }, { "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20171013204449/http://infohost.nmt.edu/tcc/help/pubs/python27/python27.pdf", "title": "Python 2.7 quick reference", "author": "John W. Shipman", "notes": [ "PDF", "2.7" ] }, { "url": "https://docs.python.org/3/download.html", "title": "Python 3 Official Documentation", "notes": [ "PDF, EPUB, HTML, TEXT", "3.x" ] }, { "url": "https://github.com/Akuli/python-tutorial", "title": "Python 3 Tutorial" }, { "url": "https://jakevdp.github.io/PythonDataScienceHandbook", "title": "Python Data Science Handbook", "author": "Jake VanderPlas", "notes": [ "HTML, Jupyter Notebooks" ] }, { "url": "http://py4e.com/book", "title": "Python for Everybody", "author": "Charles Russell Severance", "notes": [ "PDF, EPUB, HTML", "3.x" ] }, { "url": "http://www.pythonlearn.com/book.php", "title": "Python for Informatics: Exploring Information", "author": "Charles Russell Severance", "notes": [ "2.7.5" ] }, { "url": "http://pymbook.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", "title": "Python for you and me", "notes": [ "2.7.3" ] }, { "url": "http://pymbook.readthedocs.org/en/py3/", "title": "Python for you and me", "notes": [ "3.x" ] }, { "url": "http://safehammad.com/downloads/python-idioms-2014-01-16.pdf", "title": "Python Idioms", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/python-in-education", "title": "Python in Education", "author": "Nicholas Tollervey" }, { "url": "http://www.greenteapress.com/pythonhydro/pythonhydro.html", "title": "Python in Hydrology", "author": "Sat Kumar Tomer" }, { "url": "https://github.com/gregmalcolm/python_koans", "title": "Python Koans", "notes": [ "2.7 or 3.x" ] }, { "url": "https://www.packtpub.com/free-ebooks/python-machine-learning-example", "title": "Python Machine Learning By Example", "author": "Yuxi", "notes": [ "Hayden", "Packt account *required*" ] }, { "url": "https://pymotw.com/3/", "title": "Python Module of the Week", "notes": [ "3.x" ] }, { "url": "http://goalkicker.com/PythonBook/", "title": "Python Notes for Professionals", "author": "Compiled from StackOverflow documentation", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://anandology.com/python-practice-book/index.html", "title": "Python Practice Book", "notes": [ "2.7.1" ] }, { "url": "http://pythonpracticeprojects.com", "title": "Python Practice Projects" }, { "url": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Python_Programming", "title": "Python Programming", "author": "Wikibooks", "notes": [ "2.7" ] }, { "url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/91/Python_Programming.pdf", "title": "Python Programming", "author": "Wikibooks", "notes": [ "PDF", "2.6" ] }, { "url": "https://pythonnumericalmethods.berkeley.edu/notebooks/Index.html", "title": "Python Programming And Numerical Methods: A Guide For Engineers And Scientists", "author": "Qingkai Kong, Timmy Siauw, Alexandre Bayen", "notes": [ "3.7" ] }, { "url": "https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/", "title": "Python Tutorial", "author": "Tutorials Point", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.scaler.com/topics/python/", "title": "Python Tutorial", "author": "Scaler Topics" }, { "url": "http://scipy-lectures.github.io", "title": "Scipy Lecture Notes" }, { "url": "http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61a/sp12/book/", "title": "SICP in Python", "notes": [ "3.2" ] }, { "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20210411065902/https://www.slitherintopython.com/", "title": "Slither into Python: An introduction to Python for beginners", "notes": [ "3.7" ], "accessNotes": ":card_file_box: archived" }, { "url": "http://python3porting.com", "title": "Supporting Python 3: An In-Depth Guide", "notes": [ "2.6 - 2.x & 3.1 - 3.x" ] }, { "url": "http://www.obeythetestinggoat.com/pages/book.html", "title": "Test-Driven Web Development with Python: Obey the Testing Goat! using Django, Selenium and Javascript", "author": "Harry J.W. 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Turkel, Adam Crymble and Alan MacEachern" }, { "url": "http://python-gtk-3-tutorial.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", "title": "The Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial" }, { "url": "https://flaviocopes.com/page/python-handbook/", "title": "The Python Handbook", "author": "Flavio Copes", "notes": [ "PDF, EPUB, Kindle" ], "accessNotes": "email address requested" }, { "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20200626001242/http://effbot.org/librarybook/", "title": "The Standard Python Library", "author": "Fredrik Lundh" }, { "url": "https://greenteapress.com/wp/think-complexity-2e/", "title": "Think Complexity", "author": "Allen B. Downey", "notes": [ "2nd Edition", "PDF, HTML" ] }, { "url": "https://greenteapress.com/wp/think-dsp/", "title": "Think DSP - Digital Signal Processing in Python", "author": "Allen B. Downey", "notes": [ "PDF, HTML" ] }, { "url": "https://greenteapress.com/wp/think-python-2e/", "title": "Think Python 2nd Edition", "author": "Allen B. Downey", "notes": [ "3.x", "HTML, PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://github.com/mattharrison/Tiny-Python-3.6-Notebook", "title": "Tiny Python 3.6 Notebook", "author": "Matt Harrison", "notes": [ "3.6" ] }, { "url": "http://web2py.com/book", "title": "Web2py: Complete Reference Manual, 6th Edition (pre-release)", "notes": [ "2.5 - 2.x" ] } ], "subsections": [ { "section": "Django", "entries": [ { "url": "https://tutorial.djangogirls.org/en/", "title": "Django Girls Tutorial", "notes": [ "1.11" ] }, { "url": "https://media.readthedocs.org/pdf/django/1.5.x/django.pdf", "title": "Django Official Documentation", "notes": [ "PDF", "1.5" ] }, { "url": "https://media.readthedocs.org/pdf/django/1.7.x/django.pdf", "title": "Django Official Documentation", "notes": [ "PDF", "1.7" ] }, { "url": "https://media.readthedocs.org/pdf/django/1.9.x/django.pdf", "title": "Django Official Documentation", "notes": [ "PDF", "1.9" ] }, { "url": "https://media.readthedocs.org/pdf/django/1.10.x/django.pdf", "title": "Django Official Documentation", "notes": [ "PDF", "1.10" ] }, { "url": "https://buildmedia.readthedocs.org/media/pdf/django/2.2.x/django.pdf", "title": "Django Official Documentation", "notes": [ "PDF", "2.2" ] }, { "url": "https://buildmedia.readthedocs.org/media/pdf/django/3.1.x/django.pdf", "title": "Django Official Documentation", "notes": [ "PDF", "3.1" ] }, { "url": "https://buildmedia.readthedocs.org/media/pdf/django/3.2.x/django.pdf", "title": "Django Official Documentation", "notes": [ "PDF", "3.2" ] }, { "url": "https://www.packtpub.com/free-ebooks/django-restful-web-services", "title": "Django RESTful Web Services", "author": "Gaston C. Hillar", "notes": [ "Packt account *required*" ] }, { "url": "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Server-side/Django", "title": "Django Web Framework (Python)", "author": "MDN contributors" }, { "url": "http://agiliq.com/books/djenofdjango/", "title": "Djen of Django" }, { "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20181130092020/http://www.effectivedjango.com/", "title": "Effective Django", "notes": [ "1.5" ] }, { "url": "http://www.tangowithdjango.com/book17/", "title": "How to Tango With Django", "notes": [ "1.7" ] }, { "url": "http://www.obeythetestinggoat.com/pages/book.html", "title": "Test-Driven Development With Python And Django", "notes": [ "1.11" ] } ] }, { "section": "Flask", "entries": [ { "url": "https://exploreflask.com", "title": "Explore Flask", "author": "Robert Picard" }, { "url": "https://flask.palletsprojects.com", "title": "Flask Documentation", "author": "Pallets" }, { "url": "https://www.tutorialspoint.com/flask/", "title": "Python Flask Tutorial", "author": "Tutorials Point", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/the-flask-mega-tutorial-part-i-hello-world", "title": "The Flask Mega-Tutorial", "author": "Miguel Grinberg", "notes": [ "0.9" ] } ] }, { "section": "Kivy", "entries": [ { "url": "https://kivy.org/docs/guide-index.html", "title": "Kivy Programming Guide" } ] }, { "section": "Pandas", "entries": [ { "url": "https://bitbucket.org/hrojas/learn-pandas", "title": "Learn Pandas", "author": "Hernan Rojas", "notes": [ "0.18.1" ] }, { "url": "https://pandas.pydata.org/docs", "title": "pandas: powerful Python data analysis toolkit", "author": "Wes McKinney and the Pandas Development Team", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF" ] } ] }, { "section": "Pyramid", "entries": [ { "url": "http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/quick_tutorial/index.html#quick-tutorial", "title": "Quick Tutorial for Pyramid" } ] }, { "section": "Tornado", "entries": [ { "url": "https://bitbucket.org/hrojas/learn-web-programming", "title": "Learn Web Programming" } ] } ] }, { "section": "QML", "entries": [ { "url": "http://qmlbook.github.io", "title": "Qt5 Cadaques", "author": "Juergen Bocklage-Ryannel and Johan Thelin", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF, ePub", ":construction: *in process*" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "R", "entries": [ { "url": "http://adv-r.had.co.nz", "title": "Advanced R Programming", "author": "Hadley Wickham" }, { "url": "https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.html", "title": "An Introduction to R" }, { "url": "https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/ISLR2/ISLRv2_website.pdf", "title": "An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R", "author": "Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://bookdown.org/yihui/blogdown/", "title": "blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown", "author": "Yihui Xie, Amber Thomas, Alison Presmanes Hill" }, { "url": "http://www.cookbook-r.com", "title": "Cookbook for R", "author": "Winston Chang" }, { "url": "https://rafalab.github.io/dsbook/", "title": "Data Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R", "author": "Rafael A. Irizarry" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/dataanalysisforthelifesciences", "title": "Data Analysis for the Life Sciences", "author": "Rafael A Irizarry, Michael I Love", "accessNotes": "Leanpub account or valid email requested" }, { "url": "https://csgillespie.github.io/efficientR/", "title": "Efficient R programming", "author": "Colin Gillespie, Robin Lovelace" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/exdata", "title": "Exploratory Data Analysis with R", "author": "Roger D. Peng", "accessNotes": "Leanpub account or valid email requested" }, { "url": "https://otexts.com/fpp3/", "title": "Forecasting: Principles and Practice", "author": "Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos" }, { "url": "https://dcl-prog.stanford.edu", "title": "Functional Programming", "author": "Sara Altman, Bill Behrman and Hadley Wickham" }, { "url": "https://github.com/gjkerns/IPSUR", "title": "Introduction to Probability and Statistics Using R", "author": "G. Jay Kerns", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://learningstatisticswithr.com/book/", "title": "Learning Statistics with R", "author": "Danielle Navarro" }, { "url": "https://ismayc.github.io/moderndiver-book/", "title": "ModernDive", "author": "Chester Ismay and Albert Y. Kim" }, { "url": "http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Faraway-PRA.pdf", "title": "Practical Regression and Anova using R", "author": "Julian J. Faraway", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://r4ds.had.co.nz", "title": "R for Data Science", "author": "Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham" }, { "url": "http://www.columbia.edu/~cjd11/charles_dimaggio/DIRE/resources/spatialEpiBook.pdf", "title": "R for Spatial Analysis", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.johndcook.com/blog/r_language_for_programmers", "title": "R Language for Programmers", "author": "John D. Cook" }, { "url": "https://goalkicker.com/RBook/", "title": "R Notes for Professionals", "author": "Compiled from StackOverflow Documentation", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz", "title": "R Packages", "author": "Hadley Wickham" }, { "url": "http://www.columbia.edu/~cjd11/charles_dimaggio/DIRE/resources/R/practicalsBookNoAns.pdf", "title": "R Practicals", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/R_Programming", "title": "R Programming", "author": "Wikibooks" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/rprogramming", "title": "R Programming for Data Science", "author": "Roger D. Peng", "accessNotes": "Leanpub account or valid email requested" }, { "url": "https://www.syncfusion.com/resources/techportal/ebooks/rsuccinctly", "title": "R Succinctly, Syncfusion", "notes": [ "PDF, Kindle", "email address *requested*, not required" ] }, { "url": "https://rcompanion.org/handbook/index.html", "title": "Summary and Analysis of Extension Program Evaluation in R", "author": "Salvatore S. Mangiafico" }, { "url": "http://topepo.github.io/caret/index.html", "title": "The caret Package", "author": "Max Kuhn" }, { "url": "http://www.burns-stat.com/pages/Tutor/R_inferno.pdf", "title": "The R Inferno", "author": "Patrick Burns", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-patched/doc/html", "title": "The R Language" }, { "url": "http://cran.r-project.org/manuals.html", "title": "The R Manuals" }, { "url": "http://tidytextmining.com", "title": "Tidy Text Mining with R", "author": "Julia Silge and David Robinson" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Racket", "entries": [ { "url": "https://htdp.org/2019-02-24/", "title": "How to Design Programs", "author": "Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt, Shriram Krishnamurthi" }, { "url": "http://cs.brown.edu/courses/cs173/2012/book/index.html", "title": "Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation" }, { "url": "http://docs.racket-lang.org/guide/index.html", "title": "The Racket Guide" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Raku", "entries": [ { "url": "https://kyclark.gitbooks.io/metagenomics", "title": "Metagenomics", "author": "Ken Youens-Clark" }, { "url": "https://andrewshitov.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Perl-6-at-a-Glance.pdf", "title": "Perl 6 at a Glance", "author": "Andrew Shitov", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://raku.guide", "title": "Raku Guide", "notes": [ "HTML" ], "otherLinks": [ { "title": "PDF", "url": "https://github.com/hankache/rakuguide" } ] }, { "url": "https://andrewshitov.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Raku-One-Liners.pdf", "title": "Raku One-Liners", "author": "Andrew Shitov", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Raku_Programming", "title": "Raku Programming", "author": "Wikibooks", "notes": [ "HTML" ] }, { "url": "https://github.com/LaurentRosenfeld/think_raku/raw/master/PDF/think_raku.pdf", "title": "Think Raku", "author": "Laurent Rosenfeld, with Allen B. Downey", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://github.com/perl6/book/", "title": "Using Perl 6", "notes": [ ":construction: *project is dead*" ] }, { "url": "https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/raku/", "title": "X=Raku", "author": "Learn X in Y minutes", "notes": [ "HTML" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Raspberry Pi", "entries": [ { "url": "https://leanpub.com/RPiMRE/read", "title": "Raspberry Pi: Measure, Record, Explore", "author": "Malcolm Maclean", "notes": [ "HTML" ] }, { "url": "http://www.cs.unca.edu/~bruce/Fall14/360/RPiUsersGuide.pdf", "title": "Raspberry Pi Users Guide - (2012)", "author": "Eben Upton", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://magpi.raspberrypi.com/books/projects-1", "title": "The Official Raspberry Pi Project Book 1 (2015)", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "REBOL", "entries": [ { "url": "http://www.lulu.com/shop/nick-antonaccio/learn-rebol/ebook/product-17383182.html", "title": "Learn REBOL", "author": "Nick Antonaccio" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Ruby", "entries": [ { "url": "https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide", "title": "A community-driven Ruby style guide" }, { "url": "https://www.codecademy.com/learn/ruby", "title": "CodeCademy Ruby" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/developing-games-with-ruby/read", "title": "Developing Games With Ruby", "author": "Tomas Varaneckas" }, { "url": "https://i-love-ruby.gitlab.io", "title": "I Love Ruby" }, { "url": "https://launchschool.com/books/ruby", "title": "Introduction to Programming with Ruby", "author": "Launch School" }, { "url": "http://jasonkim.ca/projects/just_enough_ruby_to_get_by/", "title": "Just Enough Ruby to Get By" }, { "url": "https://essenceofchaos.gitbooks.io/learn-ruby-first/content/", "title": "Learn Ruby First", "author": "Frederick John" }, { "url": "https://learnrubythehardway.org/book/", "title": "Learn Ruby the Hard Way", "author": "Zed A. 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Odersky, L. Spoon, B. Venners" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/pfhais/read", "title": "Pure functional HTTP APIs in Scala", "author": "Jens Grassel" }, { "url": "https://wrobstory.gitbooks.io/python-to-scala/content/", "title": "PythonToScala", "author": "Rob Story" }, { "url": "http://aperiodic.net/phil/scala/s-99/", "title": "S-99: Ninety-Nine Scala Problems", "author": "Phil! Gold" }, { "url": "http://www.scala-lang.org/old/sites/default/files/FrederikThesis.pdf", "title": "Scala & Design Patterns: Exploring Language Expressivity", "author": "Fredrik Skeel Løkke", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://alvinalexander.com/scala/scala-book-free/", "title": "Scala Book", "author": "Alvin Alexander", "notes": [ "PDF, MOBI, HTML, EPUB" ] }, { "url": "https://www.scala-lang.org/old/sites/default/files/linuxsoft_archives/docu/files/ScalaByExample.pdf", "title": "Scala By Example", "author": "M. 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Bergmann", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://elvis.rowan.edu/~bergmann/books/Compiler_Design/java/CompilerDesignBook.pdf", "title": "Compiler Design: Theory, Tools, and Examples, Java Edition", "author": "Seth D. Bergmann", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://lampwww.epfl.ch/~schinz/thesis-final-A4.pdf", "title": "Compiling Scala for the Java Virtual Machine", "author": "Michel Schinz", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.chilton-computing.org.uk/acl/literature/books/compilingtechniques/overview.htm", "title": "Compiling Techniques (1969)", "author": "F.R.A. Hopgood, Macdonald" }, { "url": "http://www.craftinginterpreters.com", "title": "Crafting Interpreters", "author": "Bob Nystrom", "notes": [ "HTML" ] }, { "url": "http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/simonpj/Papers/pj-lester-book/", "title": "Implementing Functional Languages: A Tutorial", "author": "Simon Peyton Jones, David Lester" }, { "url": "https://www3.nd.edu/~dthain/compilerbook/compilerbook.pdf", "title": "Introduction to Compilers and Language Design", "author": "Douglas Thain", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.stack.nl/~marcov/compiler.pdf", "title": "Let's Build a Compiler", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://web.stanford.edu/class/archive/cs/cs143/cs143.1128/", "title": "Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Compiler Construction", "notes": [ "class lectures and slides" ] }, { "url": "https://tomassetti.me/antlr-mega-tutorial/", "title": "The ANTLR Mega Tutorial" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Computer Organization and Architecture", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.cse.iitd.ac.in/~srsarangi/archbooksoft.html", "title": "Basic Computer Architecture", "author": "Smruti R. Sarangi", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF, Slides, Videos" ] }, { "url": "https://faculty.etsu.edu/tarnoff/138292", "title": "Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals", "author": "David Tarnoff", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Computer Science", "entries": [ { "url": "https://dcic-world.org", "title": "A Data-Centric Introduction to Computing", "author": "Kathi Fisler, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Benjamin S. 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Prince" }, { "url": "http://programmingcomputervision.com", "title": "Programming Computer Vision with Python", "author": "Jan Erik Solem" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Containers", "entries": [ { "url": "https://github.com/semaphoreci/book-monorepo-cicd", "title": "CI/CD for Monorepos: Effectively building, testing, and deploying code with monorepos", "author": "Pablo Tomas Fernandez Zavalia, Marko Anastasov, SemaphoreCI", "notes": [ "PDF, EPUB, Kindle" ] }, { "url": "https://github.com/semaphoreci/book-cicd-docker-kubernetes", "title": "CI/CD with Docker and Kubernetes Book", "author": "Marko Anastasov, Jérôme Petazzoni, Pablo Tom F. Zavalia, SemaphoreCI", "notes": [ "PDF, EPUB, Kindle" ] }, { "url": "http://odewahn.github.io/docker-jumpstart/", "title": "Docker Jumpstart", "author": "Andrew Odewahn" }, { "url": "https://www.tutorialspoint.com/docker/", "title": "Docker Tutorial", "author": "Tutorials Point", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://resources.linuxfoundation.org/LF+Projects/CNCF/TheNewStack_Book2_KubernetesDeploymentAndSecurityPatterns.pdf", "title": "Kubernetes Deployment & Security Patterns", "author": "Alex Williams", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.digitalocean.com/community/books/digitalocean-ebook-kubernetes-for-full-stack-developers", "title": "Kubernetes for Full-Stack Developers", "author": "Jamon Camisso, Hanif Jetha, Katherine Juell", "notes": [ "PDF, EPUB" ] }, { "url": "https://livro.descomplicandokubernetes.com.br/en/", "title": "Uncomplicating Kubernetes", "author": "Jeferson Fernando" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Database", "entries": [ { "url": "https://opentextbc.ca/dbdesign01/", "title": "Database Design – 2nd Edition", "author": "Adrienne Watt, Nelson Eng @ BCcampus Open Pressbooks", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF, EPUB, Kindle" ] }, { "url": "http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~hugh/TTM/Database-Explorations-revision-2.pdf", "title": "Database Explorations", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/dw/db2/express-c/wiki/Database_fundamentals.pdf", "title": "Database Fundamentals", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~hugh/TTM/DTATRM.pdf", "title": "Databases, Types, and The Relational Model: The Third Manifesto", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://webdam.inria.fr/Alice/", "title": "Foundations of Databases" }, { "url": "http://www.redbook.io", "title": "Readings in Database Systems, 5th Ed." }, { "url": "http://people.cs.aau.dk/~csj/Thesis/", "title": "Temporal Database Management", "author": "Christian S. Jensen" }, { "url": "http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~maier/TheoryBook/TRD.html", "title": "The Theory of Relational Databases" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Datamining", "entries": [ { "url": "http://guidetodatamining.com", "title": "A Programmer's Guide to Data Mining", "author": "Ron Zacharski", "notes": [ "Draft" ] }, { "url": "http://www.oreilly.com/data/free/data-jujitsu.csp", "title": "Data Jujitsu: The Art of Turning Data into Product", "notes": [ "email address *requested*, not required" ] }, { "url": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Data_Mining_Algorithms_In_R", "title": "Data Mining Algorithms In R", "author": "Wikibooks" }, { "url": "https://allendowney.github.io/ElementsOfDataScience/README.html", "title": "Elements of Data Science", "author": "Allen B. 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Ullman", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://schoolofdata.org/handbook/", "title": "School of Data Handbook" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/LittleInferenceBook/read", "title": "Statistical inference for data science", "author": "Brian Caffo" }, { "url": "https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2018/08/dimensionality-reduction-techniques-python/", "title": "The Ultimate Guide to 12 Dimensionality Reduction Techniques (with Python codes)", "author": "Pulkit Sharma" }, { "url": "http://www.intechopen.com/books/theory-and-applications-for-advanced-text-mining", "title": "Theory and Applications for Advanced Text Mining" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Game Development", "entries": [ { "url": "https://github.com/Penaz91/2DGD_F0TH", "title": "2D Game Development: From Zero To Hero", "author": "Daniele Penazzo", "notes": [], "manualReviewRequired": true }, { "url": "https://gamemath.com/book/intro.html", "title": "3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development", "author": "Fletcher Dunn", "notes": [ "HTML" ] }, { "url": "https://turtleappstore.com/book/", "title": "Coding With Minecraft", "author": "Al Sweigart" }, { "url": "https://mud.co.uk/richard/DesigningVirtualWorlds.pdf", "title": "Designing Virtual Worlds", "author": "Richard A. Bartle", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.gameaipro.com", "title": "Game AI Pro", "author": "Steve Rabin" }, { "url": "https://ensadi.github.io/AGSBook/", "title": "Game Design with AGS", "author": "Dave Ensminger, A. G. Madi" }, { "url": "http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com", "title": "Game Programming Patterns", "author": "Bob Nystrom" }, { "url": "http://pcgbook.com", "title": "Procedural Content Generation in Games", "author": "Noor Shaker, Julian Togelius, Mark Nelson" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Graphics Programming", "entries": [ { "url": "https://github.com/lettier/3d-game-shaders-for-beginners", "title": "3D Game Shaders For Beginners", "author": "David Lettier", "notes": [ "Git" ], "otherLinks": [ { "title": "HTML", "url": "https://lettier.github.io/3d-game-shaders-for-beginners" } ] }, { "url": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D%3A_Noob_to_Pro", "title": "Blender 3D: Noob to Pro", "author": "Wikibooks" }, { "url": "https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest", "title": "Blender Manual" }, { "url": "http://gabrielgambetta.com/computer-graphics-from-scratch", "title": "Computer Graphics from scratch", "author": "Gabriel Gambetta", "notes": [ ":construction: *in process*" ] }, { "url": "http://user.xmission.com/~legalize/book/download/index.html", "title": "DirectX manual", "notes": [ "draft" ] }, { "url": "https://developer.nvidia.com/gpugems/GPUGems/gpugems_pref01.html", "title": "GPU Gems" }, { "url": "http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/technical/graphics-programming-and-theory/graphics-programming-black-book-r1698", "title": "Graphics Programming Black Book", "author": "Michael Abrash" }, { "url": "https://open.gl", "title": "Introduction to Modern OpenGL", "author": "Alexander Overvoorde", "notes": [ "HTML, EPUB, PDF", "C++" ] }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/introductiontotouchdesigner/", "title": "Introduction to TouchDesigner 099", "accessNotes": "Leanpub account or valid email requested" }, { "url": "https://www.scratchapixel.com", "title": "Learn Computer Graphics From Scratch!", "author": "Scratchapixel", "notes": [ ":construction: *in process*" ] }, { "url": "http://learnopengl.com", "title": "Learn OpenGL", "author": "Joey de Vries" }, { "url": "https://github.com/bwasty/learn-opengl-rs", "title": "Learn OpenGL RS", "author": "Benjamin Wasty et al.", "notes": [ ":construction: *in process*", "Rust" ] }, { "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20150225192611/http://www.arcsynthesis.org/gltut/index.html", "title": "Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming", "author": "Jason L. McKesson", "notes": [ "draft" ] }, { "url": "https://www.cs.csustan.edu/~rsc/CS3600F00/Notes.pdf", "title": "Notes for a Computer Graphics Programming Course", "author": "Dr. Steve Cunningham", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.songho.ca/opengl/index.html", "title": "OpenGL", "author": "Concepts and illustrations." }, { "url": "https://raytracing.github.io", "title": "Ray Tracing in One Weekend", "author": "Peter Shirley", "notes": [ "HTML" ] }, { "url": "http://www.realtimerendering.com/resources/shaderx/", "title": "ShaderX series", "author": "Wolfgang Engel" }, { "url": "http://www.opengl-tutorial.org", "title": "Tutorials for modern OpenGL" }, { "url": "http://webglinsights.com", "title": "WebGL Insights", "author": "Patrick Cozzi and Contributors" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Graphical User Interfaces", "entries": [ { "url": "https://mmstick.github.io/gtkrs-tutorials/", "title": "Event-Driven GTK by Example — 2021 Edition", "author": "Michael Murphy" }, { "url": "https://aaronerhardt.github.io/relm4-book/book/", "title": "GUI development with Relm4", "author": "Aaron Erhardt" }, { "url": "https://gtk-rs.org/gtk4-rs/stable/latest/book/", "title": "GUI development with Rust and GTK 4", "author": "Julian Hofer" }, { "url": "https://developer.gnome.org/gtkmm-tutorial/stable/", "title": "Programming with gtkmm 4" }, { "url": "http://searchuserinterfaces.com/book/", "title": "Search User Interfaces", "author": "Marti A. Hearst" }, { "url": "https://people.gnome.org/~swilmet/glib-gtk-dev-platform.pdf", "title": "The GLib/GTK+ Development Platform", "author": "Sébastien Wilmet", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://pressbooks.library.ryerson.ca/webdesign/", "title": "Web Design Primer", "author": "Richard Adams, Ahmed Sagarwala" }, { "url": "https://www.webstyleguide.com/wsg3/index.html", "title": "Web Style Guide Online", "author": "Patrick J. Lynch and Sarah Horton" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Information Retrieval", "entries": [ { "url": "http://www.csee.umbc.edu/csee/research/cadip/readings/IR.report.120600.book.pdf", "title": "Information Retrieval: A Survey", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://nlp.stanford.edu/IR-book/information-retrieval-book.html", "title": "Introduction to Information Retrieval" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Licensing", "entries": [ { "url": "http://www.aliprandi.org/cc-user-guide/", "title": "Creative Commons: a user guide", "author": "Simone Aliprandi" }, { "url": "http://rosenlaw.com/oslbook/", "title": "Open Source Licensing Software Freedom and Intellectual Property Law", "author": "Lawrence Rosen" }, { "url": "http://www.thepublicdomain.org/download/", "title": "The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind", "author": "James Boyle" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Machine Learning", "entries": [ { "url": "https://arxiv.org/pdf/1709.02840.pdf", "title": "A Brief Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers", "author": "Osvaldo Simeone", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.dkriesel.com/en/science/neural_networks", "title": "A Brief Introduction to Neural Networks" }, { "url": "https://www.eecs189.org/static/resources/comprehensive-guide.pdf", "title": "A Comprehensive Guide to Machine Learning", "author": "Soroush Nasiriany, Garrett Thomas, William Wang, Alex Yang", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://ciml.info/dl/v0_9/ciml-v0_9-all.pdf", "title": "A Course in Machine Learning", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20210420163002/https://www.ics.uci.edu/~welling/teaching/ICS273Afall11/IntroMLBook.pdf", "title": "A First Encounter with Machine Learning", "author": "Max Welling", "notes": [ "PDF" ], "accessNotes": ":card_file_box: archived" }, { "url": "https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.05526", "title": "A Selective Overview of Deep Learning", "author": "Fan, Ma, and Zhong", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://sites.ualberta.ca/~szepesva/papers/RLAlgsInMDPs.pdf", "title": "Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning", "author": "Csaba Szepesvári", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/ISLR2/ISLRv2_website.pdf", "title": "An Introduction to Statistical Learning", "author": "Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://github.com/abhishekkrthakur/approachingalmost", "title": "Approaching Almost Any Machine Learning Problem", "author": "Abhishek Thakur", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://web4.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/D.Barber/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Brml.HomePage", "title": "Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning" }, { "url": "http://www.deeplearningbook.org", "title": "Deep Learning", "author": "Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville" }, { "url": "https://github.com/fastai/fastbook", "title": "Deep Learning for Coders with Fastai and PyTorch", "author": "Jeremy Howard, Sylvain Gugger", "notes": [ "Jupyter Notebooks" ] }, { "url": "https://pytorch.org/assets/deep-learning/Deep-Learning-with-PyTorch.pdf", "title": "Deep Learning with PyTorch", "author": "Eli Stevens, Luca Antiga, Thomas Viehmann", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://d2l.ai", "title": "Dive into Deep Learning" }, { "url": "https://web.stanford.edu/group/pdplab/pdphandbook", "title": "Explorations in Parallel Distributed Processing: A Handbook of Models, Programs, and Exercises", "author": "James L. McClelland" }, { "url": "https://mitpress.ublish.com/ereader/7093/?preview=#page/Cover", "title": "Foundations of Machine Learning, Second Edition", "author": "Mehryar Mohri, Afshin Rostamizadeh, Ameet Talwalkar" }, { "url": "https://nocomplexity.com/documents/fossml/", "title": "Free and Open Machine Learning", "author": "Maikel Mardjan", "notes": [ "HTML" ] }, { "url": "http://www.gaussianprocess.org/gpml/", "title": "Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning" }, { "url": "https://www.ibm.com/downloads/cas/GB8ZMQZ3", "title": "IBM Machine Learning for Dummies", "author": "Judith Hurwitz, Daniel Kirsch" }, { "url": "http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/itila/", "title": "Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms" }, { "url": "https://christophm.github.io/interpretable-ml-book/", "title": "Interpretable Machine Learning", "author": "Christoph Molnar" }, { "url": "https://www.syncfusion.com/ebooks/cntk_succinctly", "title": "Introduction to CNTK Succinctly", "author": "James McCaffrey" }, { "url": "http://arxiv.org/abs/0904.3664v1", "title": "Introduction to Machine Learning", "author": "Amnon Shashua" }, { "url": "https://www.syncfusion.com/ebooks/keras-succinctly", "title": "Keras Succinctly", "author": "James McCaffrey" }, { "url": "https://bitbucket.org/hrojas/learn-tensorflow", "title": "Learn Tensorflow", "author": "Jupyter Notebooks" }, { "url": "https://mila.quebec/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/TR1312.pdf", "title": "Learning Deep Architectures for AI", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.intechopen.com/books/machine_learning", "title": "Machine Learning" }, { "url": "https://moa.cms.waikato.ac.nz/book-html/", "title": "Machine Learning for Data Streams", "author": "Albert Bifet, Ricard Gavaldà, Geoff Holmes, Bernhard Pfahringer" }, { "url": "https://dafriedman97.github.io/mlbook/", "title": "Machine Learning from Scratch", "author": "Danny Friedman", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF, Jupyter Book" ] }, { "url": "http://www1.maths.leeds.ac.uk/~charles/statlog/", "title": "Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification" }, { "url": "https://www.tutorialspoint.com/machine_learning_with_python/", "title": "Machine Learning with Python", "author": "Tutorials Point", "notes": [], "manualReviewRequired": true }, { "url": "https://gwthomas.github.io/docs/math4ml.pdf", "title": "Mathematics for Machine Learning", "author": "Garrett Thomas", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://mml-book.github.io", "title": "Mathematics for Machine Learning", "author": "Marc Peter Deisenroth, A Aldo Faisal, and Cheng Soon Ong" }, { "url": "http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com", "title": "Neural Networks and Deep Learning" }, { "url": "https://services.google.com/fh/files/misc/practitioners_guide_to_mlops_whitepaper.pdf", "title": "Practitioners guide to MLOps", "author": "Khalid Samala, Jarek Kazmierczak, Donna Schut", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://idiom.ucsd.edu/~rlevy/pmsl_textbook/text.html", "title": "Probabilistic Models in the Study of Language", "notes": [ "Draft, with R code" ] }, { "url": "https://www.digitalocean.com/community/books/python-machine-learning-projects-a-digitalocean-ebook", "title": "Python Machine Learning Projects", "author": "Lisa Tagliaferri, Brian Boucheron, Michelle Morales, Ellie Birkbeck, Alvin Wan", "notes": [ "PDF, EPUB, Kindle" ] }, { "url": "http://incompleteideas.net/book/RLbook2020.pdf", "title": "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction", "author": "Richard S. Sutton, Andrew G. Barto", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://web.stanford.edu/~jurafsky/slp3/ed3book.pdf", "title": "Speech and Language Processing (3rd Edition Draft)", "author": "Daniel Jurafsky, James H. Martin", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/ElemStatLearn/", "title": "The Elements of Statistical Learning", "author": "Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman" }, { "url": "https://intelligent-optimization.org/LIONbook/lionbook_3v0.pdf", "title": "The LION Way: Machine Learning plus Intelligent Optimization", "author": "Roberto Battiti, Mauro Brunato", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://mlbook.explained.ai", "title": "The Mechanics of Machine Learning", "author": "Terence Parr and Jeremy Howard" }, { "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20210308080726/https://thepythongamebook.com/en%3Astart", "title": "The Python Game Book", "author": "Horst Jens", "accessNotes": ":card_file_box: archived" }, { "url": "https://www.dezyre.com/article/top-10-machine-learning-algorithms/202", "title": "Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms Every Engineer Should Know", "author": "Binny Mathews and Omair Aasim" }, { "url": "https://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~shais/UnderstandingMachineLearning", "title": "Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms", "author": "Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Shai Ben-David" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Mathematics", "entries": [ { "url": "https://shoup.net/ntb/", "title": "A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra", "author": "Victor Shoup" }, { "url": "https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/boyer/acl.pdf", "title": "A Computational Logic (1979)", "author": "Robert S. Boyer and J Strother Moore", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://math.sfsu.edu/beck/complex.html", "title": "A First Course in Complex Analysis", "author": "Matthias Beck, Gerald Marchesi, Dennis Pixton, Lucas Sabalka" }, { "url": "http://linear.ups.edu", "title": "A First Course in Linear Algebra", "author": "Rob Beezer" }, { "url": "https://milneopentextbooks.org/a-friendly-introduction-to-mathematical-logic/", "title": "A Friendly Introduction to Mathematical Logic", "author": "Christopher C. Leary and Lars Kristiansen" }, { "url": "https://osj1961.github.io/giam/", "title": "A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Mathematics", "author": "Joseph E. Fields" }, { "url": "https://pimbook.org", "title": "A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics", "author": "Jeremy Kun" }, { "url": "http://abstract.ups.edu", "title": "Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications", "author": "Tom Judson" }, { "url": "https://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/books/20/", "title": "Active Calculus", "author": "Matt Boelkins" }, { "url": "http://www.math.stonybrook.edu/~aknapp/download/a2-alg-inside.pdf", "title": "Advanced Algebra", "author": "Anthony W. Knapp", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~goodman/algebrabook.dir/algebrabook.html", "title": "Algebra: Abstract and Concrete", "author": "Frederick Goodman" }, { "url": "http://djm.cc/library/Algebra_Elementary_Text-Book_Part_I_Chrystal_edited.pdf", "title": "Algebra: An Elementary Text-Book, Part I (1904)", "author": "G. Chrystal", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://djm.cc/library/Algebra_Elementary_Text-Book_Part_II_Chrystal_edited02.pdf", "title": "Algebra: An Elementary Text-Book, Part II (1900)", "author": "G. Chrystal", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://pi.math.cornell.edu/~hatcher/AT/ATpage.html", "title": "Algebraic Topology", "author": "Allen Hatcher", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://infinitedescent.xyz/dl/infdesc.pdf", "title": "An Infinite Descent into Pure Mathematics", "author": "Clive Newstead", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.trillia.com/moser-number.html", "title": "An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers", "author": "Leo Moser", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://djm.cc/library/Analytic_Geometry_Siceloff_Wentworth_Smith_edited.pdf", "title": "Analytic Geometry (1922)", "author": "Lewis Parker Siceloff, George Wentworth, David Eugene Smith", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.apexcalculus.com", "title": "APEX Calculus", "author": "Gregory Hartman, Brian Heinold, Troy Siemers, and Dimplekumar Chalishajar" }, { "url": "https://rellek.net/book/app-comb.html", "title": "Applied Combinatorics", "author": "Mitchel T. Keller and William T. Trotter" }, { "url": "https://faculty.uml.edu/klevasseur/ads2/", "title": "Applied Discrete Structures", "author": "Alan Doerr and Kenneth Levasseur" }, { "url": "http://www.math.stonybrook.edu/~aknapp/download/b2-alg-inside.pdf", "title": "Basic Algebra", "author": "Anthony W. Knapp", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.jirka.org/ra/", "title": "Basic Analysis: Introduction to Real Analysis", "author": "Jiří Lebl" }, { "url": "http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~jean/math-basics.pdf", "title": "Basics of Algebra, Topology, and Differential Calculus", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://github.com/CamDavidsonPilon/Probabilistic-Programming-and-Bayesian-Methods-for-Hackers", "title": "Bayesian Methods for Hackers", "author": "Cameron Davidson-Pilon" }, { "url": "http://www.wallace.ccfaculty.org/book/book.html", "title": "Beginning and Intermediate Algebra", "author": "Tyler Wallace" }, { "url": "https://www.people.vcu.edu/~rhammack/BookOfProof/", "title": "Book of Proof", "author": "Richard Hammack", "otherLinks": [ { "title": "PDF", "url": "https://www.people.vcu.edu/~rhammack/BookOfProof/Main.pdf" } ] }, { "url": "https://ocw.mit.edu/resources/res-18-001-calculus-online-textbook-spring-2005/textbook/", "title": "Calculus", "author": "Gilbert Strang" }, { "url": "https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechBOOK:1985.001", "title": "Calculus I", "author": "Jerrold E. Marsden and Alan Weinstein" }, { "url": "http://www.math.smith.edu/~callahan/intromine.html", "title": "Calculus in Context", "author": "James Callahan" }, { "url": "http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/33283", "title": "Calculus Made Easy", "author": "Silvanus P. Thompson", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://mitpress.ublish.com/ereader/77/?preview#page/Cover", "title": "Category Theory for the Sciences", "author": "David I. Spivak" }, { "url": "http://www.ck12.org/book/Probability-and-Statistics---Advanced-%2528Second-Edition%2529/", "title": "CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced" }, { "url": "https://www.math.ubc.ca/~CLP/CLP1/", "title": "CLP-1 Differential Calculus", "author": "Joel Feldman, Andrew Rechnitzer, and Elyse Yeager" }, { "url": "https://www.math.ubc.ca/~CLP/CLP2/", "title": "CLP-2 Integral Calculus", "author": "Joel Feldman, Andrew Rechnitzer, and Elyse Yeager" }, { "url": "https://www.math.ubc.ca/~CLP/CLP3/", "title": "CLP-3 Multivariable Calculus", "author": "Joel Feldman, Andrew Rechnitzer, and Elyse Yeager" }, { "url": "https://www.math.ubc.ca/~CLP/CLP4/", "title": "CLP-4 Vector Calculus", "author": "Joel Feldman, Andrew Rechnitzer, and Elyse Yeager" }, { "url": "http://cnx.org/contents/5e0744f9-9e79-4348-9237-ed012213a2d6%4040.9", "title": "Collaborative Statistics" }, { "url": "https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/textbooks/college-trigonometry", "title": "College Trigonometry", "author": "Carl Stitz, Jeff Zeager", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://bogart.openmathbooks.org", "title": "Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery", "author": "Kenneth Bogart" }, { "url": "https://people.math.gatech.edu/~cain/winter99/complex.html", "title": "Complex Analysis", "author": "George Cain" }, { "url": "https://www.inferentialthinking.com", "title": "Computational and Inferential Thinking. The Foundations of Data Science" }, { "url": "http://web.mit.edu/hyperbook/Patrikalakis-Maekawa-Cho/", "title": "Computational Geometry" }, { "url": "https://www.sagemath.org/sagebook/", "title": "Computational Mathematics with SageMath", "author": "Paul Zimmermann, Alexandre Casamayou, Nathann Cohen, Guillaume Connan, et al.", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://vassarstats.net/textbook/", "title": "Concepts & Applications of Inferential Statistics" }, { "url": "https://web.stanford.edu/~boyd/cvxbook", "title": "Convex Optimization", "author": "Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe" }, { "url": "http://djm.cc/library/Coordinate_Geometry_Fine_Thompson_edited03.pdf", "title": "Coordinate Geometry (1911)", "author": "Henry Buchard Fine and Henry Dallas Thompson", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/Classes/DE/DE.aspx", "title": "Differential Equations", "author": "Paul Dawkins", "notes": [ "PDF, use download menu to download" ] }, { "url": "http://djm.cc/library/Differential_Equations_Phillips_edited.pdf", "title": "Differential Equations (1922)", "author": "H. B. Phillips", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://discrete.openmathbooks.org/dmoi3.html", "title": "Discrete Mathematics: An Open Introduction", "author": "Oscar Levin" }, { "url": "https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~gill/BWLectSite/", "title": "Discrete Mathematics: First and Second Course", "author": "Edward A. Bender and S. Gill Williamson" }, { "url": "http://ramanujan.math.trinity.edu/wtrench/texts/TRENCH_DIFF_EQNS_I.PDF", "title": "Elementary Differential Equations", "author": "William F. Trench", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/mono/9/", "title": "Elementary Differential Equations (with Boundary Value Problems)", "author": "William F. Trench" }, { "url": "https://wstein.org/ent/", "title": "Elementary Number Theory: Primes, Congruences, and Secrets", "author": "William Stein" }, { "url": "https://www.classicalrealanalysis.info/com/Elementary-Real-Analysis.php", "title": "Elementary Real Analysis", "author": "Brian S. Thomson, Judith B. Bruckner, Andrew M. Bruckner" }, { "url": "https://www.math.miami.edu/~ec/book/", "title": "Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra", "author": "E. H. Connell" }, { "url": "http://djm.cc/library/Elements_Differential_Integral_Calculus_Granville_edited_2.pdf", "title": "Elements of Differential and Integral Calculus (1911)", "author": "William Anthony Granville", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://cs.gmu.edu/~sean/book/metaheuristics/", "title": "Essentials of Metaheuristics", "author": "Sean Luke" }, { "url": "http://djm.cc/library/First_Algebra_Hawkes_Luby_Touton_edited.pdf", "title": "First Course in Algebra (1910)", "author": "Herbert E. Hawkes, William A. Luby, Frank C. Touton", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.math.ucsd.edu/~ebender/CombText/", "title": "Foundations of Combinatorics with Applications", "author": "Edward A. Bender and S. Gill Williamson" }, { "url": "https://arxiv.org/pdf/1906.01803.pdf", "title": "Foundations of Constructive Probability Theory", "author": "Yuen-Kwok Chan", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://mphitchman.com", "title": "Geometry with an Introduction to Cosmic Topology", "author": "Michael P. Hitchman" }, { "url": "http://compalg.inf.elte.hu/~tony/Oktatas/TDK/FINAL/", "title": "Graph Theory" }, { "url": "https://milneopentextbooks.org/how-we-got-from-there-to-here-a-story-of-real-analysis/", "title": "How We Got from There to Here: A Story of Real Analysis", "author": "Robert Rogers and Eugene Boman" }, { "url": "https://www.dartmouth.edu/~chance/teaching_aids/books_articles/probability_book/book.html", "title": "Introduction to Probability", "author": "Charles M. Grinstead and J. Laurie Snell" }, { "url": "http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mathematics/18-05-introduction-to-probability-and-statistics-spring-2014/", "title": "Introduction to Probability and Statistics Spring 2014" }, { "url": "http://joshua.smcvt.edu/proofs/", "title": "Introduction to Proofs", "author": "Jim Hefferon" }, { "url": "https://digitalcommons.trinity.edu/mono/7/", "title": "Introduction to Real Analysis", "author": "William F. Trench" }, { "url": "http://people.math.umass.edu/~lavine/Book/book.html", "title": "Introduction to Statistical Thought", "author": "Michael Lavine" }, { "url": "https://www.openintro.org/book/isrs/", "title": "Introductory Statistics for the Life and Biomedical Sciences", "author": "Julie Vu and David Harrington" }, { "url": "https://github.com/rlabbe/Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python", "title": "Kalman and Bayesian Filters in Python" }, { "url": "http://www.or.deis.unibo.it/knapsack.html", "title": "Knapsack Problems - Algorithms and Computer Implementations", "author": "Silvano Martello and Paolo Toth" }, { "url": "http://home.iitk.ac.in/~psraj/mth102/lecture_notes.html", "title": "Lecture Notes of Linear Algebra", "author": "Dr. P. Shunmugaraj, IIT Kanpur", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://home.iitk.ac.in/~arlal/book/LA_Solution_Dec20.pdf", "title": "Lecture Notes on Linear Algebra", "author": "Dr. Arbind K Lal, Sukant Pati", "notes": [ "PDF", ":construction: *in process*" ] }, { "url": "https://www.poritz.net/jonathan/share/ldlos.pdf", "title": "Lies, Damned Lies, or Statistics: How to Tell the Truth with Statistics", "author": "Jonathan A. Poritz", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~linear/linear-guest.pdf", "title": "Linear Algebra", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://joshua.smcvt.edu/linearalgebra/", "title": "Linear Algebra", "author": "Jim Hefferon" }, { "url": "https://www.math.brown.edu/streil/papers/LADW/LADW.html", "title": "Linear Algebra Done Wrong", "author": "Sergei Treil" }, { "url": "https://people.math.gatech.edu/~herod/Hspace/Hspace.html", "title": "Linear Algebra, Infinite Dimensions, and Maple", "author": "James Herod" }, { "url": "http://www.mathphysics.com/pde", "title": "Linear Methods of Applied Mathematics", "author": "Evans M. Harrell II and James V. Herod" }, { "url": "http://djm.cc/library/Magic_Squares_Cubes_Andrews_edited.pdf", "title": "Magic Squares and Cubes (1917)", "author": "W. S. Anderson", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.opentextbookstore.com/mathinsociety/", "title": "Math in Society", "author": "David Lippman" }, { "url": "http://www.trillia.com/zakon-analysisI.html", "title": "Mathematical Analysis I", "author": "Elias Zakon" }, { "url": "https://classicalrealanalysis.info/com/Mathematical-Discovery.php", "title": "Mathematical Discovery", "author": "Andrew M. Bruckner, Brian S. Thomson, and Judith B. Bruckner" }, { "url": "http://www.ii.uib.no/~michal/und/i227/book/book.pdf", "title": "Mathematical Logic - an Introduction", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.tedsundstrom.com/mathematical-reasoning-3", "title": "Mathematical Reasoning: Writing and Proof", "author": "Ted Sundstrom" }, { "url": "http://home.iitk.ac.in/~psraj/mth101/", "title": "Mathematics, MTH101A", "author": "P. Shunmugaraj, IIT Kanpur" }, { "url": "https://www.huber.embl.de/msmb", "title": "Modern Statistics for Modern Biology", "author": "Susan Holmes and Wolfgang Huber" }, { "url": "https://people.math.gatech.edu/~cain/notes/calculus.html", "title": "Multivariable Calculus", "author": "George Cain and James Herod" }, { "url": "http://luc.devroye.org/rnbookindex.html", "title": "Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation", "author": "Luc Devroye", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.jirka.org/diffyqs/", "title": "Notes on Diffy Qs", "author": "Jiří Lebl" }, { "url": "https://github.com/holdenlee/number-theory", "title": "Number Theory", "author": "Holden Lee MIT" }, { "url": "https://math.gordon.edu/ntic/", "title": "Number Theory: In Context and Interactive", "author": "Karl-Dieter Crisman", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://jonathanweisberg.org/vip/", "title": "Odds and Ends: Introducing Probability & Decision with a Visual Emphasis", "author": "Jonathan Weisberg" }, { "url": "http://onlinestatbook.com", "title": "Online Statistics Education", "author": "David Lane" }, { "url": "https://www.openintro.org/stat/textbook.php", "title": "OpenIntro Statistics", "author": "David M. Diez, Christopher D. Barr, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel" }, { "url": "https://spaces.pcc.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=52729944", "title": "ORCCA: Open Resources for Community College Algebra", "author": "Portland Community College" }, { "url": "https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ordinary_Differential_Equations", "title": "Ordinary Differential Equations", "author": "Wikibooks" }, { "url": "https://tutorial.math.lamar.edu", "title": "Paul's Online Notes: Algebra, Calculus I-III and Differential Equations", "author": "Paul Dawkins @ Lamar University" }, { "url": "http://djm.cc/library/Plane_Geometry_Wentworth_Smith_edited.pdf", "title": "Plane Geometry (1913)", "author": "George Wentworth and David Eugene Smith", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://djm.cc/library/Plane_Spherical_Trigonometry_Wentworth_Smith_edited_2.pdf", "title": "Planes and Spherical Trigonometry (1915)", "author": "George Wentworth and David Eugene Smith", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://stitz-zeager.com", "title": "Precalculus", "author": "Carl Stitz and Jeff Zeager", "otherLinks": [ { "title": "PDF", "url": "https://stitz-zeager.com/szprecalculus07042013.pdf" } ] }, { "url": "http://statistics.zone", "title": "Probability and Statistics Cookbook" }, { "url": "http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/index.php/Probability_and_statistics_EBook", "title": "Probability and Statistics EBook" }, { "url": "https://www.markhuberdatascience.org/probability-textbook", "title": "Probability: Lectures and Labs", "author": "Mark Huber" }, { "url": "http://djm.cc/library/Recreations_in_Mathematics_Licks_edited.pdf", "title": "Recreations in Math", "author": "H. E. Licks", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.gregorybard.com/books.html", "title": "Sage for Undergraduates", "author": "Gregory Bard" }, { "url": "http://djm.cc/library/Second_Algebra_Hawkes_Luby_Touton_edited.pdf", "title": "Second Course in Algebra", "author": "Herbert E. Hawkes, William A. Luby, Frank C. Touton", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://arxiv.org/pdf/1803.05316.pdf", "title": "Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory", "author": "Brendan Fong and David I. Spivak", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://statsthinking21.org", "title": "Statistical Thinking for the 21st Century", "author": "Russell A. Poldrack" }, { "url": "http://www.statisticsdonewrong.com", "title": "Statistics Done Wrong", "author": "Alex Reinhart" }, { "url": "https://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~stark/SticiGui/", "title": "SticiGui", "author": "Philip Stark" }, { "url": "https://lqbrin.github.io/tea-time-numerical/", "title": "Tea Time Numerical Analysis", "author": "Leon Q. Brin" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/datastyle", "title": "The Elements of Data Analytic Style", "author": "Jeff Leek", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF, EPUB, Kindle" ], "accessNotes": "Leanpub account or valid email requested" }, { "url": "https://builds.openlogicproject.org/open-logic-complete.pdf", "title": "The Open Logic Text", "author": "Open Logic Project", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkbayes/", "title": "Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics Made Simple", "author": "Allen B. Downey" }, { "url": "http://greenteapress.com/thinkstats/", "title": "Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers", "author": "Allen B. Downey", "notes": [ "using Python" ] }, { "url": "http://www.mecmath.net", "title": "Vector Calculus", "author": "Michael Corral" }, { "url": "https://www.poritz.net/jonathan/share/yaintt.pdf", "title": "Yet Another Introductory Number Theory Textbook", "author": "Jonathan A. Poritz", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Mathematics For Computer Science", "entries": [ { "url": "https://archive.org/details/bstj27-4-623", "title": "A Mathematical Theory of Communication", "author": "Claude E.Shannon" }, { "url": "http://cglab.ca/~michiel/DiscreteStructures/", "title": "Discrete Structures for Computer Science: Counting, Recursion, and Probability", "author": "Michiel Smid" }, { "url": "https://freecontent.manning.com/free-ebook-exploring-math-for-programmers-and-data-scientists/", "title": "Exploring Math for Programmers and Data Scientists", "author": "Paul Orland" }, { "url": "https://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.042/spring18/mcs.pdf", "title": "Mathematics for Computer Science", "author": "Eric Lehman, F. Thomson Leighton, Albert R. Meyer", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Misc", "entries": [ { "url": "https://ithemes.com/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/09/10-keys-to-great-landing-pages-eBook.pdf", "title": "10 Keys to Great Landing Pages", "author": "iThemes Media", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.oreilly.com/radar/2016-european-software-development-salary-survey/", "title": "2016 European Software Development Salary Survey" }, { "url": "https://www.oreilly.com/radar/2016-software-development-salary-survey-report/", "title": "2016 Software Development Salary Survey" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/97-Things-Every-Programmer-Should-Know-Extended", "title": "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know - Extended", "accessNotes": "Leanpub account or valid email requested" }, { "url": "http://ocaml-book.com/s/popbook.pdf", "title": "A MACHINE MADE THIS BOOK ten sketches of computer science", "author": "JOHN WHITINGTON", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.ansible.com/ebooks", "title": "Ansible Up & Running (first three chapters)", "accessNotes": "account required" }, { "url": "http://solmu.org/pub/help/Asterisk/3nd_Edition_for_Asterisk_1.8", "title": "Asterisk™: The Definitive Guide" }, { "url": "http://www.tec-it.com/download/PDF/Barcode_Reference_EN.pdf", "title": "Barcode Overview", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~playbook/", "title": "Come, Let's Play: Scenario-Based Programming Using Live Sequence Charts" }, { "url": "http://www.usingcsp.com/cspbook.pdf", "title": "Communicating Sequential Processes", "author": "Tony Hoare", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.jackkinsella.ie/books/confessions_of_an_unintentional_cto", "title": "Confessions of an Unintentional CTO: Lessons in Growing a Web App", "author": "Jack Kinsella" }, { "url": "http://hintjens.com/books", "title": "Culture & Empire: Digital Revolution", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://designwithfontforge.com/en-US/index.html", "title": "Design With FontForge" }, { "url": "http://designinginterfaces.com", "title": "Designing Interfaces", "author": "Jennifer Tidwell" }, { "url": "http://devdocs.io", "title": "DevDocs", "author": "Documents for Developers in 1 place" }, { "url": "https://www.ibm.com/downloads/cas/P9NYOK3B", "title": "DevOps For Dummies, 3rd IBM Limited Edition", "author": "Sanjeev Sharma, Bernie Coyne", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.sp4comm.org", "title": "Digital Signal Processing For Communications" }, { "url": "http://www.dspguide.com", "title": "Digital Signal Processing For Engineers and Scientists" }, { "url": "https://greenteapress.com/wp/think-dsp", "title": "Digital Signal Processing in Python", "author": "Allen B. Downey" }, { "url": "http://www.lulu.com/shop/http://www.lulu.com/shop/luis-enr%C3%ADquez-a/dynamic-linked-libraries-paradigms-of-the-gpl-license-in-contemporary-software/ebook/product-21419788.html", "title": "\"DYNAMIC LINKED LIBRARIES\": Paradigms of the GPL license in contemporary software", "author": "Luis A. Enríquez" }, { "url": "https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/book/the-encyclopedia-of-human-computer-interaction-2nd-ed", "title": "Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction 2nd Edition" }, { "url": "https://images.guide", "title": "Essential Image Optimization", "author": "Addy Osmani" }, { "url": "https://openmymind.net/FoundationsOfProgramming.pdf", "title": "Foundations of Programming", "author": "Karl Seguin", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://basecamp.com/books/getting-real", "title": "Getting Real", "author": "Basecamp, 37signals", "notes": [], "manualReviewRequired": true }, { "url": "https://www.syncfusion.com/ebooks/google_maps_api_succinctly", "title": "Google Maps API Succinctly", "author": "Mark Lewin" }, { "url": "http://www.lulu.com/shop/ed-johnson/hacknot-essays-on-software-development/ebook/product-17544641.html", "title": "Hacknot: Essays on Software Development", "author": "Ed Johnson" }, { "url": "https://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL", "title": "Hello SDL", "author": "Lazy Foo' Productions" }, { "url": "https://andreask.cs.illinois.edu/Teaching/HPCFall2012", "title": "High-Performance Scientific Computing", "notes": [ "class lectures and slides" ] }, { "url": "https://www.syncfusion.com/ebooks/hololens_succinctly", "title": "HoloLens Succinctly", "author": "Lars Klint" }, { "url": "http://www.fastchip.net/howcomputerswork/p1.html", "title": "How Computers Work", "author": "R. Young" }, { "url": "http://softwarebyrob.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/assets/Software_by_Rob%20_How_to_Become_a%20_Programmer_1.0.pdf", "title": "How to Become a Programmer", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.digitalocean.com/community/books/how-to-manage-remote-servers-with-ansible-ebook", "title": "How To Manage Remote Servers with Ansible", "author": "Erika Heidi", "notes": [ "PDF, EPUB" ] }, { "url": "http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/", "title": "How to Think Like a Computer Scientist", "author": "Peter Wentworth, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers" }, { "url": "http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/BOOKS/PHILLIPS/", "title": "Image Processing in C: Analyzing and Enhancing Digital Images", "author": "Dwayne Phillips" }, { "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20200731035935/https://florida.theorangegrove.org/og/file/49843a6a-9a9d-4bad-b4d4-d053f9cdf73e/1/InfoTechNetworkedEconomy.pdf", "title": "Information Technology and the Networked Economy", "author": "Patrick McKeown", "notes": [ "PDF" ], "accessNotes": ":card_file_box: archived" }, { "url": "https://web.corral.tacc.utexas.edu/CompEdu/pdf/isp/EijkhoutIntroSciProgramming-book.pdf", "title": "Introduction to Scientific Programming in C++ and Fortran", "author": "Victor Eijkhout", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.gitbook.com/book/scemama/irpf90/details", "title": "IRPF90 Fortran code generator", "author": "Anthony Scemama" }, { "url": "https://progbook.org", "title": "Learn Programming", "author": "Antti Salonen" }, { "url": "https://pine.fm/LearnToProgram/", "title": "Learn to Program" }, { "url": "https://blog.openshift.com/learning-30-technologies-in-30-days-a-developer-challenge/", "title": "Learning 30 Technologies in 30 Days: A Developer Challenge", "author": "Shekhar Gulati" }, { "url": "http://patterns.dataincubator.org/book/", "title": "Linked Data Patterns: A pattern catalogue for modelling, publishing, and consuming Linked Data", "author": "Leigh Dodds, Ian Davis" }, { "url": "http://worrydream.com/#!/MagicInk", "title": "Magic Ink: Information Software and The Graphical Interface", "author": "Bret Victor" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/mobiledevelopersguide", "title": "Mobile Developer's Guide to the Galaxy", "accessNotes": "Leanpub account or valid email requested" }, { "url": "http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~harel/reactive_systems.html", "title": "Modeling Reactive Systems with Statecharts" }, { "url": "https://www.syncfusion.com/ebooks/msix-succinctly", "title": "MSIX Succinctly", "author": "Matteo Pagani" }, { "url": "http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/kleinber/networks-book/", "title": "Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World" }, { "url": "http://win.ua.ac.be/~sdemey/", "title": "Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns", "author": "Serge Demeyer, Stéphane Ducasse and Oscar Nierstrasz" }, { "url": "https://github.com/oreillymedia/open_government", "title": "Open Government; Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice", "author": "Daniel Lathrop, Laurel Ruma" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/PDQ", "title": "PDQ: Pretty Darn Quick: An Agile, All-Purpose Methodology", "author": "Jeff Franz-Lien", "accessNotes": "Leanpub account or valid email requested" }, { "url": "http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~rapaport/Papers/phics.pdf", "title": "Philosophy of Computer Science", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/book/", "title": "PNG: The Definitive Guide" }, { "url": "http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/102/PointersAndMemory.pdf", "title": "Pointers And Memory", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://ocw.mit.edu/resources/res-6-004-principles-of-computer-system-design-an-introduction-spring-2009/online-textbook/part_ii_open_5_0.pdf", "title": "Principles of Computer System Design", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://press.rebus.community/programmingfundamentals/", "title": "Programming Fundamentals", "author": "Kenneth Leroy Busbee, Dave Braunschweig" }, { "url": "http://unicodebook.readthedocs.org", "title": "Programming with Unicode" }, { "url": "https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/real-world-maintainable-software", "title": "Real-World Maintainable Software", "author": "Abraham Marin-Perez" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/manualToAutomatedWithSeleniumIDEAndSahi", "title": "Record-Playback Test Automation: Sahi & Selenium IDE: Critical Evaluation of Record-Playback Automation Tools", "author": "Shashikant Jagtap", "accessNotes": "Leanpub account or valid email requested" }, { "url": "https://divakarvi.github.io/bk-spca/spca.html", "title": "Scientific Programming and Computer Architecture", "author": "Divakar Viswanath" }, { "url": "http://faculty.washington.edu/stiber/pubs/Signal-Computing/Signal%20Computing.pdf", "title": "Signal Computing: Digital Signals in the Software Domain", "author": "Michael Stiber, Bilin Zhang Stiber, Eric C. Larson", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://smallmemory.charlesweir.com/book.html", "title": "Small Memory Software", "author": "Charles Weir, James Noble", "notes": [ "HTML" ] }, { "url": "https://almanac.httparchive.org/static/pdfs/web_almanac_2019_en.pdf", "title": "Web Almanac", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.syncfusion.com/ebooks/writing_native_mobile_apps_in_a_functional_language_succinctly", "title": "Writing Native Mobile Apps in a Functional Language Succinctly", "author": "Vassili Kaplan" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Networking", "entries": [ { "url": "http://intronetworks.cs.luc.edu", "title": "An Introduction to Computer Networks", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF, Kindle" ] }, { "url": "https://beej.us/guide/bgnet/", "title": "Beej's Guide to Network Programming - Using Internet Sockets", "author": "Brian \"Beej Jorgensen\" Hall", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-02-introduction-to-eecs-ii-digital-communication-systems-fall-2012/readings/", "title": "Bits, Signals, and Packets: An Introduction to Digital Communications and Networks" }, { "url": "http://hintjens.wdfiles.com/local--files/main%3Afiles/cc1pe.pdf", "title": "Code Connected vol.1", "notes": [ "PDF", "book on ZeroMQ" ] }, { "url": "http://cnp3book.info.ucl.ac.be/1st/html/index.html", "title": "Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice", "notes": [ "HTML, ePub, PDF, Kindle" ] }, { "url": "https://book.systemsapproach.org", "title": "Computer Networks: A Systems Approach", "author": "Larry Peterson and Bruce Davie", "notes": [ "HTML, epub, mobi, PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://book.mixu.net/distsys/single-page.html", "title": "Distributed systems for fun and profit" }, { "url": "https://hpbn.co", "title": "High-Performance Browser Networking", "author": "Ilya Grigorik" }, { "url": "https://howhttps.works", "title": "How HTTPS Works", "author": "DNSimple" }, { "url": "https://www.syncfusion.com/resources/techportal/ebooks/http", "title": "HTTP Succinctly, Syncfusion", "notes": [ "PDF, Kindle", "email address *requested*, not required" ] }, { "url": "http://daniel.haxx.se/http2/", "title": "HTTP2 Explained", "author": "Daniel Stenberg" }, { "url": "https://launchschool.com/books/http", "title": "Introduction to HTTP", "author": "Launch School" }, { "url": "https://sites.google.com/site/yartikhiy/home/ipv6book", "title": "IPv6 for IPv4 Experts", "author": "Yar Tikhiy", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.gentlydownthe.stream", "title": "Kafka gentle introduction", "author": "Mitch Seymour" }, { "url": "https://assets.confluent.io/m/1b509accf21490f0/original/20170707-EB-Confluent_Kafka_Definitive-Guide_Complete.pdf", "title": "Kafka, The definitive Guide", "author": "Neha Narkhede", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://networksciencebook.com", "title": "Network Science", "author": "Albert-Laszló Barabási" }, { "url": "https://mohamedation.github.io/securing-wifi/index-en.html", "title": "Securing Wireless Networks for the Home User Guide", "author": "Mohamed Adel", "notes": [ "HTML" ] }, { "url": "http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_toc.htm", "title": "The TCP/IP Guide" }, { "url": "http://pages.di.unipi.it/ricci/501302.pdf", "title": "Understanding IP Addressing: Everything you ever wanted to know", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://zguide.zeromq.org/page%3Aall", "title": "ZeroMQ Guide" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Open Source Ecosystem", "entries": [ { "url": "http://datajournalismhandbook.org", "title": "Data Journalism Handbook" }, { "url": "https://archive.org/details/faif-2.0", "title": "Free as in Freedom: Richard Stallman and the free software revolution", "author": "Sam Williams", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://unglue.it/work/136445/", "title": "Free for All", "author": "Peter Wayner" }, { "url": "http://shop.fsf.org/product/free-software-free-society-2/", "title": "Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman" }, { "url": "http://www.oreilly.com/programming/free/getting-started-with-innersource.csp", "title": "Getting Started with InnerSource", "notes": [ "email address *requested*, not required" ] }, { "url": "http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/dw/db2/express-c/wiki/Getting_started_with_open_source_development_p2.pdf", "title": "Getting started with Open source development", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/", "title": "GitLab Handbook" }, { "url": "https://opensource.com/resources/ebook/how-get-started-open-source", "title": "How to get started with open source", "notes": [ "ePub & ODT" ] }, { "url": "http://dreamsongs.com/IHE/IHE.html", "title": "Innovation Happens Elsewhere", "author": "Ron Goldman, Richard P. Gabriel" }, { "url": "https://do1.dr-chuck.net/net-intro/EN_us/net-intro.pdf", "title": "Introduction to Networking", "author": "Charles Severance", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://open-advice.org", "title": "Open Advice: FOSS: What We Wish We Had Known When We Started" }, { "url": "https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/open-source-in-brazil", "title": "Open source in Brazil", "author": "Andy Oram" }, { "url": "http://producingoss.com", "title": "Producing Open Source Software", "author": "Karl Fogel" }, { "url": "http://www.aosabook.org/en/index.html", "title": "The Architecture of Open Source Applications: Vol. 1: Elegance, Evolution, and a Few Fearless Hacks; Vol. 2: Structure, Scale, and a Few More Feerless Hacks" }, { "url": "http://artofcommunityonline.org/Art_of_Community_Second_Edition.pdf", "title": "The Art of Community", "author": "Jono Bacon", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.catb.org/esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/", "title": "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", "author": "Eric S. Raymond" }, { "url": "http://futureoftheinternet.org", "title": "The Future of the Internet", "author": "Jonathan Zittrain" }, { "url": "http://www.theopensourceway.org/book/", "title": "The Open Source Way" }, { "url": "http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/wealth_of_networks/Main_Page", "title": "The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom", "author": "Yochai Benkler" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Operating Systems", "entries": [ { "url": "http://markburgess.org/os/os.pdf", "title": "A short introduction to operating systems (2001)", "author": "Mark Burgess", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.bottomupcs.com", "title": "Computer Science from the Bottom Up" }, { "url": "https://github.com/SamyPesse/How-to-Make-a-Computer-Operating-System", "title": "How to Make a Computer Operating System", "notes": [ ":construction: *in process*" ] }, { "url": "http://mikeos.sourceforge.net/write-your-own-os.html", "title": "How to write a simple operating system in assembly language", "author": "Mike Saunders", "notes": [ "HTML" ] }, { "url": "https://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/stable/", "title": "Linux From Scratch", "author": "Gerard Beekmans, Bruce Dubbs, Ken Moffat, Pierre Labastie et al.", "notes": [], "manualReviewRequired": true }, { "url": "https://www.digitalocean.com/community/books/sysadmin-ebook-making-servers-work", "title": "Making Servers Work: A Practical Guide to Linux System Administration", "author": "Jamon Camisso", "notes": [ "PDF, EPUB" ] }, { "url": "https://gustavus.edu/mcs/max/os-book/", "title": "Operating Systems and Middleware", "notes": [ "PDF and LaTeX" ] }, { "url": "http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/", "title": "Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.nobius.org/~dbg/practical-file-system-design.pdf", "title": "Practical File System Design: The Be File System", "author": "Dominic Giampaolo", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://people.inf.ethz.ch/wirth/ProjectOberon/index.html", "title": "Project Oberon: The Design of an Operating System, a Compiler, and a Computer", "author": "Niklaus Wirth & Jürg Gutknecht", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://catb.org/esr/writings/taoup/html/", "title": "The Art of Unix Programming", "author": "Eric S. 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Miller" }, { "url": "https://abseil.io/resources/swe-book", "title": "Software Engineering at Google", "author": "Titus Winters, Tom Manshreck & Hyrum Wright" }, { "url": "https://softwareconcepts.vercel.app", "title": "Software Environment Concepts", "author": "Amr Elmohamady", "notes": [ ":construction: *in process*" ] }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/shippingsoftware/read", "title": "What I've Learned From Failure", "author": "Reginald Braithwaite" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Programming Paradigms", "entries": [ { "url": "http://jpaulmorrison.com/fbp/", "title": "Flow based Programming", "author": "J Paul Morrison" }, { "url": "http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/Lectures/funprog-jrh-1996/", "title": "Introduction to Functional Programming", "author": "J. Harrison" }, { "url": "https://assets.confluent.io/m/2a60fabedb2dfbb1/original/20190307-EB-Making_Sense_of_Stream_Processing_Confluent.pdf", "title": "Making Sense of Stream Processing", "author": "Martin Kleppmann", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://mostly-adequate.gitbooks.io/mostly-adequate-guide/content/", "title": "Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming", "author": "Mostly Adequate Core Team" }, { "url": "https://github.com/linpengcheng/PurefunctionPipelineDataflow", "title": "The Pure Function Pipeline Data Flow v3.0 ---- the Grand Unified Programming Theory", "author": "Lin Pengcheng" }, { "url": "https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/sjt/TTFP/", "title": "Type Theory and Functional Programming" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Quantum Computing", "entries": [ { "url": "http://www.thomaswong.net/introduction-to-classical-and-quantum-computing-1e2p.pdf", "title": "Introduction to Classical and Quantum Computing", "author": "Thomas G. 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Sun, Jessica Turner", "notes": [ "HTML, PDF, EPUB" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Regular Expressions", "entries": [ { "url": "https://learnbyexample.github.io/learn_js_regexp/", "title": "JavaScript RegExp", "author": "Sundeep Agarwal" }, { "url": "https://learnbyexample.github.io/py_regular_expressions/", "title": "Python re(gex)?", "author": "Sundeep Agarwal" }, { "url": "https://refrf.shreyasminocha.me", "title": "Regular Expressions for Regular Folk", "author": "Shreyas Minocha" }, { "url": "http://www.rexegg.com", "title": "RexEgg" }, { "url": "https://learnbyexample.github.io/Ruby_Regexp/", "title": "Ruby Regexp", "author": "Sundeep Agarwal" }, { "url": "http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/9099/The-Minute-Regex-Tutorial", "title": "The 30 Minute Regex Tutorial", "author": "Jim Hollenhorst" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/bastards-regexes", "title": "The Bastards Book of Regular Expressions: Finding Patterns in Everyday Text", "author": "Dan Nguyen", "accessNotes": "Leanpub account or valid email requested" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Reverse Engineering", "entries": [ { "url": "http://bioshacking.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/bios-disassembly-ninjutsu-uncovered-1st.html", "title": "BIOS Disassembly Ninjutsu Uncovered 1st Edition", "author": "Darmawan Salihun", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://www.nostarch.com/xboxfree/", "title": "Hacking the Xbox: An Introduction to Reverse Engineering", "author": "Andrew \"bunnie\" Huang" }, { "url": "https://github.com/iosre/iOSAppReverseEngineering", "title": "iOS App Reverse Engineering", "notes": [ "PDF" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Search Engines", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/index.html", "title": "Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide", "notes": [], "manualReviewRequired": true }, { "url": "https://ciir.cs.umass.edu/irbook", "title": "Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice", "author": "W. 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Nierstrasz" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/Practicing-DDD", "title": "Practicing Domain-Driven Design - Part 1", "author": "Scott Millett", "accessNotes": "Leanpub account or valid email requested" }, { "url": "https://www.lightbend.com/ebooks/reactive-microservices-architecture-design-principles-for-distributed-systems-oreilly", "title": "Reactive Microservices Architecture", "notes": [ "email address *requested*" ] }, { "url": "https://www.lightbend.com/ebooks/reactive-microsystems-evolution-of-microservices-scalability-oreilly", "title": "Reactive Microsystems: The Evolution of Microservices at Scale", "notes": [ "email address *requested*" ] }, { "url": "http://www.infoq.com/minibooks/scrum-xp-from-the-trenches-2", "title": "Scrum and XP from the Trenches" }, { "url": "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/serverless-architecture/", "title": "Serverless apps: Architecture, patterns, and Azure implementation" }, { "url": "https://www.packtpub.com/free-ebooks/serverless-design-patterns-and-best-practices", "title": "Serverless Design Patterns and Best Practices", "author": "Brian Zambrano", "notes": [ "Packt account *required*" ] }, { "url": "https://basecamp.com/shapeup", "title": "Shape Up - Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters", "author": "Ryan Singer", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://landing.google.com/sre/book/index.html", "title": "Site Reliability Engineering" }, { "url": "http://www.oreilly.com/programming/free/software-architecture-patterns.csp", "title": "Software Architecture Patterns", "notes": [ "email address *requested*, not required" ] }, { "url": "http://philip.greenspun.com/seia/", "title": "Software Engineering for Internet Applications" }, { "url": "https://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns", "title": "Source Making Design Patterns and UML" }, { "url": "https://github.com/grzesiek-galezowski/tdd-ebook", "title": "Test Driven Development, Extensive Tutorial", "author": "Grzegorz Gałęzowski" }, { "url": "https://landing.google.com/sre/workbook/toc/", "title": "The Site Reliability Workbook", "author": "Betsy Beyer, Niall Richard Murphy, David K. Rensin, Kent Kawahara and Stephen Thorne" }, { "url": "https://pages.apigee.com/rs/apigee/images/api-design-ebook-2012-03.pdf", "title": "Web API Design", "author": "Brian Mulloy", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://launchschool.com/books/working_with_apis", "title": "Working with Web APIs", "author": "Launch School" }, { "url": "https://leanpub.com/yourapiisbad/read", "title": "Your API Is Bad", "author": "Paddy Foran" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Standards", "entries": [ { "url": "http://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/lsb.shtml", "title": "Linux Standard Base" }, { "url": "https://github.com/geoff-codes/posix-standard", "title": "UNIX - The POSIX Standard - IEEE Std 1003.1" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Theoretical Computer Science", "entries": [ { "url": "http://mfleck.cs.illinois.edu/building-blocks/index.html", "title": "Building Blocks for Theoretical Computer Science", "author": "Margaret M. 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Savage" }, { "url": "https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/pfpl/2nded.pdf", "title": "Practical Foundations for Programming Languages, Preview", "author": "Robert Harper", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://web.archive.org/web/20150418034451/http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~scott/pl/book/dist/", "title": "Principles of Programming Languages", "author": "Scott F. Smith" }, { "url": "https://papl.cs.brown.edu/2019/", "title": "Programming and Programming Languages", "author": "Shriram Krishnamurthi" }, { "url": "http://www.cse.chalmers.se/research/group/logic/book/", "title": "Programming in Martin-Löf's Type Theory", "author": "Bengt Nordstroem" }, { "url": "http://cs.brown.edu/~sk/Publications/Books/ProgLangs/", "title": "Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation (2nd Edition)", "author": "Shriram Krishnamurthi" }, { "url": "http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~blume/classes/aut2008/proglang/text/offline.pdf", "title": "Programming Languages: Theory and Practice", "author": "Robert Harper", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "http://www.cs.ru.nl/~herman/onderwijs/semantics2019/wiley.pdf", "title": "Semantics with Applications: A Formal Introduction", "author": "Hanne Riis Nielson, Flemming Nielson", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/", "title": "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" }, { "url": "http://sarabander.github.io/sicp/html/index.xhtml", "title": "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" }, { "url": "http://self.gutenberg.org/wplbn0002828847-the-black-art-of-programming-by-mcilroy-mark.aspx?", "title": "The Black Art of Programming", "author": "Mark McIlroy" }, { "url": "https://kilthub.cmu.edu/articles/The_Craft_of_Programming/6610514", "title": "The Craft of Programming", "author": "John C. 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Malan", "notes": [ "edX Harvard CS50" ] }, { "url": "https://github.com/realpython/discover-flask", "title": "Discover Flask - Full Stack Web Development with Flask" }, { "url": "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKEkvhqFCRwL94nLP-TdIfNmbiZk5FCMx", "title": "Essential Nextjs Typescript Tailwind Stack", "author": "Fireship, Ben Awad, Traversy Media, Devs Force" }, { "url": "http://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/the-flask-mega-tutorial-part-i-hello-world", "title": "Flask(A Python Microframework) Tutorial" }, { "url": "https://www.udemy.com/course/foundations-of-front-end-development/", "title": "Foundations of Front End Web Development", "author": "Davide Molin", "notes": [ "Udemy" ] }, { "url": "https://www.freecodecamp.org", "title": "Free Code Camp" }, { "url": "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0vfts4VzfNgUUEtEjxDVfh4iocVR3qIb", "title": "Frontend UI Development with React", "author": "Jeff Delaney, Fireship.io", "notes": [ "YouTube" ] }, { "url": "https://www.udacity.com/course/full-stack-foundations--ud088", "title": "Full Stack Foundations", "author": "by AWS on Udacity" }, { "url": "https://fullstackopen.com/en/", "title": "Full stack open", "author": "University of Helsinki, Houston Inc., Terveystalo, Elisa, K-ryhmä, Unity Technologies, Konecranes" }, { "url": "https://education.launchcode.org/intro-to-professional-web-dev/", "title": "Introduction to Professional Web Development in JavaScript", "author": "Chris Bay, Jim Flores, Blake Mills, Sally Steuterman, Paul Matthews, Carly Langlois", "notes": [ "The LaunchCode Foundation" ] }, { "url": "https://education.launchcode.org/java-web-development/", "title": "Java Web Development", "author": "Chris Bay, Jim Flores, Carly Langlois, Sally Steuterman", "notes": [ "The LaunchCode Foundation" ] }, { "url": "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn", "title": "Learn web development", "author": "Mozilla Contributors" }, { "url": "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhTjy8cBISEqkN-5Ku_kXG4QW33sxQo0t", "title": "Python Web Scraping & Crawling using Scrapy" }, { "url": "http://www.theodinproject.com", "title": "The Odin Project - Learn Web Development for Free" }, { "url": "https://github.com/microsoft/Web-Dev-For-Beginners", "title": "Web Development for Beginners - A Curriculum", "author": "Microsoft" }, { "url": "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoYCgNOIyGAB_8_iq1cL8MVeun7cB6eNc", "title": "Web Devevelopment Tutorials for Beginners", "author": "LearnCode.academy" }, { "url": "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAQopGWlIcya-9yzQ8c8UtPOuCv0mFZkr", "title": "Web Information Retrieval", "author": "L. Becchetti, A. Vitaletti", "notes": [ "University of Sapienza Rome" ] } ], "subsections": [] } ] }, { "language": { "code": "es", "name": "Spanish, Castilian" }, "index": {}, "sections": [ { "section": "Android", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/android-con-android-studio", "title": "Android Módulo 1", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/android-modulo-2", "title": "Android Módulo 2", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/android-modulo-3", "title": "Android Módulo 3", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/es/course/jugando-con-android-aprende-programar-tu-uamx-android301x-4", "title": "Aprende a programar tu primera app" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/es/course/android-introduccion-la-programacion-upvalenciax-aip201x-1", "title": "Introducción a la programación Android" }, { "url": "https://campusvirtual.ull.es/ocw/course/view.php?id=130", "title": "Introducción a la programación Android" }, { "url": "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEtcGQaT56ch37mnavd8p5cbnkDvXLGsX", "title": "Material Design con Android Studio", "author": "Jesús Conde", "notes": [ "YouTube" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Arduino", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.coursera.org/learn/arduino-aplicaciones", "title": "Arduino, creando aplicaciones" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Bases de Datos", "entries": [ { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=231", "title": "Almacenamiento de datos No Relacionales" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=163", "title": "Bases de Datos (2011)" }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/curso-sql", "title": "Curso SQL", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://ocw.ua.es/es/ingenieria-y-arquitectura/fundamentos-de-las-bases-de-datos-2011.html", "title": "Fundamentos de las bases de datos (2011)" }, { "url": "https://www.lawebdelprogramador.com/cursos/archivos/ManualPracticoSQL.pdf", "title": "Manual práctico de SQL", "author": "Álvaro E. García", "notes": [ "PDF" ] }, { "url": "https://programadorwebvalencia.com/cursos/sql/introducci%C3%B3n/", "title": "Principios de SQL", "author": "Andros Fenollosa", "notes": [ "Programador Web Valencia" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Big Data", "entries": [ { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/big-data-el-valor-anadido-de-los-datos-en-su-negocio", "title": "Big Data, el valor añadido de los datos de un negocio" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/big-data-marketing", "title": "Big Data Marketing" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/big-data-para-una-ciudad-inteligente-2-edicion-", "title": "Big Data para una ciudad inteligente" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/introduccion-al-business-intelligence-y-al-big-data-3-edicion-", "title": "Introducción al Bussiness Intelligence y al Big data" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Ciencias de la Computación", "entries": [ { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=162", "title": "Arquitéctura e ingeniería de computadores" }, { "url": "http://ocw.bib.upct.es/course/view.php?id=137", "title": "Arquitecturas Distribuidas (2012)" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/course/bases-matematicas-algebra-upvalenciax-bma101x-2", "title": "Bases Matemáticas: Álgebra" }, { "url": "https://ocw.uca.es/course/view.php?id=62", "title": "Curso de R básico" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/course/dispositivos-moviles-para-la-gestion-del-upvalenciax-dmt201x-1", "title": "Dispositivos móviles para la Gestión del Territorio" }, { "url": "https://ocw.uca.es/course/view.php?id=11", "title": "Estadística básica con R y R-Commander" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=194", "title": "Fundamentos de Computación (2010)" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/course/fundamentos-de-comunicaciones-opticas-upvalenciax-fco201x-1", "title": "Fundamentos de Comunicaciones Ópticas" }, { "url": "http://ocw.bib.upct.es/course/view.php?id=112", "title": "Fundamentos de Informática (2008)" }, { "url": "http://ocw.uv.es/ingenieria-y-arquitectura/1-4/Course_listing", "title": "Fundamentos Físicos de la Informática (2010)" }, { "url": "http://ocw.uv.es/ciencias/informatica-1/Course_listing", "title": "Informática - algoritmos y aritmética- (2012)" }, { "url": "http://isa.uniovi.es/docencia/iea/", "title": "Ingieniería Electrónica y Automática - PLC (2014)" }, { "url": "http://ocw.bib.upct.es/course/view.php?id=80", "title": "Laboratorio de Comunicaciones (2008)" }, { "url": "https://campusvirtual.ull.es/ocw/course/view.php?id=132", "title": "Lenguajes unificado de modelado: UML (2016)" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/matlab-y-octave-para-ingenieros-y-cientificos", "title": "Matlab y Octave para ingenieros y científicos" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/pensamiento-computacional-en-la-escuela-2ed", "title": "Pensamiento Computacional en la Escuela" }, { "url": "https://www.coursera.org/learn/intro-data-science-programacion-estadistica-r", "title": "Programación Estadística, Programación en R" }, { "url": "http://ocw.uv.es/ingenieria-y-arquitectura/programacionmultimedia/Course_listing", "title": "Programación Multimedia (2013)" }, { "url": "http://ocw.bib.upct.es/course/view.php?id=99&topic=1", "title": "Sistemas de Telecomunicación (2011)" }, { "url": "http://ocw.bib.upct.es/course/view.php?id=101", "title": "Telemática (2011)" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Control de Versiones", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/curso-de-git-github", "title": "Git & GitHub", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPl81lqbj-4I8i-x2b5_MG58tZfgKmJls", "title": "Git & GitHub", "author": "Ignacio Gutiérrez, BlueWeb", "notes": [ "YouTube" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Flujos de Trabajo", "entries": [ { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/agilidad-y-lean-gestionando-los-proyectos-y-negocios-del-s-xxi-6-edicion-", "title": "Agilidad y Lean. Gestionando los proyectos y negocios del Siglo XXI" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/course/como-implantar-grupos-de-mejora-de-upvalenciax-gm201x-0", "title": "Cómo implantar grupos de mejora de procesos" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/gestion-de-proyectos-con-metodologias-agiles-y-enfoques-lean-3-edicion-", "title": "Gestión de proyectos con metodologías ágiles y enfoques Lean" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=23", "title": "Gestión de proyectos software (2015)" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/course/gestion-participativa-high-involvement-upvalenciax-gp201x-0", "title": "Gestión Participativa: motivación y liderazgo organizacional" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=169", "title": "Ingeniería del Software I (2011)" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=170", "title": "Ingeniería del Software II (2011)" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/course/introduccion-la-gestion-de-proyectos-upvalenciax-igp101-x", "title": "Introducción a la Gestión de Proyectos" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=207", "title": "Organización y gestión del proyecto (2009)" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=158", "title": "Procesadores de Lenguaje (2012)" }, { "url": "https://campusvirtual.ull.es/ocw/course/view.php?id=119", "title": "Sistemas operativos avanzados - 'scrum - bsd- Qt' (2015)" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Frameworks", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/django", "title": "Curso Django", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/curso-spring", "title": "Curso Spring", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://programadorwebvalencia.com/cursos/django-rest-framework/introducci%C3%B3n/", "title": "Django REST Framework", "author": "Andros Fenollosa", "notes": [ "Programador Web Valencia" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/laravel", "title": "Laravel", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.udemy.com/course/probar-django-construir-una-aplicacion-web-en-python", "title": "Probar Django | Crear una Aplicación Web", "author": "Justin Mitchel, Karlita K", "notes": [ "Udemy" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "LaTeX", "entries": [ { "url": "https://ondiz.github.io/cursoLatex/", "title": "Curso no convencional de LaTeX" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Markdown", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.markdowntutorial.com/es/", "title": "Tutorial de Markdown" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Machine Learning (ML) e Inteligencia Artificial (AI)", "entries": [ { "url": "https://campusvirtual.ull.es/ocw/course/view.php?id=112", "title": "Inteligencia artificial: Clips (2015)" }, { "url": "https://campusvirtual.ull.es/ocw/course/view.php?id=104", "title": "Inteligencia artificial: Prolog (2011)" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/introduccion-al-machine-learning-2-edicion-", "title": "Introducción al Machine Learning" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Ofimática", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/access-2010-avanzado", "title": "Access Avanzado (2010)", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/curso-access-2010-basico", "title": "Access Básico (2010)", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/creacion-y-retoque-2-ed", "title": "Creación y retoque de imágenes con software libre" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/course/excel-upvalenciax-xls101x-1", "title": "Excel 1 - Básico" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/course/excel-2-gestion-de-datos-upvalenciax-xls201x", "title": "Excel 2 - Gestión de Datos" }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/excel-avanzado-2010", "title": "Excel Avanzado (2010)", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/excel-basico", "title": "Excel Básico (2010)", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/excel-2019-basico-medio-avanzado", "title": "Excel Básico a Avanzado (2019)", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/software-libre-ofimatica-con-openoffice", "title": "OpenOffice" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=61", "title": "OpenOffice Calc. Gestión de datos sobre hojas de cálculo (2014)" }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/powerpoint-2013", "title": "PowerPoint (2013)", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=188", "title": "Presentaciones eficaces (2012)" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/es/course/disena-presentaciones-eficaces-con-upvalenciax-ppt101x-0", "title": "Presentaciones eficaces con PowerPoint" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/subtitular-en-linea-2-edicion-", "title": "Subtitulación de Vídeos" }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/vba-access", "title": "VBA Access", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/vba-excel", "title": "VBA Excel", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/word-avanzado-2010", "title": "Word Avanzado (2010)", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Procesadores de lenguaje", "entries": [ { "url": "http://ocw.uji.es/curso/4949", "title": "Compiladores e Intérpretes (2012)" }, { "url": "https://ocw.ua.es/es/ingenieria-y-arquitectura/procesadores-de-lenguaje-2006.html", "title": "Procesadores de lenguaje (2006)" }, { "url": "http://ocw.uji.es/curso/5180", "title": "Procesadores de Lenguaje (2012)" }, { "url": "https://campusvirtual.ull.es/ocw/course/view.php?id=45", "title": "Procesadores de lenguajes -enfocado en Perl-" }, { "url": "https://ocw.uca.es/course/view.php?id=56", "title": "Procesadores de lenguajes II" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Programación", "entries": [ { "url": "https://aprendejavascript.org", "title": "Aprende Javascript", "author": "Jonathan MirCha" }, { "url": "https://programadorwebvalencia.com/cursos/clojure/introducci%C3%B3n/", "title": "Clojure", "author": "Andros Fenollosa", "notes": [ "Programador Web Valencia" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/curso-c", "title": "Curso C#", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://edutin.com/curso-de-python-4276", "title": "Curso de Python gratis y con certificación", "author": "Edutin" }, { "url": "https://platzi.com/clases/programacion-basica/", "title": "Curso Gratis de Programación Básica", "author": "Platzi" }, { "url": "https://codigofacilito.com/cursos/ruby-2", "title": "Curso Gratis de Ruby", "author": "Código Facilito" }, { "url": "https://ocw.uca.es/course/view.php?id=31", "title": "Fundamentos de informática en lenguaje C - I" }, { "url": "https://ocw.uca.es/course/view.php?id=74", "title": "Fundamentos de informática en lenguaje C y Arduino - II" }, { "url": "https://capacitateparaelempleo.org/pages.php?r=.tema&tagID=11663", "title": "Introducción a la programación", "author": "Carlos Slim Foundation", "notes": [ "cuenta requerida" ] }, { "url": "https://www.coursera.org/learn/introduccion-programacion-java", "title": "Introducción a la programación orientada a objetos en Java" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/introduccion-programacion-ciencias-ingenieria-2edicion", "title": "Introducción a la programación para ciencias e ingieniería" }, { "url": "https://www.coursera.org/learn/aprendiendo-programar-python", "title": "Introducción a la programación, Python I" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/introduccion-a-la-programacion-descubre-el-lenguaje-de-la-era-digital-5-edicion-", "title": "Introducción a la programación. Descubre el lenguaje de la era digital" }, { "url": "https://campusvirtual.ull.es/ocw/course/view.php?id=43", "title": "Introducción a Perl(2012)" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/introduccion_desarrollo_web", "title": "Introducción al desarrollo web - iDesWeb" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/aprende-r-rstudio", "title": "Introducción al tratamiento de datos con R y Rstudio" }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/java-ee-modulo-1", "title": "Java EE Módulo 1", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/java-ee-modulo-1/java-ee-modulo-2", "title": "Java EE Módulo 2", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/java-desde-0", "title": "Java SE Módulo 1", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/java-desde-0/java-desde-0-modulo-2", "title": "Java SE Módulo 2", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/java-desde-0/java-desde-0-modulo-3", "title": "Java SE Módulo 3", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/java-desde-0/java-desde-0-modulo-4", "title": "Java SE Módulo 4", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/javascript-desde-0", "title": "JavaScript Básico a Avanzado", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://aprendeaprogramar.com/course/view.php?id=10", "title": "Linux y Bash", "author": "Javier Hernandez", "notes": [ "Aprendeaprogramar.com" ] }, { "url": "https://capacitateparaelempleo.org/pages.php?r=.tema&tagID=7929", "title": "Lógica de programación", "author": "Carlos Slim Foundation", "notes": [ "cuenta requerida" ] }, { "url": "https://programadorwebvalencia.com/cursos/php/base/", "title": "Principios de PHP", "author": "Andros Fenollosa", "notes": [ "Programador Web Valencia" ] }, { "url": "https://es.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming#programming", "title": "Programación de computadoras", "author": "Khan Academy" }, { "url": "https://ocw.ua.es/es/ingenieria-y-arquitectura/programacion-en-entornos-interactivos-2010.html", "title": "Programación en entornos interactivos 'Qt - gtk' (2010)" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=185", "title": "Programación en lenguaje ADA (2010)" }, { "url": "http://ocw.uc3m.es/historico/programacion-java", "title": "Programación en lenguaje Java (2008)" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=217", "title": "Programación en lenguaje Java (2009)" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=26", "title": "Programación en lenguaje Java (2015)" }, { "url": "https://campusvirtual.ull.es/ocw/course/view.php?id=44", "title": "Programación en paralelo -Perl- (2012)" }, { "url": "https://www.udemy.com/course/programacion-para-principiantes", "title": "Programación para principiantes - primeros pasos", "author": "Fernando Herrera", "notes": [ "Udemy" ] }, { "url": "https://ocw.ua.es/es/ingenieria-y-arquitectura/programacion-3-2011.html", "title": "Programación POO (2011)" }, { "url": "https://capacitateparaelempleo.org/pages.php?r=.tema&tagID=12989", "title": "Programador en C#", "author": "Carlos Slim Foundation", "notes": [ "cuenta requerida" ] }, { "url": "https://capacitateparaelempleo.org/pages.php?r=.tema&tagID=4244", "title": "Programador orientado a objetos", "author": "Carlos Slim Foundation", "notes": [ "cuenta requerida" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/curso-python", "title": "Python Módulo 1", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/curso-python/curso-python-modulo-2", "title": "Python Módulo 2", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Programación Web & Móvil", "entries": [ { "url": "http://ocw.uv.es/ingenieria-y-arquitectura/aplicaciones-web-avanzadas/Course_listing", "title": "Aplicaciones Web Avanzadas (2014)" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/creando-apps-aprende-a-programar-aplicaciones-moviles-4-edicion-", "title": "Aprende a programar aplicaciones móviles" }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/css-avanzado-desde-0", "title": "CSS Básico a Avanzado", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://argentinaprograma.com", "title": "Curso gratuito de Javascript", "author": "Fabricio Sodano", "notes": [ "Argentina Programa" ] }, { "url": "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV8x_i1fqBw1VR86y4C72xMGJ8ifjBwJ6", "title": "Curso gratuito de Next.js y Firebase", "author": "Miguel Ángel Durán «midudev»", "notes": [ "YouTube" ] }, { "url": "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrDTf5qnZdEAiHO19QB9hq5QXAef1h8oY", "title": "Curso JSON. De Novato a Experto", "author": "Camilo Martínez \"Equimancho\"" }, { "url": "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV8x_i1fqBw0B008sQn79YxCjkHJU84pC", "title": "Curso React.js desde cero - Crea una aplicación paso a paso", "author": "Miguel Ángel Durán «midudev»", "notes": [ "YouTube" ] }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/desarrollo-de-servicios-en-la-nube-con-html5-javascript-y-nodejs-2-edicion-", "title": "Desarrollo de servicios en la nube con HTML5, JavaScript y node.js" }, { "url": "https://www.coursera.org/learn/deteccion-objetos", "title": "Detección de objetos" }, { "url": "https://programadorwebvalencia.com/cursos/css/introducci%C3%B3n/", "title": "Diseño Web - Principios de CSS", "author": "Andros Fenollosa", "notes": [ "Programador Web Valencia" ] }, { "url": "https://programadorwebvalencia.com/cursos/html/introducci%C3%B3n/", "title": "Diseño Web - Principios de HTML", "author": "Andros Fenollosa", "notes": [ "Programador Web Valencia" ] }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/diseno-web-con-html5-css-2-edicion-", "title": "Diseño web con HTML5+CSS" }, { "url": "https://fullstackopen.com/es/", "title": "Full Stack open: profundización en el desarrollo web moderno", "author": "Universidad de Helsinki, Houston Inc., Terveystalo, Elisa, K-ryhmä, Unity Technologies, Konecranes" }, { "url": "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV8x_i1fqBw0Kn_fBIZTa3wS_VZAqddX7", "title": "FullStack JavaScript Bootcamp | JavaScript, React.js, GraphQL, Node.js, TypeScript y +", "author": "Miguel Ángel Durán «midudev»", "notes": [ "YouTube" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/html-5", "title": "HTML 5", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.aulaclic.es/html/index.htm", "title": "Introducción a HTML & CSS", "notes": [ "HTML" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/php-mysql", "title": "PHP MySql Módulo 1", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://www.pildorasinformaticas.es/course/php-mysql/php-mysql-modulo-2", "title": "PHP MySql Módulo 2", "author": "Juan Díaz", "notes": [ "Píldoras Informáticas" ] }, { "url": "https://ocw.ua.es/es/ingenieria-y-arquitectura/tecnologias-web-2010.html", "title": "Tecnologías Web (2010)" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/introduccion-al-desarrollo-de-aplicaciones-moviles-con-windows-phone-2-edicion-", "title": "Windows Phone. Introducción al desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles" }, { "url": "https://ocw.ua.es/es/ingenieria-y-arquitectura/xml-marcado-de-textos-y-bibliotecas-digitales-2007.html", "title": "XML, marcado de textos y bibliotecas digitales (2007)" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Redes", "entries": [ { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=32", "title": "Aplicaciones y servicios en redes" }, { "url": "http://ocw.bib.upct.es/course/view.php?id=129", "title": "Conmutación (2012)" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=19", "title": "Dimensionamiento y planificación de redes (2015)" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=22", "title": "Diseño y operación de redes telemáticas (2015)" }, { "url": "http://ocw.bib.upct.es/course/view.php?id=100", "title": "Laboratorio de arquitectura de redes de comunicaciones (2011)" }, { "url": "http://ocw.bib.upct.es/course/view.php?id=5", "title": "Laboratorio de redes y servicios de telecomunicaciones (2011)" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=159", "title": "Protocolos de interconexión de redes (2012)" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Redes de telefonía", "entries": [ { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=27", "title": "Redes de comunicaciones (2015)" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=211", "title": "Redes telefónicas (2009)" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Robótica", "entries": [ { "url": "http://ocw.bib.upct.es/course/view.php?id=94", "title": "Comunicaciones Espaciales (2010)" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/course/disena-fabrica-y-programa-tu-propio-upvalenciax-dyor101x", "title": "Diseña, fabrica y programa tu propio robot" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/internet-de-las-cosas-como-desarrollar-soluciones-en-fiware", "title": "Internet de las Cosas.Desarrollar soluciones en 'FIWARE'" }, { "url": "http://ocw.bib.upct.es/course/view.php?id=136", "title": "Ondas Electromagnéticas (2014)" }, { "url": "https://ocw.ua.es/es/ingenieria-y-arquitectura/robots-autonomos-2006.html", "title": "Robots autónomos (2006)" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Seguridad", "entries": [ { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/ciberseguridad-entender-los-ataques-para-desplegar-contramedidas-2-edicion-", "title": "Ciberseguridad. Entender ataques para desplegar contramedidas" }, { "url": "http://ocw.uv.es/ciencias-sociales-y-juridicas/plant/Course_listing", "title": "Derecho e Internet (2011)" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=16", "title": "Garantía y seguridad en sistemas y redes (2016)" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=28", "title": "Seguridad en Redes de Comunicación (2015)" }, { "url": "http://ocw.bib.upct.es/course/view.php?id=102", "title": "Seguridad en Redes de Comunicaciones (2011)" }, { "url": "http://ocw.uv.es/ingenieria-y-arquitectura/seguridad/Course_listing", "title": "Seguridad en Sistemas Informáticos (2009)" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/seguridad-informatica-practica", "title": "Seguridad informática práctica" }, { "url": "https://ocw.uca.es/course/view.php?id=55", "title": "Seguridad informática y competencias profesionales" }, { "url": "http://ocw.uv.es/ciencias-sociales-y-juridicas/seguridad-privacidad-y-proteccion-de-datos-i/Course_listing", "title": "Seguridad, privacidad y protección de datos I (2012)" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Servidores", "entries": [ { "url": "https://ocw.ua.es/es/ingenieria-y-arquitectura/introduccion-a-xampp-y-mysql-2012.html", "title": "Introducción a Xampp y MySql (2012)" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Sistemas de gestión de contenidos / CMS", "entries": [ { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/aprende-wordpress-de-forma-sencilla-2-edicion-", "title": "Aprende Wordpress de forma sencilla" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Técnico de Software & Hardware", "entries": [ { "url": "https://www.edx.org/es/course/codificacion-de-audio-mas-alla-del-mp3-upvalenciax-mp3201x-0", "title": "Codificación de audio: más allá del MP3" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=13", "title": "Compresión de vídeo (2017)", "author": "Univ. de Cantabria" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/conectando-el-futuro-con-fibra-optica-5-edicion-_prueba", "title": "Conectando el futuro con fibra óptica" }, { "url": "https://ocw.unican.es/course/view.php?id=99", "title": "Desarrollo de sistemas de información (2013)" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/course/sistemas-de-informacion-y-ordenadores-upvalenciax-sic101-1x", "title": "Sistemas de Información y ordenadores, Parte 1: Sistemas de información para la empresa" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/course/sistemas-de-informacion-y-ordenadores-upvalenciax-sic101-2x", "title": "Sistemas de Información y ordenadores, Parte 2: Hardware" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/course/sistemas-de-informacion-y-ordenadores-upvalenciax-sic101-3x", "title": "Sistemas de Información y ordenadores, Parte 3: Desarrollo de software" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/course/sistemas-de-informacion-y-ordenadores-upvalenciax-sic101-4x", "title": "Sistemas de Información y ordenadores, Parte 4: Programación" }, { "url": "https://poliformat.upv.es/portal/tool/f682ea53-3e5c-411c-0097-a0a16d5fb6a9?panel=Main", "title": "Sistemas Multimedia (2009)" }, { "url": "https://campusvirtual.ull.es/ocw/course/view.php?id=105", "title": "Sistemas Operativos 'chmod - bash' (2014)" }, { "url": "https://ocw.ua.es/es/ingenieria-y-arquitectura/tecnicas-informaticas-para-estudios-de-gestion-y-administracion-publica-2012.html", "title": "Técnicas informáticas -estudios de gestión y administración pública- (2012)" } ], "subsections": [] }, { "section": "Videojuegos", "entries": [ { "url": "https://capacitateparaelempleo.org/pages.php?r=.tema&tagID=6226", "title": "Desarrollador de videojuegos - Capacitate para el empleo", "author": "Carlos Slim Foundation", "notes": [ "cuenta requerida" ] }, { "url": "https://campusvirtual.ull.es/ocw/course/view.php?id=128", "title": "Desarrollo de Apps sin saber programación" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/diseno-organizacion-y-evaluacion-de-videojuegos-y-gamificacion-3-edicion-_201604220800", "title": "Diseño, organización y evaluación de videojuegos y gamificación" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/introduccion-a-la-gamificacion-a-traves-de-casos-practicos", "title": "Introducción a la gamificación sobre casos prácticos" }, { "url": "https://www.edx.org/course/introduccion-al-desarrollo-de-upvalenciax-uny201-x-1", "title": "Introducción al desarrollo de videojuegos con Unity" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/introduccion-al-diseno-de-videojuegos-2-edicion-", "title": "Introducción al diseño de videojuegos" }, { "url": "https://miriadax.net/web/robots-videojuegos-aulas-scratch-arduino-profesores-3ed", "title": "Robots y videojuegos en las aulas: Scratch y Arduino" }, { "url": "https://www.coursera.org/learn/a-programar", "title": "Scratch. 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