const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const remark = require('remark'); const languages = require('./languages') const excludes = [ '', '', '', '' ] // TODO!! /** * Summary TBD. * * Desciption TBD. * * @param {Object} listItem - a listItem in AST format defined by remark-parse * * @return {Object} Returns an Object containing details about the piece of media Exact format TBD. */ let parseListItem = function(listItem){ let entry = {}; const link = listItem[0]; entry.url = link.url; entry.title = link.children[0].value; // remember to get OTHER STUFF!! remember there may be multiple links! return entry; } // from free-programming-books-lint function getLangFromFilename (filename) { const dash = filename.lastIndexOf('-') const dot = filename.lastIndexOf('.') let lang = filename.slice(dash + 1, dot).replace(/_/, '-') if (!languages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { if (/^[a-z]{2}$/.test(lang) || /^[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}$/.test(lang)) { return '' } lang = 'en-US' } return lang } // from free-programming-books-lint function getFilesFromDir (dir) { return fs.readdirSync(dir).filter(file => path.extname(file) === '.md' && excludes.indexOf(file) === -1).map(file => path.join(dir, file)) } function getMediaFromDirectory(dir){ const slash = dir.lastIndexOf('/'); let mediaType = dir.slice(2, slash); return mediaType; } let parseMarkdown = function(doc){ let tree = remark.parse(doc).children; let children = []; // This will go into root object later let currentDepth = 3; // find where Index ends // probably could be done better, review later let i=0, count = 0; for(i; i < tree.length; i++){ if(tree[i].type=='heading' && tree[i].depth=='3') count++; if(count == 2) break; } tree.slice(i).forEach( (item) => { try { if(item.type == "heading" && item.children[0].value == 'Index') return; if(item.type == "heading"){ if(item.depth == 3){ currentDepth = 3; let newGroup = {group: item.children[0].value, entries: [], subsections: []}; children.push(newGroup); } else if(item.depth == 4){ currentDepth = 4; let newSubsection = {group: item.children[0].value, entries: []}; children[children.length-1].subsections.push(newSubsection); } } else if(item.type == 'list'){ item.children.forEach( (listItem) => { let content = listItem.children[0].children; // if(content[0].type !== 'link'){ // SKIPS OVER bad formatting // return; // } if(currentDepth == 3){ let contentJson = parseListItem(content); children[children.length-1].entries.push(contentJson); } else if(currentDepth == 4){ let lastChild = children.length-1; let lastSubSec = children[lastChild].subsections.length-1; let contentJson = parseListItem(content); children[lastChild].subsections[lastSubSec].entries.push(contentJson); } }); } } catch (e) { // if there was an error while parsing, print the error to an error log // looks really ugly, maybe try to refine output later str = JSON.stringify(item); fs.appendFileSync("errorlog.txt", `${str} had an error while parsing.\n`, (err) => { if (err) console.log(err); }); } }); return children; } function parseDirectory(directory){ let dirChildren = []; let mediaType = getMediaFromDirectory(directory); const filenames = getFilesFromDir(path.resolve(directory)); filenames.forEach((filename) => { const doc = fs.readFileSync(filename); let children = parseMarkdown(doc); const langCode = getLangFromFilename(filename); let docJson = { language: { code: langCode, name: languages[langCode], }, index: { }, children: children }; dirChildren.push(docJson); }); let dirJson = { type: mediaType, index: { }, children: dirChildren }; return dirJson } function parseAll(dirArray){ let rootChildren = []; dirArray.forEach( (directory) => { let dirJson = parseDirectory(directory); rootChildren.push(dirJson); }); let rootJson = { type: 'root', children: rootChildren } fs.writeFile('root.json', JSON.stringify(rootJson, null, 3), function(err) { if (err) { console.log(err); } }); } console.time('Parse Time') parseAll(['./books/']); console.timeEnd('Parse Time');