i *think* this parses notes containing boldfaced text

Paul Kelly III 2021-11-19 02:09:00 -05:00
parent 8b07ef46a2
commit 2e8f4921ce
1 changed files with 54 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -29,45 +29,70 @@ const excludes = [
* @return {Object} Returns an Object containing details about the piece of media Exact format TBD.
let parseListItem = function (listItem) {
let stripParens = function (s) {
if (s.slice(0,1) === "(" && s.slice(-1) === ")")
return s.slice(1,-1);
return s;
let entry = {};
let s = ""; // If we need to build up a string over multiple listItem elements
const [link, ...otherStuff] = listItem; // head of listItem = url, the rest is "other stuff"
entry.url = link.url;
entry.title = link.children[0].value;
// remember to get OTHER STUFF!! remember there may be multiple links!
for (let i of otherStuff) {
if (i.type === "text" && i.value.slice(0,3) === " - ") {
// author found
let parenIndex = i.value.indexOf("(");
if (parenIndex === -1) {
entry.author = i.value.slice(3).trim();
if (s === "") { // this is almost always, except for when we are parsing a multi-element note
if (i.type === "text" && i.value.slice(0,3) === " - ") {
// author found
let parenIndex = i.value.indexOf("(");
if (parenIndex === -1) {
entry.author = i.value.slice(3).trim();
else {
entry.author = i.value.slice(3, parenIndex).trim(); // go from " - " until the first "("
else {
entry.author = i.value.slice(3, parenIndex).trim(); // go from " - " until the first "("
if (i.type === "emphasis" &&
i.children[0].value.slice(0, 1) === "(" && i.children[0].value.slice(-1) === ")") {
// access notes found (currently assumes exactly one child, so far this is always the case)
entry.accessNotes = i.children[0].value.slice(1, -1);
if (i.type === "emphasis" &&
i.children[0].value.slice(0, 1) === "(" && i.children[0].value.slice(-1) === ")") {
// access notes found (currently assumes exactly one child, so far this is always the case)
entry.accessNotes = i.children[0].value.slice(1, -1);
if (i.type === "link") {
// other links found
if (entry.otherLinks === undefined) entry.otherLinks = [];
entry.otherLinks.push({title: i.children[0].value, url: i.url});
// entry.otherLinks = [...entry.otherLinks, {title: i.children[0].value, url: i.url}]; // <-- i wish i could get this syntax to work with arrays
if (i.type === "text" && i.value.indexOf("(") !== -1) {
// notes found (currently assumes no nested parentheses)
if (entry.notes === undefined) entry.notes = [];
let leftParen = i.value.indexOf("(");
let rightParen = i.value.indexOf(")", leftParen);
if (rightParen === -1) {
// there must be some *emphasis* found
// TODO: this
if (i.type === "link") {
// other links found
if (entry.otherLinks === undefined) entry.otherLinks = [];
entry.otherLinks.push({title: stripParens(i.children[0].value), url: i.url});
// entry.otherLinks = [...entry.otherLinks, {title: i.children[0].value, url: i.url}]; // <-- i wish i could get this syntax to work with arrays
if (i.type === "text" && i.value.indexOf("(") !== -1 && i.value.indexOf(")") !== -1) {
// notes found (currently assumes no nested parentheses)
if (entry.notes === undefined) entry.notes = [];
let leftParen = i.value.indexOf("(");
let rightParen = i.value.indexOf(")", leftParen);
if (rightParen === -1) {
// there must be some *emphasis* found
s += i.value.slice(leftParen + 1);
} else {
entry.notes.push(i.value.slice(leftParen + 1, rightParen));
// also TODO: if theres more than one disjoint set of parens
} else { // for now we assume that all previous ifs are mutually exclusive with this, may polish later
if (i.type === "emphasis") {
// this is the emphasis, add it in boldface and move on
s += "*" + i.children[0].value + "*";
} else {
entry.notes.push(i.value.slice(leftParen + 1, rightParen));
// hopefully this is the end of the note
let rightParen = i.value.indexOf(")");
if (rightParen === -1) {
// we have to go AGAIN
s += i.value;
} else {
// finally, we have reached the end of the note
entry.notes.push(s + i.value.slice(0, rightParen));
s = "";
// TODO: there can be a normal note following a bold-containing note
// also TODO: if theres more than one disjoint set of parens
return entry;