# -*- coding: utf-8 """ Functions to send email reminders to users. """ from django.core.mail import get_connection, EmailMessage from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.template import Context, loader from django.utils import translation from django.conf import settings from models import Subject, QuestionSet, RunInfo, Questionnaire from datetime import datetime from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404 import random, time, smtplib, rfc822 from email.Header import Header from email.Utils import formataddr, parseaddr try: from hashlib import md5 except: from md5 import md5 def encode_emailaddress(address): """ Encode an email address as ASCII using the Encoded-Word standard. Needed to work around http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/11144 """ try: return address.encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: pass nm, addr = parseaddr(address) return formataddr( (str(Header(nm, settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET)), addr) ) def _new_random(subject): """ Create a short unique randomized string. Returns: subject_id + 'z' + md5 hexdigest of subject's surname, nextrun date, and a random number """ return "%dz%s" % (subject.id, md5(subject.surname + str(subject.nextrun) + hex(random.randint(1,999999))).hexdigest()[:6]) def _new_runinfo(subject, questionset): """ Create a new RunInfo entry with a random code If a unique subject+runid entry already exists, return that instead.. That should only occurs with manual database changes """ nextrun = subject.nextrun runid = str(nextrun.year) entries = list(RunInfo.objects.filter(runid=runid, subject=subject)) if len(entries)>0: r = entries[0] else: r = RunInfo() r.random = _new_random(subject) r.subject = subject r.runid = runid r.emailcount = 0 r.created = datetime.now() r.questionset = questionset r.save() if nextrun.month == 2 and nextrun.day == 29: # the only exception? subject.nextrun = datetime(nextrun.year + 1, 2, 28) else: subject.nextrun = datetime(nextrun.year + 1, nextrun.month, nextrun.day) subject.save() return r def _send_email(runinfo): "Send the email for a specific runinfo entry" subject = runinfo.subject translation.activate(subject.language) tmpl = loader.get_template(settings.QUESTIONNAIRE_EMAIL_TEMPLATE) c = Context() c['surname'] = subject.surname c['givenname'] = subject.givenname c['gender'] = subject.gender c['email'] = subject.email c['random'] = runinfo.random c['runid'] = runinfo.runid c['created'] = runinfo.created c['site'] = getattr(settings, 'QUESTIONNAIRE_URL', '(settings.QUESTIONNAIRE_URL not set)') email = tmpl.render(c) emailFrom = settings.QUESTIONNAIRE_EMAIL_FROM emailSubject, email = email.split("\n",1) # subject must be on first line emailSubject = emailSubject.strip() emailFrom = emailFrom.replace("$RUNINFO", runinfo.random) emailTo = '"%s, %s" <%s>' % (subject.surname, subject.givenname, subject.email) emailTo = encode_emailaddress(emailTo) emailFrom = encode_emailaddress(emailFrom) try: conn = get_connection() msg = EmailMessage(emailSubject, email, emailFrom, [ emailTo ], connection=conn) msg.send() runinfo.emailcount = 1 + runinfo.emailcount runinfo.emailsent = datetime.now() runinfo.lastemailerror = "OK, accepted by server" runinfo.save() return True except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused: runinfo.lastemailerror = "SMTP Recipient Refused" except smtplib.SMTPHeloError: runinfo.lastemailerror = "SMTP Helo Error" except smtplib.SMTPSenderRefused: runinfo.lastemailerror = "SMTP Sender Refused" except smtplib.SMTPDataError: runinfo.lastemailerror = "SMTP Data Error" runinfo.save() return False def send_emails(request=None, qname=None): """ 1. Create a runinfo entry for each subject who is due and has state 'active' 2. Send an email for each runinfo entry whose subject receives email, providing that the last sent email was sent more than a week ago. This can be called either by "./manage.py questionnaire_emails" (without request) or through the web, if settings.EMAILCODE is set and matches. """ if request and request.GET.get('code') != getattr(settings,'EMAILCODE', False): raise Http404 if not qname: qname = getattr(settings, 'QUESTIONNAIRE_DEFAULT', None) if not qname: raise Exception("QUESTIONNAIRE_DEFAULT not in settings") questionnaire = Questionnaire.objects.get(name=qname) questionset = QuestionSet.objects.filter(questionnaire__name=qname).order_by('sortid') if not questionset: raise Exception("No questionsets for questionnaire '%s' (in settings.py)" % qname) return questionset = questionset[0] viablesubjects = Subject.objects.filter(nextrun__lte = datetime.now(), state='active') for s in viablesubjects: r = _new_runinfo(s, questionset) runinfos = RunInfo.objects.filter(subject__formtype='email', questionset__questionnaire=questionnaire) WEEKAGO = time.time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 7) # one week ago outlog = [] for r in runinfos: if r.runid.startswith('test:'): continue if r.emailcount == -1: continue if r.emailcount == 0 or time.mktime(r.emailsent.timetuple()) < WEEKAGO: try: if _send_email(r): outlog.append(u"[%s] %s, %s: OK" % (r.runid, r.subject.surname, r.subject.givenname)) else: outlog.append(u"[%s] %s, %s: %s" % (r.runid, r.subject.surname, r.subject.givenname, r.lastemailerror)) except Exception, e: outlog.append("Exception: [%s] %s: %s" % (r.runid, r.subject.surname, str(e))) if request: return HttpResponse("Sent Questionnaire Emails:\n " +"\n ".join(outlog), mimetype="text/plain") return "\n".join(outlog)