split export_csv into gather data + export functions

Ian Ward 2010-04-19 21:12:39 -04:00
parent c3e14048d2
commit e60d8af9fe
1 changed files with 52 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -455,30 +455,64 @@ def export_csv(request, qid): # questionnaire_id
from django.core.servers.basehttp import FileWrapper
fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
qid = int(qid)
columns = _table_headers(Question.objects.filter(questionset__questionnaire__id = qid))
writer = csv.writer(fd)
coldict = {}
for num, col in enumerate(columns): # use coldict to find column indexes
coldict[col] = num
answers = Answer.objects.filter(question__questionset__questionnaire__id = qid).order_by('subject', 'runid', 'question__number',)
if not answers:
raise Exception, "EMPTY!" # FIXME
questionnaire = get_object_or_404(Questionnaire, pk=int(qid))
headings, answers = answer_export(questionnaire)
writer = csv.writer(fd)
writer.writerow([u'subject', u'runid'] + headings)
for subject, runid, answer_row in answers:
row = ["%s/%s" % (subject.id, subject.state), runid] + [
'--' if a is None else a for a in answer_row]
response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(fd), mimetype="text/csv")
response['Content-Length'] = fd.tell()
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="export-%s.csv"' % qid
return response
def answer_export(questionnaire, answers=None):
questionnaire -- questionnaire model for export
answers -- query set of answers to include in export, defaults to all
Return a dump of column headings and all the answers for a questionnaire
(in answers) in the form (headings, answers) where headings is:
['question1 number', ...]
and answers is:
[(subject1, 'runid1', ['answer1.1', ...]), ... ]
The items in the answers list each have the same number of elements as
the headings list. Answers will be a comma-separated string of
choices selected, or the value None.
The headings list might include items with labels like
'questionnumber-freeform'. Those columns will contain all the freeform
answers for that question (separated from the other answer data).
if answers is None:
answers = Answer.objects.all()
answers = answers.filter(
'subject', 'runid', 'question__questionset__sortid', 'question__number')
headings = _table_headers(Question.objects.filter(
coldict = {}
for num, col in enumerate(headings): # use coldict to find column indexes
coldict[col] = num
runid = subject = None
out = []
row = []
for answer in answers:
if answer.runid != runid or answer.subject != subject:
if row:
out.append((subject, runid, row))
runid = answer.runid
subject = answer.subject
row = ["--"] * len(columns)
row[0] = "%s/%s" % (subject.id, subject.state)
row[1] = runid
row = [None] * len(headings)
ans = answer.split_answer()
for choice in ans:
col = None
@ -498,13 +532,8 @@ def export_csv(request, qid): # questionnaire_id
row[col] = choice.encode('utf-8')
# and don't forget about the last one
if row:
response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(fd), mimetype="text/csv")
response['Content-Length'] = fd.tell()
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="export-%s.csv"' % qid
return response
out.append((subject, runid, row))
return headings, out
def answer_summary(questionnaire, answers=None):