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import re
from . import Processors, AnswerException
from .dependency_checker import dep_check
from .models import Answer, Question, RunInfo
from .parsers import BooleanParser, parse_checks
from .parsers import BoolNot, BoolAnd, BoolOr, Checker
from .request_cache import request_cache
def get_runinfo(random):
"Return the RunInfo entry with the provided random key"
res = RunInfo.objects.filter(random=random.lower())
return res and res[0] or None
def get_question(number, questionset):
"Return the specified Question (by number) from the specified Questionset"
res = Question.objects.filter(number=number, questionset=questionset)
return res and res[0] or None
def delete_answer(question, subject, run):
"Delete the specified question/subject/run combination from the Answer table"
Answer.objects.filter(subject=subject, run=run, question=question).delete()
def add_answer(runinfo, question, answer_dict):
Add an Answer to a Question for RunInfo, given the relevant form input
answer_dict contains the POST'd elements for this question, minus the
question_{number} prefix. The question_{number} form value is accessible
with the ANSWER key.
answer = Answer()
answer.question = question
answer.subject = runinfo.subject
answer.run = runinfo.run
type = question.get_type()
if "ANSWER" not in answer_dict:
answer_dict['ANSWER'] = None
if type in Processors:
answer.answer = Processors[type](question, answer_dict) or ''
raise AnswerException("No Processor defined for question type %s" % type)
# first, delete all existing answers to this question for this particular user+run
delete_answer(question, runinfo.subject, runinfo.run)
# then save the new answer to the database
return True
def has_tag(tag, runinfo):
""" Returns true if the given runinfo contains the given tag. """
return tag in (t.strip() for t in runinfo.tags.split(','))
def check_parser(runinfo, exclude=[]):
depparser = BooleanParser(dep_check, runinfo, {})
tagparser = BooleanParser(has_tag, runinfo)
fnmap = {
"maleonly": lambda v: runinfo.subject.gender == 'male',
"femaleonly": lambda v: runinfo.subject.gender == 'female',
"shownif": lambda v: v and depparser.parse(v),
"iftag": lambda v: v and tagparser.parse(v)
for ex in exclude:
del fnmap[ex]
def satisfies_checks(checks):
if not checks:
return True
checks = parse_checks(checks)
for check, value in checks.items():
if check in fnmap:
value = value and value.strip()
if not fnmap[check](value):
return False
return True
return satisfies_checks
def skipped_questions(runinfo):
if not runinfo.skipped:
return []
return [s.strip() for s in runinfo.skipped.split(',')]
def question_satisfies_checks(question, runinfo, checkfn=None):
if question.number in skipped_questions(runinfo):
return False
checkfn = checkfn or check_parser(runinfo)
return checkfn(question.checks)
@request_cache(keyfn=lambda *args: args[0].id)
def questionset_satisfies_checks(questionset, runinfo, checks=None):
"""Return True if the runinfo passes the checks specified in the QuestionSet
Checks is an optional dictionary with the keys being questionset.pk and the
values being the checks of the contained questions.
This, in conjunction with fetch_checks allows for fewer
db roundtrips and greater performance.
Sadly, checks cannot be hashed and therefore the request cache is useless
here. Thankfully the benefits outweigh the costs in my tests.
passes = check_parser(runinfo)
if not passes(questionset.checks):
return False
if not checks:
checks = dict()
checks[questionset.id] = []
for q in questionset.questions():
checks[questionset.id].append((q.checks, q.number))
# questionsets that pass the checks but have no questions are shown
# (comments, last page, etc.)
if not checks[questionset.id]:
return True
# if there are questions at least one needs to be visible
for check, number in checks[questionset.id]:
if number in skipped_questions(runinfo):
if passes(check):
return True
return False
def get_progress(runinfo):
position, total = 0, 0
current = runinfo.questionset
sets = current.questionnaire.questionsets()
checks = fetch_checks(sets)
# fetch the all question checks at once. This greatly improves the
# performance of the questionset_satisfies_checks function as it
# can avoid a roundtrip to the database for each question
for qs in sets:
if questionset_satisfies_checks(qs, runinfo, checks):
total += 1
if qs.id == current.id:
position = total
if not all((position, total)):
progress = 1
progress = float(position) / float(total) * 100.00
# progress is always at least one percent
progress = progress >= 1.0 and progress or 1
return int(progress)
def fetch_checks(questionsets):
ids = [qs.pk for qs in questionsets]
query = Question.objects.filter(questionset__pk__in=ids)
query = query.values('questionset_id', 'checks', 'number')
checks = dict()
for qsid in ids:
checks[qsid] = list()
for result in (r for r in query):
(result['checks'], result['number'])
return checks
def recursivly_build_partially_evaluated_js_exp_for_shownif_check(treenode, runinfo, question):
if isinstance(treenode, BoolNot):
return "!( %s )" % recursivly_build_partially_evaluated_js_exp_for_shownif_check(treenode.arg, runinfo, question)
elif isinstance(treenode, BoolAnd):
return " && ".join(
"( %s )" % recursivly_build_partially_evaluated_js_exp_for_shownif_check(arg, runinfo, question)
for arg in treenode.args )
elif isinstance(treenode, BoolOr):
return " || ".join(
"( %s )" % recursivly_build_partially_evaluated_js_exp_for_shownif_check(arg, runinfo, question)
for arg in treenode.args )
assert( isinstance(treenode, Checker) )
# ouch, we're assuming the correct syntax is always found
question_looksee_number = treenode.expr.split(",", 1)[0]
if Question.objects.get(number=question_looksee_number).questionset \
!= question.questionset:
return "true" if dep_check(treenode.expr, runinfo, {}) else "false"
return str(treenode)
def make_partially_evaluated_js_exp_for_shownif_check(checkexpression, runinfo, question):
depparser = BooleanParser(dep_check, runinfo, {})
parsed_bool_expression_results = depparser.boolExpr.parseString(checkexpression)[0]
return recursivly_build_partially_evaluated_js_exp_for_shownif_check(parsed_bool_expression_results, runinfo, question)
def substitute_answer(qvalues, obj):
"""Objects with a 'text/text_xx' attribute can contain magic strings
referring to the answers of other questions. This function takes
any such object, goes through the stored answers (qvalues) and replaces
the magic string with the actual value. If this isn't possible the
magic string is removed from the text.
Only answers with 'store' in their check will work with this.
if qvalues and obj.text:
magic = 'subst_with_ans_'
regex = r'subst_with_ans_(\S+)'
replacements = re.findall(regex, obj.text)
text_attributes = [a for a in dir(obj) if a.startswith('text_')]
for answerid in replacements:
target = magic + answerid
replacement = qvalues.get(answerid.lower(), '')
for attr in text_attributes:
oldtext = getattr(obj, attr)
newtext = oldtext.replace(target, replacement)
setattr(obj, attr, newtext)