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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2009-2014 by Marcello Perathoner
Distributable under the GNU General Public License Version 3 or newer.
The Project Gutenberg Catalog App Server.
Config and route setup.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
import logging.handlers # rotating file handler
import os
import time
import traceback
import cherrypy
from cherrypy.process import plugins
import six
from six.moves import builtins
from libgutenberg import GutenbergDatabase
import i18n_tool
# Make translator functions available everywhere. Do this early, at
# least before Genshi starts loading templates.
builtins._ = i18n_tool.ugettext
builtins.__ = i18n_tool.ungettext
import ConnectionPool
import Page
import StartPage
import SuggestionsPage
from SearchPage import BookSearchPage, AuthorSearchPage, SubjectSearchPage, BookshelfSearchPage, \
AuthorPage, SubjectPage, BookshelfPage, AlsoDownloadedPage
from BibrecPage import BibrecPage
import CoverPages
import QRCodePage
import CaptchaPage
import Sitemap
import Formatters
import Timer
plugins.Timer = Timer.TimerPlugin
install_dir = os.path.dirname (os.path.abspath (__file__))
CHERRYPY_CONFIG = os.path.join(install_dir, 'CherryPy.conf')
os.path.join(install_dir, 'CherryPy.conf'),
os.path.expanduser('~/.autocat3'), '/etc/autocat3.conf'
class MyRoutesDispatcher (cherrypy.dispatch.RoutesDispatcher):
""" Dispatcher that tells us the matched route.
CherryPy makes it hard for us by forgetting the matched route object.
Here we add a 'route_name' parameter, that will tell us the route's name.
def connect (self, name, route, controller, **kwargs):
""" Add a 'route_name' parameter that will tell us the matched route. """
kwargs['route_name'] = name
kwargs.setdefault ('action', 'index')
cherrypy.dispatch.RoutesDispatcher.connect (self, name, route, controller, **kwargs)
def main ():
""" Main function. """
# default config
cherrypy.config.update ({
'uid': 0,
'gid': 0,
'server_name': 'localhost',
'genshi.template_dir': os.path.join (install_dir, 'templates'),
'daemonize': False,
'pidfile': None,
'host': 'localhost',
'host_mobile': 'localhost',
'file_host': 'localhost',
config_filename = None
cherrypy.config.update (CHERRYPY_CONFIG)
for config_filename in LOCAL_CONFIG:
cherrypy.config.update (config_filename)
except IOError:
# Rotating Logs
# Remove the default FileHandlers if present.
error_file = cherrypy.log.error_file
access_file = cherrypy.log.access_file
cherrypy.log.error_file = ""
cherrypy.log.access_file = ""
max_bytes = getattr (cherrypy.log, "rot_max_bytes", 100 * 1024 * 1024)
backup_count = getattr (cherrypy.log, "rot_backup_count", 2)
#print(os.path.abspath(error_file)+": Filehandler cherrypy")
h = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler (error_file, 'a', max_bytes, backup_count, 'utf-8')
h.setLevel (logging.DEBUG)
h.setFormatter (cherrypy._cplogging.logfmt)
cherrypy.log.error_log.addHandler (h)
h = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler (access_file, 'a', max_bytes, backup_count, 'utf-8')
h.setLevel (logging.DEBUG)
h.setFormatter (cherrypy._cplogging.logfmt)
cherrypy.log.access_log.addHandler (h)
if not cherrypy.config['daemonize']:
ch = logging.StreamHandler ()
ch.setLevel (logging.DEBUG)
ch.setFormatter (cherrypy._cplogging.logfmt)
cherrypy.log.error_log.addHandler (ch)
# continue app init
cherrypy.log ('*' * 80, context = 'ENGINE', severity = logging.INFO)
cherrypy.log ("Using config file '%s'." % config_filename,
context = 'ENGINE', severity = logging.INFO)
# after cherrypy.config is parsed
Formatters.init ()
cherrypy.log ("Continuing App Init", context = 'ENGINE', severity = logging.INFO)
cherrypy.log ("Continuing App Init", context = 'ENGINE', severity = logging.INFO) = i18n_tool.I18nTool ()
cherrypy.log ("Continuing App Init", context = 'ENGINE', severity = logging.INFO)
# Used to bust the cache on js and css files. This should be the
# files' mtime, but the files are not stored on the app server.
# This is a `good enough´ replacement though.
t = str (int (time.time ()))
cherrypy.config['css_mtime'] = t
cherrypy.config['js_mtime'] = t
cherrypy.config['all_hosts'] = (
cherrypy.config['host'], cherrypy.config['host_mobile'], cherrypy.config['file_host'])
if hasattr (cherrypy.engine, 'signal_handler'):
cherrypy.engine.signal_handler.subscribe ()
cherrypy.engine.pool = plugins.ConnectionPool (
cherrypy.engine, params = GutenbergDatabase.get_connection_params (cherrypy.config))
cherrypy.engine.pool.subscribe ()
plugins.Timer (cherrypy.engine).subscribe ()
cherrypy.log ("Daemonizing", context = 'ENGINE', severity = logging.INFO)
if cherrypy.config['daemonize']:
plugins.Daemonizer (cherrypy.engine).subscribe ()
uid = cherrypy.config['uid']
gid = cherrypy.config['gid']
if uid > 0 or gid > 0:
plugins.DropPrivileges (cherrypy.engine, uid = uid, gid = gid, umask = 0o22).subscribe ()
if cherrypy.config['pidfile']:
pid = plugins.PIDFile (cherrypy.engine, cherrypy.config['pidfile'])
# Write pidfile after privileges are dropped (prio == 77)
# or we will not be able to remove it.
cherrypy.engine.subscribe ('start', pid.start, 78)
cherrypy.engine.subscribe ('exit', pid.exit, 78)
cherrypy.log ("Setting up routes", context = 'ENGINE', severity = logging.INFO)
# setup 'routes' dispatcher
# d = cherrypy.dispatch.RoutesDispatcher (full_result = True)
d = MyRoutesDispatcher (full_result = True)
cherrypy.routes_mapper = d.mapper
def check_id (environ, result):
""" Check if id is a valid number. """
return str (int (result['id'])) == result['id']
return False
d.connect ('start', r'/ebooks{.format}/',
controller = StartPage.Start ())
d.connect ('suggest', r'/ebooks/suggest{.format}/',
controller = SuggestionsPage.Suggestions ())
# search pages
d.connect ('search', r'/ebooks/search{.format}/',
controller = BookSearchPage ())
d.connect ('author_search', r'/ebooks/authors/search{.format}/',
controller = AuthorSearchPage ())
d.connect ('subject_search', r'/ebooks/subjects/search{.format}/',
controller = SubjectSearchPage ())
d.connect ('bookshelf_search', r'/ebooks/bookshelves/search{.format}/',
controller = BookshelfSearchPage ())
# 'id' pages
d.connect ('author', r'/ebooks/author/{id:\d+}{.format}',
controller = AuthorPage (), conditions = dict (function = check_id))
d.connect ('subject', r'/ebooks/subject/{id:\d+}{.format}',
controller = SubjectPage (), conditions = dict (function = check_id))
d.connect ('bookshelf', r'/ebooks/bookshelf/{id:\d+}{.format}',
controller = BookshelfPage (), conditions = dict (function = check_id))
d.connect ('also', r'/ebooks/{id:\d+}/also/{.format}',
controller = AlsoDownloadedPage (), conditions = dict (function = check_id))
# bibrec pages
d.connect ('download', r'/ebooks/{id:\d+}/download{.format}',
controller = Page.NullPage (), _static = True)
d.connect ('bibrec', r'/ebooks/{id:\d+}{.format}',
controller = BibrecPage (), conditions = dict (function = check_id))
# legacy compatibility with /ebooks/123.bibrec
d.connect ('bibrec2', r'/ebooks/{id:\d+}.bibrec{.format}',
controller = BibrecPage (), conditions = dict (function = check_id))
d.connect ('cover', r'/covers/{size:small|medium}/{order:latest|popular}/{count}',
controller = CoverPages.CoverPages ())
d.connect ('qrcode', r'/qrcode/',
controller = QRCodePage.QRCodePage ())
d.connect ('iplimit', r'/iplimit/',
controller = Page.NullPage ())
d.connect ('stats', r'/stats/',
controller = Page.NullPage (), _static = True)
d.connect ('honeypot_send', r'/ebooks/send/megaupload/{id:\d+}.{filetype}',
controller = Page.NullPage (), _static = True)
# /w/captcha/question/ so varnish will cache it
d.connect ('captcha.question', r'/w/captcha/question/',
controller = CaptchaPage.QuestionPage ())
d.connect ('captcha.answer', r'/w/captcha/answer/',
controller = CaptchaPage.AnswerPage ())
# sitemap protocol access control requires us to place sitemaps in /ebooks/
d.connect ('sitemap', r'/ebooks/sitemaps/',
controller = Sitemap.SitemapIndex ())
d.connect ('sitemap_index', r'/ebooks/sitemaps/{page:\d+}',
controller = Sitemap.Sitemap ())
if 'dropbox_client_id' in cherrypy.config:
import Dropbox
dropbox = Dropbox.Dropbox ()
cherrypy.log ("Dropbox Client Id: %s" % cherrypy.config['dropbox_client_id'],
context = 'ENGINE', severity = logging.INFO)
d.connect ('dropbox_send', r'/ebooks/send/dropbox/{id:\d+}.{filetype}',
controller = dropbox, conditions = dict (function = check_id))
d.connect ('dropbox_callback', r'/ebooks/send/dropbox/',
controller = dropbox)
if 'gdrive_client_id' in cherrypy.config:
import GDrive
gdrive = GDrive.GDrive ()
cherrypy.log ("GDrive Client Id: %s" % cherrypy.config['gdrive_client_id'],
context = 'ENGINE', severity = logging.INFO)
d.connect ('gdrive_send', r'/ebooks/send/gdrive/{id:\d+}.{filetype}',
controller = gdrive, conditions = dict (function = check_id))
d.connect ('gdrive_callback', r'/ebooks/send/gdrive/',
controller = gdrive)
if 'msdrive_client_id' in cherrypy.config:
import MSDrive
msdrive = MSDrive.MSDrive ()
cherrypy.log ("MSDrive Client Id: %s" % cherrypy.config['msdrive_client_id'],
context = 'ENGINE', severity = logging.INFO)
d.connect ('msdrive_send', r'/ebooks/send/msdrive/{id:\d+}.{filetype}',
controller = msdrive, conditions = dict (function = check_id))
d.connect ('msdrive_callback', r'/ebooks/send/msdrive/',
controller = msdrive)
# start http server
cherrypy.log ("Mounting root", context = 'ENGINE', severity = logging.INFO)
app = cherrypy.tree.mount (root = None, config = config_filename)
app.merge ({'/': {'request.dispatch': d}})
return app
if __name__ == '__main__':
main ()
cherrypy.engine.start ()
cherrypy.engine.block ()