
87 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2012 by Marcello Perathoner
Distributable under the GNU General Public License Version 3 or newer.
The search suggestions page.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
import cherrypy
from libgutenberg.GutenbergDatabase import DatabaseError
import BaseSearcher
import Page
class Suggestions (Page.Page):
""" Output the search suggestions page. """
sql_searcher = BaseSearcher.SQLSearcher ()
def index (self, **dummy_kwargs):
""" Output the suggestions page. """
cherrypy.request.params['format'] = 'json' # override user
os = BaseSearcher.OpenSearch ()
os.sort_order = 'nentry'
os.start_index = 1
os.items_per_page = 5
if os.format != 'json':
raise cherrypy.HTTPError (400, 'Bad Request. Unknown format.')
if len (os.query) == 0:
raise cherrypy.HTTPError (400, 'Bad Request. No query.')
last_word = os.query.split ()[-1]
if len (last_word) < 4:
raise cherrypy.HTTPError (400, 'Bad Request. Query too short.')
# ok. request looks sane. process it
os.log_request ('suggestions')
os.f_format_title = os.format_suggestion
os.f_format_subtitle = os.format_none
os.f_format_extra = os.format_none
os.f_format_url = os.format_none
os.f_format_thumb_url = os.format_none
os.f_format_icon = os.format_none
sql = BaseSearcher.SQLStatement ()
# prepare inner query
sql.query = 'SELECT tsvec'
sql.from_ = ('books', )
sql.fulltext ('books.tsvec', os.query)
inner_sql_query = self.sql_searcher.mogrify (os, sql)
sql.query = "SELECT substr (word, 2) AS title FROM ts_stat ( %(inner)s )"
sql.from_ = ()
sql.params['inner'] = inner_sql_query
sql.where = ["word ~* %(re_word)s"]
sql.params['re_word'] = '^0' + last_word
os = (os, sql)
except DatabaseError as what:
cherrypy.log ("SQL Error: " + str (what),
context = 'REQUEST', severity = logging.ERROR)
raise cherrypy.HTTPError (500, 'Internal Server Error.')
os.template = = 'results'
os.finalize ()
return self.format (os)