#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- """ Sitemap.py Copyright 2009-2013 by Marcello Perathoner Distributable under the GNU General Public License Version 3 or newer. Output a Google sitemap. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import division import datetime import cherrypy from libgutenberg.GutenbergGlobals import Struct import TemplatedPage import BaseSearcher SITEMAP_SIZE = 1000 # max no. of urls to put into one sitemap class Sitemap (TemplatedPage.TemplatedPage): """ Output Google sitemap. """ def index (self, **kwargs): """ Output sitemap. """ urls = [] start = int (kwargs['page']) * SITEMAP_SIZE rows = BaseSearcher.SQLSearcher.execute ( 'select pk from books where pk >= %(start)s and pk < %(end)s order by pk', { 'start': str (start), 'end': str (start + SITEMAP_SIZE) }) os = BaseSearcher.OpenSearch () host = cherrypy.config['host'] for row in rows: url = Struct () url.loc = os.url ('bibrec', id = row[0], host = host, format = None) urls.append (url) data = Struct () data.urls = urls return self.output ('sitemap', data = data) class SitemapIndex (TemplatedPage.TemplatedPage): """ Output Google sitemap index. """ def index (self, **dummy_kwargs): """ Output sitemap index. """ sitemaps = [] now = datetime.datetime.utcnow ().replace (microsecond = 0).isoformat () + 'Z' # 99999 is safeguard against bogus ebook numbers lastbook = BaseSearcher.sql_get ('select max (pk) as lastbook from books where pk < 99999') os = BaseSearcher.OpenSearch () host = cherrypy.config['host'] for n in range (0, lastbook // SITEMAP_SIZE + 1): sitemap = Struct () sitemap.loc = os.url ('sitemap_index', page = n, host = host, format = None) sitemap.lastmod = now sitemaps.append (sitemap) data = Struct () data.sitemaps = sitemaps return self.output ('sitemap-index', data = data)