196 lines
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196 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2021 by Project Gutenberg
Distributable under the GNU General Public License Version 3 or newer.
Not really "advanced", it reproduces functionality of the old results.php search,
labelled as "Advanced Search", using SQLAlchemy ORM
- instead of a link for a new search, a pre-filled advanced search form is shown contextually
- Following our Bibrecord pages, BC -> BCE in dates
- The language selector invokes some language-localization
- Authors are now all in a <ul>
- the first page of results is pageno=1, not 0
import cherrypy
import routes
from sqlalchemy import or_, and_
from libgutenberg.Models import (
Alias, Attribute, Author, Book, BookAuthor, Category, File, Lang, Locc)
import BaseSearcher
from errors import ErrorPage
from Page import Page
from Formatters import formatters
config = cherrypy.config
BROWSE_KEYS = {'lang': 'languages', 'locc': 'loccs', 'category': 'categories'}
_langs = {}
def langname(langcode):
""" cache of Language names"""
if not _langs:
session = cherrypy.engine.pool.Session()
for lang in session.query(Lang).all():
_langs[lang.id] = lang.language
return _langs.get(langcode, langcode)
_cats = {}
def catname(catpk):
""" cache of category names"""
if not _cats:
session = cherrypy.engine.pool.Session()
for cat in session.query(Category).all():
_cats[cat.pk] = cat.category
return _cats.get(catpk, 'Not a valid Category')
class AdvSearcher(BaseSearcher.OpenSearch):
""" this object passes the context for the page renderer """
def __init__(self):
self.items_per_page = PAGESIZE
def url(self, *args, **params):
params = BaseSearcher.OpenSearch.params(**params)
return super(AdvSearcher,self).url('results', *args, **params)
def finalize(self):
self.lastpage = int(self.total_results / PAGESIZE) + 1
self.nextpage = self.pageno + 1 if self.pageno + 1 <= self.lastpage else 0
self.prevpage = self.pageno - 1 if self.pageno > 1 <= self.lastpage else 0
class AdvSearchPage(Page):
""" search term => list of items """
def __init__(self):
self.host = cherrypy.config['host']
self.urlgen = routes.URLGenerator(cherrypy.routes_mapper, {'HTTP_HOST': self.host})
self.formatter = formatters['html']
def index (self, **kwargs):
def entries(results, offset):
""" results is a list of book ids, sorted by first Author,
the query lazily returns book objects
query = session.query(Book).join(
Book.authors.and_(BookAuthor.heading == 1)).join(BookAuthor.author).filter(
for book in query:
yield book
os = AdvSearcher()
params = cherrypy.request.params.copy()
pageno = abs(int(params.pop("pageno", 1)))
except KeyError:
pageno = 1
os.pageno = pageno
for key in ["submit_search", "route_name", "controller", "action"]:
params.pop(key, None)
terms = [key for key in params if params[key]]
# Return a search result page.
# no terms provided
if len(terms) == 0:
os.total_results = 0
return self.formatter.render('advresults', os)
# single term, redirect if browsable
if len(terms) == 1:
browse_key = BROWSE_KEYS.get(terms[0], None)
if browse_key:
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(
"/browse/%s/%s" % (browse_key, params[terms[0]].lower()))
# multiple terms, create a query
session = cherrypy.engine.pool.Session()
query = session.query(Book.pk)
selections = []
resultpks = None
searchterms = []
for key in terms:
if key in ['author', 'title']:
for word in params[key].split():
searchterms.append((key, word))
searchterms.append((key, params[key]))
for key, val in searchterms:
if key == 'filetype':
pks = query.join(File).filter(File.fk_filetypes == val).all()
key = 'Filetype'
elif key == 'lang':
pks = query.join(Book.langs).filter(Lang.id == val).all()
val = langname(val)
key = 'Language'
elif key == 'locc':
pks = query.join(Book.loccs).filter(Locc.id == val).all()
val = val.upper()
key = 'LoC Class'
elif key == 'category':
val = int(val)
except ValueError:
pks = query.join(Book.categories).filter(Category.pk == val).all()
val = catname(val)
key = 'Category'
elif key == 'author':
word = "%{}%".format(val)
subq = session.query(Author.id).join(Author.aliases).filter(
pks = query.join(Book.authors).join(BookAuthor.author).filter(or_(
key = 'Author'
elif key == 'title':
word = "%{}%".format(val)
pks = query.join(Book.attributes).filter(and_(
Attribute.fk_attriblist.in_([240, 245, 246, 505]),
key = 'Title'
pks = {row[0] for row in pks}
resultpks = resultpks.intersection(pks) if resultpks is not None else pks
num_rows = len(pks)
selections.append((key, val, num_rows))
os.total_results = len(resultpks)
offset = PAGESIZE * (pageno - 1)
os.start_index = offset + 1
if os.total_results > MAX_RESULTS:
os.entries = []
os.entries = entries(resultpks, offset)
os.search_terms = selections
return self.formatter.render('advresults', os)