
221 lines
7.3 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
Copyright 2009-2014 by Marcello Perathoner
Distributable under the GNU General Public License Version 3 or newer.
Produce a HTML page.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import operator
import cherrypy
import genshi.output
import re
2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
import six
from six.moves import urllib
from libgutenberg.MediaTypes import mediatypes as mt
import BaseSearcher
import BaseFormatter
2019-07-26 15:54:24 +00:00
from i18n_tool import ugettext as _
2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
# filetypes ignored on desktop site
NO_DESKTOP_FILETYPES = 'plucker qioo rdf rst rst.gen rst.master tei cover.medium cover.small'.split ()
# filetypes shown on mobile site
2019-09-03 19:30:36 +00:00
MOBILE_TYPES = (mt.epub,, mt.pdf, 'text/html', mt.html)
2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
# filetypes which are usually handed over to a separate app on mobile devices
2019-09-03 19:30:36 +00:00
HANDOVER_TYPES = (mt.epub,, mt.pdf)
2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
# self-contained files we can send to dropbox
CLOUD_TYPES = (mt.epub,, mt.pdf)
STD_PDF_MATCH = re.compile (r'files/\d+/\d+-pdf.pdf$')
2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
class XMLishFormatter (BaseFormatter.BaseFormatter):
""" Produce XMLish output. """
def __init__ (self):
super (XMLishFormatter, self).__init__ ()
def fix_dc (self, dc, os):
""" Tweak dc. """
def has_std_path (file_obj):
2019-06-07 15:42:09 +00:00
''' so cloudstorage links can be elided when the url is non-standard'''
if file_obj.filetype == 'pdf':
return (file_obj.url)
return True
2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
super (XMLishFormatter, self).fix_dc (dc, os)
# generated_files always [] AFAICT -esh
2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
for file_ in dc.generated_files:
file_.help_topic = file_.hr_filetype
file_.compression = 'none'
file_.encoding = None
for file_ in dc.files + dc.generated_files:
type_ = six.text_type (file_.mediatypes[0])
m = type_.partition (';')[0]
if m in CLOUD_TYPES and has_std_path (file_):
2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
file_.dropbox_url = os.url (
'dropbox_send', id = dc.project_gutenberg_id, filetype = file_.filetype)
file_.gdrive_url = os.url (
'gdrive_send', id = dc.project_gutenberg_id, filetype = file_.filetype)
file_.msdrive_url = os.url (
'msdrive_send', id = dc.project_gutenberg_id, filetype = file_.filetype)
# these are used as relative links
if file_.generated and not file_.filetype.startswith ('cover.'):
2019-09-09 17:59:59 +00:00
file_.filename = "ebooks/%d.%s" % (dc.project_gutenberg_id, file_.filetype)
file_.filename = file_.filename + '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode (
{ 'session_id': str ( } )
2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
for file_ in dc.files:
file_.honeypot_url = os.url (
'honeypot_send', id = dc.project_gutenberg_id, filetype = file_.filetype)
def format (self, page, os):
""" Format to HTML. """
for e in os.entries:
if isinstance (e, BaseSearcher.DC):
self.fix_dc (e, os)
# loop again because fix:dc appends things
for e in os.entries:
if isinstance (e, BaseSearcher.Cat):
if e.url:
e.icon2 = e.icon2 or 'next'
e.class_ += 'grayed'
if os.title_icon:
os.class_ += 'icon_' + os.title_icon
os.entries.sort (key = operator.attrgetter ('order'))
return self.render (page, os)
class HTMLFormatter (XMLishFormatter):
""" Produce HTML output. """
CONTENT_TYPE = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'
DOCTYPE = ('html',
'-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN',
def __init__ (self):
super (HTMLFormatter, self).__init__ ()
def get_serializer (self):
# return BaseFormatter.XHTMLSerializer (doctype = self.DOCTYPE, strip_whitespace = False)
return genshi.output.XHTMLSerializer (doctype = self.DOCTYPE, strip_whitespace = False)
def fix_dc (self, dc, os):
""" Add some info to dc for easier templating.
Also make sure that dc `walks like a cat´. """
super (HTMLFormatter, self).fix_dc (dc, os)
#for author in dc.authors:
# author.authors_page_url = (
# "/browse/authors/%s#a%d" % ([:1].lower (),
if dc.new_filesystem:
dc.base_dir = "/files/%d/" % dc.project_gutenberg_id
# dc.mirror_dir = gg.archive_dir (dc.project_gutenberg_id)
dc.base_dir = None
# dc.mirror_dir = None
dc.magnetlink = None
# hide all txt files but the first one
txtcount = showncount = 0
for file_ in dc.files + dc.generated_files:
filetype = file_.filetype or ''
file_.hidden = False
if filetype in NO_DESKTOP_FILETYPES:
file_.hidden = True
if file_.compression != 'none':
file_.hidden = True
if filetype.startswith ('txt'):
if txtcount > 0:
file_.hidden = True
txtcount += 1
if filetype != 'txt':
file_.encoding = None
if file_.encoding:
file_.hr_filetype += ' ' + file_.encoding.upper ()
if filetype.startswith ('html') and file_.compression == 'none':
file_.hr_filetype = 'Read this book online: {}'.format (file_.hr_filetype)
if not file_.hidden:
showncount += 1
# if we happened to hide everything, show all files
if showncount == 0:
for file_ in dc.files + dc.generated_files:
file_.hidden = False
class MobileFormatter (XMLishFormatter):
""" Produce HTML output suitable for mobile devices. """
CONTENT_TYPE = mt.xhtml + '; charset=UTF-8'
DOCTYPE = ('html',
'-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.2//EN',
def __init__ (self):
super (MobileFormatter, self).__init__ ()
def get_serializer (self):
return genshi.output.XMLSerializer (doctype = self.DOCTYPE, strip_whitespace = False)
def fix_dc (self, dc, os):
""" Add some info to dc for easier templating.
Also make sure that dc `walks like a cat´. """
super (MobileFormatter, self).fix_dc (dc, os)
for file_ in dc.files + dc.generated_files:
if len (file_.mediatypes) == 1:
type_ = six.text_type (file_.mediatypes[0])
m = type_.partition (';')[0]
cat = BaseSearcher.Cat ()
cat.type = file_.mediatypes[0]
cat.header = _('Download')
cat.title = file_.hr_filetype
cat.extra = file_.hr_extent
cat.charset = file_.encoding
2019-09-09 16:47:24 +00:00
cat.url = '/' + file_.filename
2019-03-28 13:45:03 +00:00
cat.icon = dc.icon
cat.icon2 = 'download'
cat.class_ += 'filelink'
cat.order = 20
os.entries.append (cat)