from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import typing from threading import Thread import bs4 import ebooklib from ebooklib import epub from .descengine import DescEngine from .ocrengine import OCREngine from .langengine import LangEngine DEFOPTIONS = { "withContext": True, "withHash": True, "multiThreaded": True, "version": 2, } ### ALTTEXT CLASSES class AltText(ABC): @abstractmethod def setDescEngine(self, descEngine: DescEngine) -> bool: """Sets current description engine. Args: descEngine (DescEngine): A description engine. Returns: bool: True if successful. """ pass @abstractmethod def setOCREngine(self, ocrEngine: OCREngine) -> bool: """Sets current OCR engine. Args: ocrEngine (OCREngine): An OCR engine. Returns: bool: True if successful. """ pass @abstractmethod def setLangEngine(self, langEngine: LangEngine) -> bool: """Sets current language engine. Args: langEngine (LangEngine): A language engine. Returns: bool: True if successful. """ pass @abstractmethod def setOptions(self, options: dict) -> bool: """Sets current options. Args: options (dict): A subset of DEFOPTIONS. See DEFOPTIONS constant for possible fields. Returns: bool: True if successful. """ pass @abstractmethod def checkData(self) -> bool: """Checks if current data exists. Returns: bool: True if data exists. Raises: Exception: If no data exists. """ pass # PARSING METHODS @abstractmethod def parse(self, data: str) -> typing.Union[bs4.BeautifulSoup, epub.EpubBook]: """Parses data into a BeautifulSoup or EpubBook object. Args: data (str): HTML or EPUB data. Returns: bs4.BeautifulSoup | epub.EpubBook: The BeautifulSoup or EpubBook object stored in """ pass @abstractmethod def parseFile(self, filepath: str) -> typing.Union[bs4.BeautifulSoup, epub.EpubBook]: """Parses data from a file into a BeautifulSoup or EpubBook object. Args: filepath (str): Path to HTML or EPUB file. Returns: bs4.BeautifulSoup | epub.EpubBook: The BeautifulSoup or EpubBook object stored in """ pass @abstractmethod def getAllImgs(self) -> typing.List[bs4.element.Tag]: """Gets all img tags. Returns: typing.List[bs4.element.Tag]: A list of img tags. """ pass @abstractmethod def getNoAltImgs(self) -> typing.List[bs4.element.Tag]: """Gets all img tags that either do not have an alt attribute or alt.strip() is an empty string. Returns: typing.List[bs4.element.Tag]: A list of img tags. """ pass @abstractmethod def getImg(self, src: str) -> bs4.element.Tag: """Gets an img tag given a src. Args: src (str): Image source. Returns: bs4.element.Tag: An img tag. """ pass @abstractmethod def setAlt(self, src: str, text: str) -> bs4.element.Tag: """Sets the alt of an img tag given a src. Args: src (str): Image source. text (str): New alt-text. Returns: bs4.element.Tag: Newly modified img tag. """ pass @abstractmethod def setAlts(self, associations: list[dict]) -> list[bs4.element.Tag]: """Sets the alt of multiple img tags given a list of associations. Args: associations (list[dict]): A list of associations. Must have keys "src" and "alt". Returns: list[bs4.element.Tag]: A list of newly modified img tags. """ pass @abstractmethod def export(self) -> typing.Union[str, epub.EpubBook]: """Exports the current data. Returns: str | epub.EpubBook: A string of HTML or an epub.EpubBook object. """ pass @abstractmethod def exportToFile(self, path: str) -> str: """Exports the current data to a file. Args: path (str): A path to the file to be written. Returns: str: The path to the file written. """ pass # GENERATIVE METHODS @abstractmethod def ingest(self) -> bool: """Uploads the current data and to the language engine for ingestion. This allows the language engine to reference the current data as a document. Returns: bool: True if successful. Raises: Exception: If no langEngine is set. """ pass @abstractmethod def degest(self) -> bool: """Deletes the current data from the language engine. Returns: bool: True if successful. Raises: Exception: If no langEngine is set. """ pass @abstractmethod def getImgData(self, src: str) -> bytes: """Gets byte data of an image given a src. Args: src (str): Image source. Returns: bytes: Image data as bytes. """ pass @abstractmethod def getContext(self, tag: bs4.Tag) -> list[str]: """Gets the context of an img tag. Context being the text immediately before and after the img tag. Args: tag (bs4.Tag): The img tag to get context for. Returns: list[str]: A list of length 2. The first element is the text immediately before the img tag. The second element is the text immediately after the img tag. """ pass @abstractmethod def genChars(self, imgData: bytes, src: str) -> str: """Searches for characters in an image. Args: imgData (bytes): Image data as bytes. src (str): Source of the image. Returns: str: String of characters found in the image. """ pass @abstractmethod def genDesc(self, imgData: bytes, src: str, context: str = None) -> str: """Generates a description of an image. Args: imgData (bytes): Image data as bytes. src (str): Source of the image. context (str, optional): Context for an image. See getContext for more information. Defaults to None. Returns: str: Description of the image. """ pass @abstractmethod def genAltTextV1(self, src: str) -> str: """Generates alt-text for an image given its source. Uses V1 Dataflow model. This means the description and characters are generated and optionally refined separately. Args: src (str): Source of the image. Returns: str: Generated alt-text for the image. """ pass @abstractmethod def genAltTextV2(self, src: str) -> str: """Generates alt-text for an image given its source. Uses V2 Dataflow model. This means the description and characters are generated and then alt-text is generated using both pieces of information. Args: src (str): Source of the image. Returns: str: Generated alt-text for the image. """ pass @abstractmethod def genAltText(self, src: str) -> str: """Generates alt-text for an image given its source and current options. Args: src (str): Source of the image. Returns: str: Generated alt-text for the image. """ pass @abstractmethod def genAssociation( self, tag: bs4.element.Tag, ) -> dict: """Generates alt-text and returns an association given an img tag and current options. Args: tag (bs4.element.Tag): Image tag to make an association for. Returns: dict: The association. Must have keys "src" and "alt". If "withHash" is True, must also have key "hash". """ pass @abstractmethod def _genAltAssociationsST( self, tags: list[bs4.element.Tag], ) -> list[dict]: """Generates alt-text and creates associations given a list of img tags and current options. Single threaded implementation. Args: tags (list[bs4.element.Tag]): List of img tags to make associations for. Returns: list[dict]: List of associations. Must have keys "src" and "alt". If "withHash" is True, must also have key "hash". """ pass @abstractmethod def _genAltAssociationsMT( self, tags: list[bs4.element.Tag], ) -> list[dict]: """Generates alt-text and creates associations given a list of img tags and current options. Multi threaded implementation. Args: tags (list[bs4.element.Tag]): List of img tags to make associations for. Returns: list[dict]: List of associations. Must have keys "src" and "alt". If "withHash" is True, must also have key "hash". """ pass @abstractmethod def genAltAssociations( self, tags: list[bs4.element.Tag], ) -> list[dict]: """Generates alt-text and creates associations given a list of img tags and current options. Automatically selects mutli or single threaded implementation based on current options. Args: tags (list[bs4.element.Tag]): List of img tags to make associations for. Returns: list[dict]: List of associations. Must have keys "src" and "alt". If "withHash" is True, must also have key "hash". """ pass ### HELPER METHODS def getSoup(content: str) -> bs4.BeautifulSoup: try: return bs4.BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") except Exception as htmlErr: try: return bs4.BeautifulSoup(content, features="xml") except Exception as xmlErr: raise Exception( f"Failed to parse the document as HTML: {htmlErr}\nFailed to parse the document as XML: {xmlErr}" ) ### IMPLEMENTATIONS class AltTextHTML(AltText): def __init__( self, descEngine: DescEngine, ocrEngine: OCREngine = None, langEngine: LangEngine = None, options: dict = {}, ) -> None: = None self.filename = None self.filedir = None self.descEngine = descEngine self.ocrEngine = ocrEngine self.langEngine = langEngine self.options = DEFOPTIONS for key in dict.keys(options): self.options[key] = options[key] return None def setDescEngine(self, descEngine: DescEngine) -> bool: self.descEngine = descEngine return True def setOCREngine(self, ocrEngine: OCREngine) -> bool: self.descEngine = ocrEngine return True def setLangEngine(self, langEngine: LangEngine) -> bool: self.descEngine = langEngine return True def setOptions(self, options: dict) -> bool: for key in dict.keys(options): self.options[key] = options[key] return True def checkData(self) -> bool: if not hasattr(self, "data") or == None: raise Exception("no data set. please use .parse or .parseFile") return True # PARSING METHODS def parse(self, html: str) -> bs4.BeautifulSoup: soup = getSoup(html) = soup return soup def parseFile(self, filepath: str) -> bs4.BeautifulSoup: with open(filepath, encoding="utf8") as html: self.filepath = filepath l = filepath.split("/") self.filename = l.pop() self.filedir = "/".join(l) + "/" return self.parse(html) def getAllImgs(self) -> typing.List[bs4.element.Tag]: self.checkData() imgs ="img") return imgs def getNoAltImgs(self) -> typing.List[bs4.element.Tag]: imgs = self.getAllImgs() noalt = [] for img in imgs: if not "alt" in img.attrs.keys() or img.attrs["alt"].strip() == "": noalt.append(img) return noalt def getImg(self, src: str) -> bs4.element.Tag: self.checkData() img ="img", src=src) return img def setAlt(self, src: str, text: str) -> bs4.element.Tag: self.checkData() img ="img", src=src) img.attrs["alt"] = text return img def setAlts(self, associations: list[dict]) -> list[bs4.element.Tag]: self.checkData() tags = [] for association in associations: tags.append(self.setAlt(association["src"], association["alt"])) return tags def export(self) -> str: self.checkData() html = return html def exportToFile(self, path: str) -> str: html = self.export() with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(html) return path # GENERATIVE METHODS def ingest(self) -> bool: if self.langEngine == None: raise Exception( "To use ingest, you must have an appropriate langEngine set." ) with open(self.filepath, "rb") as html: self.langEngine.ingest(self.filename, html) return True def degest(self) -> bool: if self.langEngine == None: raise Exception( "To use degest, you must have an appropriate langEngine set." ) self.langEngine.degest(self.filename) return True def __getImgFilePath(self, src: str) -> str: self.checkData() path = f"{self.filedir}{src}" return path def getImgData(self, src: str) -> bytes: path = self.__getImgFilePath(src) with open(path, "rb") as bin: bin = return bin def getContext(self, tag: bs4.Tag) -> list[str]: context = [None, None] elem = tag text = "" try: text = elem.text.strip() while text == "": elem = elem.previous_element text = elem.text.strip() context[0] = text except: print("error 0") context[0] = None elem = tag text = "" try: text = elem.text.strip() while text == "": elem = elem.previous_element text = elem.text.strip() context[1] = text except: print("error 1") context[1] = None print(context) return context def genChars(self, imgData: bytes, src: str) -> str: text = self.ocrEngine.genChars(imgData, src) return text def genDesc(self, imgData: bytes, src: str, context: str = None) -> str: alt = self.descEngine.genDesc(imgData, src, context) return alt def genAltTextV1(self, src: str) -> str: imgdata = self.getImgData(src) context = None if self.options["withContext"]: context = self.getContext(self.getImg(src)) desc = self.genDesc(imgdata, src, context) if self.langEngine != None: chars = self.langEngine.refineDesc(desc) alt = f"IMAGE CAPTION: {desc}" if self.ocrEngine != None: chars = self.genChars(imgdata, src) if self.langEngine != None: chars = self.langEngine.refineOCR(chars) alt = f"{alt}\nTEXT IN IMAGE: {chars}" return alt def genAltTextV2(self, src: str) -> str: imgdata = self.getImgData(src) context = [None, None] if self.options["withContext"]: context = self.getContext(self.getImg(src)) desc = self.genDesc(imgdata, src, context) chars = "" if self.ocrEngine != None: chars = self.genChars(imgdata, src).strip() if self.langEngine == None: raise Exception("To use version 2, you must have a langEngine set.") return self.langEngine.refineAlt(desc, chars, context, None) def genAltText(self, src: str) -> str: if self.options["version"] == 1: return self.genAltTextV1(src) return self.genAltTextV2(src) def genAssociation( self, tag: bs4.element.Tag, ) -> dict: src = tag.attrs["src"] alt = self.genAltText(src) association = {"src": src, "alt": alt} if self.options["withHash"]: data = self.getImgData(src) association["hash"] = hash(data) return association def _genAltAssociationsST(self, tags: list[bs4.element.Tag]) -> list[dict]: associations = [] for tag in tags: associations.append(self.genAssociation(tag)) return associations def _genAltAssociationsMT( self, tags: list[bs4.element.Tag], ) -> list[dict]: associations = [] def genAppend(tag): associations.append(self.genAssociation(tag)) threads: list[Thread] = [] for tag in tags: thread = Thread( target=genAppend, args=(tag,), ) thread.start() threads.append(thread) for thread in threads: thread.join() return associations def genAltAssociations( self, tags: list[bs4.element.Tag], ) -> list[dict]: if self.options["multiThreaded"]: return self._genAltAssociationsMT(tags) return self._genAltAssociationsST(tags) class AltTextEPUB(AltText): def __init__(self) -> None: return None def checkData(self) -> bool: if not hasattr(self, "data"): raise Exception("no data set. please use .parse or .parseFile") return True def parse(self, epub: epub.EpubBook) -> epub.EpubBook: = epub return def parseFile(self, filepath: str) -> epub.EpubBook: book = epub.read_epub(filepath, {"ignore_ncx": True}) = book return book def getAllImgs(self) -> typing.List[bs4.element.Tag]: documents = imgs = [] for docs in documents: # features="xml" soup = getSoup(docs.get_content()) imgsInDoc = soup.find_all("img") for img in imgsInDoc: imgs.append(img) return imgs def getNoAltImgs(self) -> typing.List[bs4.element.Tag]: imgs = self.getAllImgs() noalt = [] for img in imgs: if not "alt" in img.attrs.keys() or img.attrs["alt"].strip() == "": noalt.append(img) return noalt def setAlt(self, src: str, text: str): self.checkData() documents = for doc in documents: soup = getSoup(doc.get_content()) imgsInDoc = soup.find_all("img") for img in imgsInDoc: if img.attrs["src"] == src: img.attrs["alt"] = text newHtml = soup.prettify() doc.set_content(newHtml.encode("utf-8")) return raise Exception("unable to find image with src '{src}'".format(src=src)) def export(self) -> epub.EpubBook: self.checkData() return def exportToFile(self, path: str) -> str: epub.write_epub(path, self.export()) return path