# Alt-Text Backend A [OpenAPI documented](https://learn.openapis.org/) REST API for the [Alt-Text Project](https://github.com/EbookFoundation/alt-text). Developed as a Computer Science Senior Design Project at [Stevens Institute of Technology](https://www.stevens.edu/) in collaboration with the [Free Ebook Foundation](https://ebookfoundation.org/). [Learn more about the developers](#the-deveolpers). ## Getting Started ### Installation #### Alt-Text PyPi Package You'll first need to install the PyPi package for the [Alt-Text Project](https://github.com/EbookFoundation/alt-text). You can find the PyPi package [here](https://pypi.org/project/alt-text/). To install the package via, you can execute the following in a terminal for your respective system... Windows
`py -m pip install alt-text` Unix/MacOS
`python3 -m pip install alt-text` #### Postgres The Alt-Text Backend needs an instance of [Postgres](https://www.postgresql.org/) to operate. You can use one hosted elsewhere or [download Postgres](https://www.postgresql.org/download/). #### Backend Dependencies Make sure to install all the required PyPi dependencies for the backend using the following... Windows
`py -m pip install -r requirements.txt` Unix/MacOS
`python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt` ### Configuration Before running the server, you'll need to start by configuring the settings of the server. To start, rename the `.env.example` file to just `.env`. #### Postgres Configuration You'll need to change the database configuration settings to your appropriate credentials... ```bash # DATABASE OPTIONS DATABASE_NAME=postgres DATABASE_HOST= DATABASE_USER=postgres DATABASE_PASSWORD=testpassword DATABASE_PORT=5432 ``` #### General Analyzation Options You can change the analyzation options to your liking... ```bash ## GENERAL OPTIONS ALT_WITH_CONTEXT=1 ALT_WITH_HASH=1 ALT_MULTITHREADED=0 ### ALT_VERSION OPTIONS: 1, 2 ALT_VERSION=2 ``` #### Engine Options The Alt-Text Backend requires that you have a Description, OCR, and Language Engine (info can be found at [Alt-Text Project README](https://github.com/EbookFoundation/alt-text)). ##### Selecting Engine Types You must declare which engines you are using. ```bash ## DESC_ENGINE OPTIONS: replicateapi, bliplocal, googlevertexapi DESC_ENGINE=replicateapi ## OCR_ENGINE OPTIONS: tesseract OCR_ENGINE=tesseract ## LANG_ENGINE OPTIONS: privategpt, openaiapi LANG_ENGINE=openaiapi ``` ##### Configuring Engine Options You must fulfill the options for the engines you're using. ```bash # DESC_ENGINE CONFIG OPTIONS ## REPLICATEAPI REPLICATE_KEY=r8_somekey ## BLIPLOCAL BLIPLOCAL_DIR=/path/to/image-captioning ## GOOGLEVERTEXAPI VERTEX_PROJECT_ID=example-123456 ### VERTEX_LOCATION OPTIONS: https://cloud.google.com/vertex-ai/docs/general/locations VERTEX_LOCATION=us-central1 VERTEX_GAC_PATH=/path/to/vertex-key.json # OCR_ENGINE CONFIG OPTIONS ## TESSERACT TESSERACT_PATH=/path/to/tesseract.exe # LANG_ENGINE CONFIG OPTIONS ## OPENAIAPI OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-1234567890 ### OPENAI_MODEL OPTIONS: https://platform.openai.com/docs/models OPENAI_MODEL=gpt-3.5-turbo ## PRIVATEGPT PRIVATEGPT_HOST=http://localhost:8001 ``` ### Starting the Server You can start the server with the following... `py manage.py runserver` ### Usage You can see the all routes/features in the `openapi.yaml` file. We'd recommend to use a visuallizer for it, such as [Swagger](https://editor.swagger.io/). ## Our Mission The Alt-Text project is developed for the [Free Ebook Foundation](https://ebookfoundation.org/) as a Senior Design Project at [Stevens Institute of Technology](https://www.stevens.edu/). As Ebooks become a more prominant way to consume written materials, it only becomes more important for them to be accessible to all people. Alternative text (aka alt-text) in Ebooks are used as a way for people to understand images in Ebooks if they are unable to use images as intended (e.g. a visual impaired person using a screen reader to read an Ebook). While this feature exists, it is still not fully utilized and many Ebooks lack alt-text in some, or even all their images. To illustrate this, the [Gutenberg Project](https://gutenberg.org/), the creator of the Ebook and now a distributor of Public Domain Ebooks, have over 70,000 Ebooks in their collection and of those, there are about 470,000 images without alt-text (not including images with insufficient alt-text). The Alt-Text project's goal is to use the power of various AI technologies, such as machine vision and large language models, to craft a solution capable of assisting in the creation of alt-text for Ebooks, closing the accessibility gap and improving collections, such as the [Gutenberg Project](https://gutenberg.org/). ### Contact Information The emails and relevant information of those involved in the Alt-Text project can be found below. #### The Deveolpers - Jack Byrne - jbyrne4@stevens.edu - David Cruz - da.cruz@aol.com - [David's Website](https://xxmistacruzxx.github.io/) - [David's Github](https://github.com/xxmistacruzxx) - [David's LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidalexandercruz/) - Jared Donnelly - jdonnel3@stevens.edu - Ethan Kleschinsky - ekleschi@stevens.edu - Tyler Lane - tlane@stevens.edu - Carson Lee - clee27@stevens.edu #### The Client - Eric Hellman - eric@hellman.net #### Advisor - Aaron Klappholz - aklappho@stevens.edu ## APIs, Tools, & Libraries Used Alt-Text Backend is developed using an assortment of tools... ### Development Tools Alt-Text Backend is developed using... - [Django](https://www.djangoproject.com/) - [Django Rest Framework](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/) - [python-dotenv](https://pypi.org/project/python-dotenv/)